1,583 research outputs found

    Effect of Cyclosporine on the Rate of Renal Function Recovery After Renal Transplantation

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    To assess the effect of cyclosporine therapy on the rate of renal function recovery after renal transplantation, patients with no clinical evidence of rejection and who were treated with either cyclosporine or azathioprine in addition to steroid therapy were studied (n = 74). Of the patients with immediate renal function (n = 57), those receiving organs from living, related donors had a faster recovery rate of glomerular filtration than patients with cadaveric grafts (azathioprine, 15 ± 2 versus 7 ± 1 mL/min/day, P = 0.0001; cyclosporine, 14 ± 3 versus 6 ± 1 mL/min/day, P = 0.001). Recipients of cadaveric grafts with delayed renal function (n = 17) had a decreased recovery rate of allograft function when treated with cyclosporine as compared to those treated with azathioprine (4 ± 2 versus 6 ± 1 mL/min/day, respectively; P = 0.026). Patients on azathioprine achieved better renal function (P = 0.01) than those on cyclosporine (recipients of organs from living, related donors, 59 ± 5 versus 52 ± 3 mL/min; recipients of cadaveric grafts, 52 ± 5 versus 40 ± 2 mL/min). Thus, even in this early period, cadaveric-graft recipients treated with cyclosporine demonstrate an apparent reduction in creatinine clearance when compared to patients treated with azathioprine

    BETA - An Overview of Instructional Technology

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    In today’s K-12 education, technology is integrated into the classroom. Pre-service teachers need to have a good foundational knowledge of technology for instruction. An Overview of Instructional Technology is designed to teach a vast array of digital tools available to make the classroom and life more interactive, efficient, and connected. Fifteen-chapters cover everything from a brief overview of computer basics to popular productivity systems, learning management systems, and web-based tools and applications for a variety of content areas. The top resources for educational technology are highlighted and a section on OER is included. An entire chapter is dedicated to Google. Online learning and mobile learning devices are explored as well as internet safety and social networking. Copyright and fair use is explained with resources on how to search for images that are acceptable to use. Pre-service teachers will learn and be more confident not only integrating technology, but entering the classroom as well.https://scholars.fhsu.edu/all_oer/1003/thumbnail.jp

    Business Management of The Small Denominational College

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    Education is big business . This statement does not refer to the vast importance of education in a democracy, but rather to the financial operation of education . In order to operate our many institutions of higher learning, millions of dollars are spent . Education as well as industry was affected by the economic depression of our country and of the world during the early thirties . Income of the higher institutions of learning was decreasing and enrollment was on the decline , yet the amount of income and expenditure during this period was tremendous . The denominational college, or church controlled and supported college, plays an important role in this vast undertaking of higher education. Mr. Gould Wickey, Secretary-treasurer of the National Commission on Christian Higher Education or the Association of American Colleges, informs the writer that there are seven hundred seventy-nine denominational colleges in the United States. In fact the Kansas Educational Directory of 1945-46 lists a total of twenty- one institutions of higher learning within the state . Of this list of twenty- one , fourteen , or sixty-seven per cent, are church related colleges . In this study it is the desire of the writer to determine the age, sex, training, experience, duties, and responsibilities of the business manager of the small denominational college. By small denominational college is meant a church related school with an enrollment of less than two thousand students. The reason for making a study only of the small school is that it is difficult to compare the financial operation of the small and large school. Enrollment will be the only factor considered. No distinction will be made as to junior college or the four year college, or a combination of academy and college. If a college and academy are operated as a single unit, the total enrollment will determine whether the school will be included in this study

    A Study of The State Aid Laws And Their Application In Certain Selected States

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    Upon exploration of recent literature pertaining to school finance, abundant evidence was found to support the contention that state aid is necessary for adequate financial support for public education. The writer has been interested in educational finance for some time, and, after considerable investigation, has chosen a thesis problem which is: To study the school laws pertaining to school finance and their application in certain selected states and to suggest modifications to the state aid laws in Kansas

    The Economics of Selling Crop Residue Biomass for Cellulosic Ethanol Production at the Farm Level

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    A partial budget decision making framework has been developed to assist crop producers in analyzing the profitability of selling cellulosic biomass from their fields for ethanol production. A multidisciplinary approach is taken in assessing the agronomic and economic factors relevant to biomass contract sales decisions – with direct application made to western Great Plains cropping systems and enterprises. Within this framework the benefits of increased revenue from cellulosic biomass contract sales and potential government assistance payments are considered against possible decreased revenue from diminished crop yields resulting from less crop residue cover and subsequent soil moisture evaporation. Increased biomass harvesting and handling are also considered, as is the cost of replacing crop nutrients removed as part of biomass harvest operations. Examples of the profitability of cellulosic biomass contract sales in center pivot irrigated corn and non-irrigated wheat enterprises are shown.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Irrigated crop production economics and land lease arrangements

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    Presented at the 2006 Central Plains irrigation conference on February 21-22 in Colby, Kansas.Includes bibliographical references

    The Harm of Neglecting Embodiment: How Biomedical Ethics’ Neglect of Bodies and Context Hurts Women and Minorities

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    This dissertation argues that mainstream bioethics has failed to adequately acknowledge bodies and embodiment in practice and theory. While philosophers have generally not held “substance dualism” as such for some time, this practice of overlooking the body is probably grounded in what I label evaluative dualism, which is still ingrained in our culture. This dualism maintains a dichotomy and ranking of mind over body in addition to dichotomizing and rating other constructed pairs such as culture and nature and male and female. Such a ranking leads to, or supports discrimination against those who are most commonly associated with the body including racial and ethnic minorities, sexual minorities, those with disabilities, the elderly and even nonhuman animals, in addition to women. Disembodied theory leads to bad theory that is flawed as well as harmful to the groups listed and individuals in general. Such a theory views beings as nonspecific, decontextualized entities. While a number of areas in bioethics manifest this disembodied bias, two in particular that are explored are medical research and pregnancy. By re-embodying bioethics, the field can overcome some of the deeply entrenched biases that particularly disadvantage individuals because of their bodily association

    Understanding the Attitudes of Generation Y Employees

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    This is the first time in history that the workforce is comprised of employees spanning four different generations. Due to age, experience, and the generational size, members of the Baby Boomers comprise a majority of the management positions. Generation Y is the newest generation into the workforce and possibly the most influential due to their technical savvy. However, the generational differences between these two cause many managerial issues; the most important of which is motivating and retaining these Generation Y employees. This project delves into comparisons between Generation Y and Baby Boomers to determine the best methods of retention. Employee retention is one of the most important issues companies face. Replacing an employee typically costs at least 150% of that employee’s annual salary. High turnover also makes it extremely difficult to cultivate new managers from within the company. With more than half of generation Y employees having either already switched careers or planning on switching sometime before they retire, Generation Y retention becomes very difficult. After examining personal experience, interviews, and an online survey, I have found that to best retain these employees, a company must understand what keeps them satisfied in the workplace. A majority of Generation Y members are concerned with keeping a work/life balance. Offering flexible hours, fewer overall hours, and more vacation time allows these individuals to balance their life outside of work, while still succeeding for the company. Almost all companies can compete with salary, so companies must use other techniques such as advancement and schedule to keep these important Generation Y employees for the long haul


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    Six depreciation methods were used to simulate the value of farm tractors with indexed and expected prices. Accuracy of simulated values was evaluated using paired t-tests of mean absolute percentage errors and forecast accuracy regression models. Results varied with age and use. Some depreciation methods were more accurate than others.Farm Management, Financial Economics,
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