1,020 research outputs found

    Les volontaires lyonnais en Espagne républicaine, 1936-1938

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    L'article tente une brève synthèse sur les volontaires du Rhône partis en Espagne républicaine. Il s'agit d'évoquer dans un premier temps leurs origines politiques — une majorité vient du Parti communiste qui envoie en Espagne ses " cadres moyens ", mais certains étaient socialistes ou anarchistes —, syndicales — et essentiellement la CGT —, sociales — comme en Espagne, ce sont surtout les ouvriers qui se mobilisent pour la cause antifasciste — et nationales — beaucoup des volontaires lyonnais sont d'origine espagnole ou italienne —, ainsi que la question de leur nombre, problématique car le manque de source concernant cet engagement semi-clandestin se fait sentir. Dans un second temps, sont étudiées les modalités de départs, individuels ou par convois, et les différents acteurs du recrutement — tenu par le Parti communiste — et sur lequel les rapports de police nous renseignent. Il n'est pas ici question du parcours en Espagne de ces volontaires, ni des suites qu'ils donnèrent à leur engagement durant la Seconde guerre mondiale ; seuls sont traités dans ce texte les caractéristiques socio-politiques des volontaires du Rhône et les modalités de leur engagement pour la cause espagnole.  This article is a brief synthesis about the volunteers from the Rhône who have fought with the spanish republicans. First, it tempts to define their political extractions — most of them come from the Communist party which send to Spain its promising officers, but some of them were socialists or anarchists , their social extractions  as in Spain, the antifascist cause summons up all the strength of the labour classes —, their national extractions — in the Rhône, a lot of volunteers are spanish or italian. The question of their number is tackled, but the lack of archives does not allow an accurate estimation. Second, the conditions of departures — which are organized by the communist party —, the individual or collective ones, the recruitment and its agents, are studed. This article does neither deal with the itinerary of the volunteers in Spain, nor with their involvment during the second World War. It only try to explain the social and political conditions of the involvment for the spanish republican fight.

    Prolonged Recovery From General Anesthesia Possibly Related to Persistent Hypoxemia in a Draft Horse

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    Horses are susceptible to developing large areas of pulmonary atelectasis during recumbency and anesthesia. The subsequent pulmonary shunt is responsible for significant impairment of oxygenation. Since ventilation perfusion mismatch persists into the post-operative period, hypoxemia remains an important concern in the recovery stall. This case report describes the diagnosis and supportive therapy of persistent hypoxemia in a 914 kg draft horse after isoflurane anesthesia. It highlights how challenging it can be to deal with hypoxemia after disconnection from the anesthesia machine and how life-threatening it can become if refractory to treatment. Furthermore, it stresses the point on the interactions between hypoxemia and other factors, such as residual drug effects and hypothermia, that should also be considered in the case of delayed recovery from general anesthesia

    French CrowS-Pairs: Extension à une langue autre que l'anglais d'un corpus de mesure des biais sociétaux dans les modèles de langue masqués

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    National audienceTo widen the scope of bias studies in natural language processing beyond American English we introduce material for measuring social bias in language models against demographic groups in France. We extend the CrowS-pairs dataset with 1,677 sentence pairs in French that cover stereotypes in ten types of bias. 1,467 sentence pairs are translated from CrowS-pairs and 210 are newly crowdsourced and translated back into English. The sentence pairs contrast stereotypes concerning underadvantaged groups with the same sentence concerning advantaged groups. We find that four widely used language models favor sentences that express stereotypes in most bias categories. We report on the translation process and offer guidelines to further extend the dataset to other languages.Afin de permettre l'étude des biais en traitement automatique de la langue au delà de l'anglais américain, nous enrichissons le corpus américain CrowS-pairs de 1 677 paires de phrases en français représentant des stéréotypes portant sur dix catégories telles que le genre. 1 467 paires de phrases sont traduites à partir de CrowS-pairs et 210 sont nouvellement recueillies puis traduites en anglais. Selon le principe des paires minimales, les phrases du corpus contrastent un énoncé stéréotypé concernant un groupe défavorisé et son équivalent pour un groupe favorisé. Nous montrons que quatre modèles de langue favorisent les énoncés qui expriment des stéréotypes dans la plupart des catégories. Nous décrivons le processus de traduction et formulons des recommandations pour étendre le corpus à d'autres langues. Attention : Cet article contient des énoncés de stéréotypes qui peuvent être choquants

    Use of a Citizen Science Platform for the Creation of a Language Resource to Study Bias in Language Models for French: a case study

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    International audienceThere is a growing interest in the evaluation of bias, fairness and social impact of Natural Language Processing models and tools. However, little resources are available for this task in languages other than English. Translation of resources originally developed for English is a promising research direction. However, there is also a need for complementing translated resources by newly sourced resources in the original languages and social contexts studied. In order to collect a language resource for the study of biases in Language Models for French, we decided to resort to citizen science. We created three tasks on the LanguageARC citizen science platform to assist with the translation of an existing resource from English into French as well as the collection of complementary resources in native French. We successfully collected data for all three tasks from a total of 102 volunteer participants. Participants from different parts of the world contributed and we noted that although calls sent to mailing lists had a positive impact on participation, some participants pointed barriers to contributions due to the collection platform

    French CrowS-Pairs: Extending a challenge dataset for measuring social bias in masked language models to a language other than English

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    International audienceWarning: This paper contains explicit statements of offensive stereotypes which may be upsetting. Much work on biases in natural language processing has addressed biases linked to the social and cultural experience of English speaking individuals in the United States. We seek to widen the scope of bias studies by creating material to measure social bias in language models (LMs) against specific demographic groups in France. We build on the US-centered CrowS-pairs dataset to create a multilingual stereotypes dataset that allows for comparability across languages while also characterizing biases that are specific to each country and language. We introduce 1,677 sentence pairs in French that cover stereotypes in ten types of bias like gender and age. 1,467 sentence pairs are translated from CrowS-pairs and 210 are newly crowdsourced and translated back into English. The sentence pairs contrast stereotypes concerning underadvantaged groups with the same sentence concerning advantaged groups. We find that four widely used language models (three French, one multilingual) favor sentences that express stereotypes in most bias categories. We report on the translation process, which led to a characterization of stereotypes in CrowS-pairs including the identification of US-centric cultural traits. We offer guidelines to further extend the dataset to other languages and cultural environments

    Drivers of HIV-1 drug resistance to non-nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) in nine southern African countries: a modelling study.

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    INTRODUCTION: The rise of HIV-1 drug resistance to non-nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTI) threatens antiretroviral therapy's long-term success (ART). NNRTIs will remain an essential drug for the management of HIV-1 due to safety concerns associated with integrase inhibitors. We fitted a dynamic transmission model to historical data from 2000 to 2018 in nine countries of southern Africa to understand the mechanisms that have shaped the HIV-1 epidemic and the rise of pretreatment NNRTI resistance. METHODS: We included data on HIV-1 prevalence, ART coverage, HIV-related mortality, and survey data on pretreatment NNRTI resistance from nine southern Africa countries from a systematic review, UNAIDS and World Bank. Using a Bayesian hierarchical framework, we developed a dynamic transmission model linking data on the HIV-1 epidemic to survey data on NNRTI drug resistance in each country. We estimated the proportion of resistance attributable to unregulated, off-programme use of ART. We examined each national ART programme's vulnerability to NNRTI resistance by defining a fragility index: the ratio of the rate of NNRTI resistance emergence during first-line ART over the rate of switching to second-line ART. We explored associations between fragility and characteristics of the health system of each country. RESULTS: The model reliably described the dynamics of the HIV-1 epidemic and NNRTI resistance in each country. Predicted levels of resistance in 2018 ranged between 3.3% (95% credible interval 1.9-7.1) in Mozambique and 25.3% (17.9-33.8) in Eswatini. The proportion of pretreatment NNRTI resistance attributable to unregulated antiretroviral use ranged from 6% (2-14) in Eswatini to 64% (26-85) in Mozambique. The fragility index was low in Botswana (0.01; 0.0-0.11) but high in Namibia (0.48; 0.16-10.17), Eswatini (0.64; 0.23-11.8) and South Africa (1.21; 0.83-9.84). The combination of high fragility of ART programmes and high ART coverage levels was associated with a sharp increase in pretreatment NNRTI resistance. CONCLUSIONS: This comparison of nine countries shows that pretreatment NNRTI resistance can be controlled despite high ART coverage levels. This was the case in Botswana, Mozambique, and Zambia, most likely because of better HIV care delivery, including rapid switching to second-line ART of patients failing first-line ART

    Extrémités nord du bassin Nord-Fidjien et des fossés arrière-arc des Nouvelles-Hébrides : morphostructure et signature magnétique

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    Les données obtenues lors de la campagne Santa Cruz (novembre - décembre 1991, No Le Norois), couplées aux données antérieures, permettent de présenter des cartes bathymétrique, magnétique et structurale complètes des terminaisons nord du bassin Nord-Fidjien et des fossés arrière-arc des Nouvelles-Hébrides. Aucun arc volcanique ne borde au Sud la paléo-fosse du Vitiaz. Deux systèmes d'accrétion, orientés NW-SE puis E-W et reconnus respectivement jusqu'à 8°30'S et 9°S, sont à l'origine de la formation du coin N-W du bassin. La ride de Tikopia pourrait correspondre ou se surimposer à l'axe sub-E-W du second système d'ouverture. Plus au Nord, cet axe serait décalé par la ride West Tikopia et se situerait au niveau de la ride de 9°30'S. L'expression topographique du domaine des fossés résulte essentiellement de la construction de la ride volcanique de Duff, continue sur 400 km. La partie orientale de ce domaine n'est finalement que la bordure ouest du bassin Nord-Fidjien. La partie occidentale du domaine des fossés est installée sur le bord de l'arc; sa terminaison nord correspond à un graben intra-arc sub E-W, le fossé de Santa Cruz. (Résumé d'auteur

    Intestinal kinetics from digestion of milk proteins in humans

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    Objective. We aim to assess in humans the intestinal digestion of two protein fractions from milk, i.e. a soluble (SP) and non-soluble (casein; CAS) proteins, that exhibit opposite chemical and digestive characteristics