4 research outputs found

    Factores de predisposici贸n gen茅ticos y epigen茅ticos de los trastornos de ansiedad

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    Anxiety disorders are a group of psychological and neurological disorders that represent various forms of abnormal or pathological fear and anxiety (Orozco & Baldares, 2012). Even though around 14% of the planet's population has suffered from an anxiety disorder, the causes that trigger it are not entirely clear (Posada, 2013). The classical approach of studies for the identification of the predisposing factors of these neuropsychiatric disorders has been oriented to personality theories such as the Eysenck Theory (Mitchell & Kumari, 2016) and the Bio-Psychological Theory of Personality (Knyazev, Pylkova, Slobodskoj-Plusnin, Bocharov, & Ushakov, 2015). However, from these studies, new proposals involving neuroanatomical and neurofunctional aspects have emerged. The electrical and chemical transmission of the information and how it is associated with different behaviors demonstrate the relief of the regulation of the production and reuptake of neurotransmitters in the central nervous system (CNS). This regulation is directly related to genetic expression, however, although certain candidate genes that contribute a percentage to this predisposition have been identified, these are not totally determinant (Montag, Reuter, Newport, Elger & Weber, 2008). Currently, given this gap, we have begun to investigate the influence of epigenetic factors that, together with genetic factors, would allow us to expand the explanation of the predisposing factors of certain neuropsychiatric disorders that were previously considered to be of environmental etiology.Los trastornos de ansiedad constituyen un grupo de alteraciones psicol贸gicas y neurol贸gicas que representan varias formas de miedo y ansiedad anormales o patol贸gicas (Orozco & Baldares, 2012). Aun cuando alrededor del 14% de la poblaci贸n del planeta ha sufrido alg煤n trastorno de ansiedad, las causas que desencadenan el mismo no son del todo claras (Posada, 2013). La aproximaci贸n cl谩sica de los estudios para la identificaci贸n de los factores de predisposici贸n de estos trastornos neuropsiqui谩tricos se ha orientado a las teor铆as de la personalidad como la Teor铆a de Eysenck (Mitchell & Kumari, 2016) y la Teor铆a Bio-Psicol贸gica de la personalidad (Knyazev, Pylkova, Slobodskoj-Plusnin, Bocharov, & Ushakov, 2015). Sin embargo, a partir de estos estudios, han surgido nuevas propuestas involucrando los aspectos neuroanat贸micos y neurofuncionales. La transmisi贸n el茅ctrica y qu铆mica de la informaci贸n y como esta se asocia a distintas conductas demuestran la relevaci贸n de la regulaci贸n de la producci贸n y recaptaci贸n de neurotransmisores en sistema nervioso central (SNC). Aunque esta regulaci贸n se encuentra directamente relacionada con la expresi贸n gen茅tica, em tanto se han identificado ciertos genes candidatos que aportan un porcentaje a esta predisposici贸n, estos no son totalmente determinantes. Actualmente, dado a este vac铆o, se ha comenzado a investigar la influencia de factores epigen茅ticos que en conjunto con los factores gen茅ticos permitir铆an ampliar la explicaci贸n de los factores de predisposici贸n de ciertos trastornos neuropsiqui谩tricos que anteriormente eran considerados de etiolog铆a ambiental

    Association of the rs4680 polymorphism of the COMT gene and the rs6265 polymorphism of the BDNF gene with the BIS/BAS system in the population of Bogota

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    Anxiety disorders are a group of psychological and neurological problems that represent various forms of abnormal or pathological fear and anxiety (Orozco & Baldares, 2012). Even though around 14% of the world population has suffered from an anxiety disorder, their causes are not entirely clear (Bandelow & Michaelis, 2015). The bio-psychological theory of Gray (1987) suggests that there are two systems that govern our personality, the BIS/BAS systems. The behavioral inhibition system (BIS) describes a fearful reacting-style to novelty, and is related to a greater social reticence. Both the COMT and BDNF have been postulated as candidate genes for anxiety disorders. The polymorphisms of greatest interest are the rs4680 of the COMT gene that plays an essential role in the degradation of extracellular dopamine in the prefrontal cortex, and the rs6265 of the BDNF gene that has been related to the activation of the amygdala as well as behaviors associated with anxiety (Johnson, Carver, Joormann & Cuccaro, 2016). The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible relationship between the rs4680 polymorphism of the COMT gene and the rs6265 polymorphism of the BDNF gene with the BIS/BAS system in a sample of the population of the city of Bogot谩. According to the results obtained, it is evident that the frequency of the risk allele A of the rs6265 polymorphism of the BDNF gene is greater in the group with BIS sensitivity than in the group with BAS sensitivity, which allows to identify the risk allele A of as a possible predisposition factor for a BIS sensitivity.Los trastornos de ansiedad constituyen un grupo de alteraciones psicol贸gicas y neurol贸gicas que representan varias formas de miedo y ansiedad anormales o patol贸gicas (Orozco & Baldares, 2012). Aun cuando alrededor del 33,7% de la poblaci贸n mundial ha sufrido alg煤n trastorno de ansiedad, las causas que desencadenan el mismo no son del todo claras (Bandelow & Michaelis, 2015). La teor铆a bio-psicol贸gica de Gray (1987) plantea la existencia de dos sistemas que rigen nuestra personalidad, el sistema BIS/BAS. El sistema de inhibici贸n conductual (BIS) describe un estilo temeroso de reaccionar ante la novedad y se encuentra relacionado con una mayor reticencia social. Tanto el gen COMT como el gen BDNF han sido postulados como genes candidatos para los trastornos de ansiedad. Los polimorfismos de mayor inter茅s son el rs4680 del gen COMT que juega un papel esencial en la degradaci贸n de dopamina extracelular en la corteza prefrontal, y el rs6265 del gen BDNF que se ha asociado con la activaci贸n de la am铆gdala y con algunos de los comportamientos asociados a la ansiedad (Johnson, Carver, Joormann & Cuccaro, 2016). El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la posible relaci贸n entre el polimorfismo rs4680 del gen COMT y el polimorfismo rs6265 del gen BDNF con el sistema BIS/BAS en una muestra de poblaci贸n de la ciudad de Bogot谩. De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos, se evidencia que la frecuencia del alelo riesgo del polimorfismo rs6265 del gen BDNF es mayor en el grupo con sensibilidad BIS frente al grupo con sensibilidad BAS por lo que se permite identificar el alelo riesgo A del gen BDNF como un posible factor de predisposici贸n para una sensibilidad BIS.L铆nea de Investigaci贸n: NeurodesarrolloMaestr铆

    An谩lisis psicom茅trico de la Escala de Ansiedad a Hablar en p煤blico (PSAS) en espa帽ol

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    25 P谩ginas.a ansiedad de hablar en p煤blico es una de las formas m谩s frecuentes de la ansiedad y afecta aproximadamente a uno de cada cinco personas en el mundo((PosadaVilla, Aguilar-Gaxiola, Maga帽a & G贸mez, 2004). Existen varias escala de autorreporte en espa帽ol para evaluarla pero ninguna de estas ha tenido en cuenta los 3 canales de respuesta propuestos por la teor铆a Bio Informacional de Lang (1979) la cual propone que la estructura predominante en la ansiedad se compone de aspectos, cognitivos, conductuales y fisiol贸gicos, los que no han sido evaluados por otras escalas. El presente estudio describe el an谩lisis psicom茅trico realizado a la traducci贸n al espa帽ol de The Public Speaking Anxiety Scale (Bartholomay & Houlihan, 2016) y sus resultados sugieren que la PSAS en espa帽ol es una escala, con medidas altamente fiables y v谩lida para evaluar la ansiedad de hablar en p煤blico en nuestro contexto

    Association of polymorphisms rs4680 of the Catechol-O-Methyltransferase gene and rs6265 of the brain derived neurotrophic factor gene with the behavioral inhibition and behavioral activation systems

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    Background: The Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS) comprises limbic circuitry implicated in avoidance behaviors. Its increased activation has been identified as a risk factor for anxiety and depressive disorders. In addition, both Catechol-O-Methyltransferase (COMT) and Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) have been postulated as candidate genes that constitute a vulnerability for the onset of anxiety and depressive disorders. The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible association between the rs4680 polymorphism of the COMT gene and the rs6265 polymorphism of the BDNF gene with the BIS and the Behavioral Activation System (BAS) in a population sample from Colombia. Methods: Genetic information was obtained by extracting DNA from blood samples of 80 participants and using Taqman probes designed for each polymorphism. In addition, participants completed a BIS/BAS scale in order to establish a neuropsychological classification. Results: The frequency of the Met allele of the BDNF gene was greater in the group with BIS sensitivity compared to the group with BAS sensitivity. On the contrary, the frequency of the Met allele of the COMT gen did not show a significant association with the BIS. Conclusions: The rs6265 polymorphism of BDNF gene is associated with the BIS which in turn constitutes a risk factor for anxiety and depression