64 research outputs found

    Names of springs and wells in Croatia

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    Imena vrela na hrvatskom području kao i nazivlje za obilježavanje te skupine zemljopisnih objekata predstavlja jednu od najzanimljivijih cjelina unutar hrvatske toponomastike. U toj se semantičkoj skupini iskazuju bogate mogućnosti motivacijskih poticaja imenovanja koje se očituju u velikoj leksičkoj raznolikosti i specifičnoj arealnoj rasprostranjenosti pojavljivanja pojedinih apelativa i od njih tvorenih imena. Hrvatsko nazivlje u sebi objedinjuje ne samo slavensko jezično naslijeđe već i supstratne i adstratne leksičke nanose, osobito na rubnim hrvatskim područjima. Jedinstveni položaj unutar skupine slavenskih jezika odražava se i u činjenici da samo hrvatski jezik bilježi i nekolicinu naziva kojima se označavaju podmorska vrela, od kojih su neki nastali kao jezične prilagodbe primarno aloglotskih leksema. U radu se obrađuje preko 80 temeljnih vodnih imenica i njihovih izvedenica kojima se obilježavaju vreliÅ”ta, daju se osnovna etimoÅ”ka tumačenja i analizira distribucija njihovih hidronimnih odraza.Names of springs and wells in Croatia, together with terms used for this group of geographical objects are one of the most interesting parts of Croatian toponomastics. This semantic group displays rich possibilities of name-forming incentives and motives which are manifested in the great lexical diversity and specific areal diffusion of individual appelatives and names derived from them. This group is of a special interest for the study of interlinguistic and interdialectal relations not only in the South Slavic area as a whole, but also on the wider Slavic territory. It should be pointed out that Croatian terms bring together not only Slavic linguistic heritage but also substratic and adstratic lexical layers, which is especially prominent in Croatian border regions. This unique position within the group of Slavic languages is clearly reflected in the fact that only Croatian has several terms for submarine springs, some of which are adaptations of primary alloglotic lexems. The author examines etymologically almost 80 geographical terms for springs and wells trying to determine their diachronic background and distribution on historic Croatian territory. The paper presents a well-documented survey of Croatian hydronymy, providing information on the structure and semantics of the relevant toponyms

    O sinonimnim indoeuropskim korijenima u hidronimiji

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    U radu se upozorava na problem velikoga broja rekonstruiranih indoeuropskih korijenskih morfema s osnovnim značenjem "teći", "trčati" i sl. Prema analizi semantizma korijena u imenima važnijih europskih rijeka Praindoeuropljani su poznavali tridesetak glagola s vrlo ograničenim značenjskim pomacima kojima su obilježavali protjecanje vode. Takvim se tumač enjem pripisuju indoeuropskomu prajeziku obilježja kakva nema niti jedan od jezika koji se poslije razvio iz indoeuropskoga, a ni bilo kakav ljudski jezik uopće

    Old-European hydronymy

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    U članku se pokuÅ”ava objasniti pojam staroeuropskoga jezičnoga sloja s pomoću kojega Hans Krahe objaÅ”njava neprijeporne podudarnosti u imenima voda na Å”irokom i jezično nepovezanom europskom prostoru. Navode se i osnovne kritike pojma jezične ā€œStare Europeā€ kao i smjernice za proučavanje staroeuropskoga sloja u hidronimiji na hrvatskom području.In this paper the author tries to explain the meaning of the term ā€œOld-European/alteuropƤischā€. By this term Hans Krahe explained correspondences that he had noticed in the names of waters in different and linguistically unrelated European linguistic zones. Some critical opinions on this subject are also discussed. Finally, the importance of analyzing the oldest hydronymic stratum for the ethnogenesis and migration movements of the Croats has been pointed out

    The structure of the onomastic entry in the encyclopaedic dictionary

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    U radu se sažeto prikazuje jedan od mogućih modela obradbe onomastičke građe u enciklopedijskome rječniku. Predloženi se obrazac ilustrira na nekolicini tipičnih primjera iz nedavno objavljenoga Hrvatskoga enciklopedijskoga rječnika i sažeto uspoređuje s primjerima obradbe onomastičkih natuknica u Skokovu etimologijskome rječniku.Onomastic data is rarely an obligatory component of a dictionary. The Croatian Encyclopedic Dictionary is the first dictionary in the long and rich Croatian lexicographic tradition to include extensive onomastic material. Since it was conceived as a descriptive rather than normative dictionary, its corpus by far exceeds the basic lexicographic corpus of standard Croatian. The decision to include the various names into the encyclopedic dictionary has resulted in the inclusion of a number of various dialectal and regional forms, as well as words which are not productive in standard Croatian any longer. Primarily, there are many non-transparent geographical terms which have left a permanent trace in toponymy, as well as numerous loanwords, which at least were onomastically productive when Croatian family names were established. The paper presents one of the possible models of including and elaborating onomastic material in the encyclopedic dictionary

    What Do Names Tell Us About Our Former Occupations?

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    The paper will analyze some linguistic, primarily onomastic evidence of still existent or extinct crafts and occupations within the framework of the former social structure. Many onetime crafts became extinct in the course of time, but traces of their former diffusion and importance can be reconstructed from their onomastic, primarily, anthroponomastic reflections. Similar surnames motivated by occupation can be found all across Europe. Some surname statistics in various European countries are given in the paper

    The importance of hydronymy in the study of Slavic ethnogenesis

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    U radu se nastoji upozoriti na značenje hidronomastičkih proučavanja za razjaÅ”njavanje nekih elemenata slavenske etnogeneze, odnosno preciznije lociranje prvotnih prebivaliÅ”ta Slavena, a time i Hrvata. Lingvistika, pa tako ni onomastika ne mogu naravno same dati konačne odgovore na ta složena pitanja, iako u novijim etnogenetskim proučavanjima igraju sve zapaženiju ulogu. Proučavanje problema slavenske etnogeneze nužno je razmatrati uspoređujući rezultate raznih znanstvenih disciplina, prvenstveno povijesti, etnologije i arheologije, s rezultatima komparativnih jezičnih izučavanja, koja se jednim dijelom temelje upravo na hidronimijskom materijalu.The study draws attention to the significance of hydronymic research in solving certain elements of Slavic, thus also Croatian original homeland and ethnogenesis. In considering the earliest history of the Slavs, the relationship between Baltic and Slavic languages as well as postulating the existence of a Balto-Slavic ethnolinguistic community represents a major problem. This study presents various views on the problem that can be inferred from hydronymic data. Though onomastics play an ever more important role in recent studies, it cannot by itself, nor can linguistics as a whole, give definitive answers to the complex problems of Slavic ethnogenesis. It may be possible to gain new insights into Slavic prehistory, namely to locate more precisely the original habitat of the Slavs, and thus of the Croats as well, only through all inclusive understanding and comparison of the findings of various disciplines, foremost of archeology and ethnology, with those of comparative linguistics which are to a large extent based on hydronymic materials
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