524 research outputs found

    Tracing the Mass-Assembly History of Galaxies with Deep Surveys

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    We use the optical and near-infrared galaxy samples from the Munich Near-Infrared Cluster Survey (MUNICS), the FORS Deep Field (FDF) and GOODS-S to probe the stellar mass assembly history of field galaxies out to z ~ 5. Combining information on the galaxies' stellar mass with their star-formation rate and the age of the stellar population, we can draw important conclusions on the assembly of the most massive galaxies in the universe: These objects contain the oldest stellar populations at all redshifts probed. Furthermore, we show that with increasing redshift the contribution of star-formation to the mass assembly for massive galaxies increases dramatically, reaching the era of their formation at z ~ 2 and beyond. These findings can be interpreted as evidence for an early epoch of star formation in the most massive galaxies in the universe.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures; published in B. Aschenbach, V. Burwitz, G. Hasinger, B. Leibundgut (eds.): "Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology - Einstein's Legacy. Proceedings of the Conference held in Munich, 2006", ESO Astrophysics Symposia, Springer Verlag, 2007, p. 310. Replaced to match final published versio

    The stellar-subhalo mass relation of satellite galaxies

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    We extend the abundance matching technique (AMT) to infer the satellite-subhalo and central-halo mass relations (MRs) of galaxies, as well as the corresponding satellite conditional mass functions (CMFs). We use the observed galaxy stellar mass function (GSMF) decomposed into centrals and satellites and the LCDM halo/subhalo mass functions as inputs. We explore the effects of defining the subhalo mass at the time of accretion (m_acc) vs. at the time of observation (m_obs). We test the standard assumption that centrals and satellites follow the same MRs, showing that this assumption leads to predictions in disagreement with observations, specially for m_obs. Instead, when the satellite-subhalo MRs are constrained following our AMT, they are always different from the central-halo MR: the smaller the stellar mass (Ms), the less massive is the subhalo of satellites as compared to the halo of centrals of the same Ms. On average, for Ms<2x10^11Msol, the dark mass of satellites decreased by 60-65% with respect to their masses at accretion time. The resulting MRs for both definitions of subhalo mass yield satellite CMFs in agreement with observations. Also, when these MRs are used in a HOD model, the predicted correlation functions agree with observations. We show that the use of m_obs leads to less uncertain MRs than m_acc, and discuss implications of the obtained satellite-subhalo MR. For example, we show that the tension between abundance and dynamics of MW satellites in LCDM gives if the slope of the GSMF faint-end slope upturns to -1.6.Comment: 13, pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ. Minor changes to previous versio

    The Munich Near-Infrared Cluster Survey -- IV. Biases in the Completeness of Near-Infrared Imaging Data

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    We present the results of completeness simulations for the detection of point sources as well as redshifted elliptical and spiral galaxies in the K'-band images of the Munich Near-Infrared Cluster Survey (MUNICS). The main focus of this work is to quantify the selection effects introduced by threshold-based object detection algorithms used in deep imaging surveys. Therefore, we simulate objects obeying the well-known scaling relations between effective radius and central surface brightness, both for de Vaucouleurs and exponential profiles. The results of these simulations, while presented for the MUNICS project, are applicable in a much wider context to deep optical and near-infrared selected samples. We investigate the detection probability as well as the reliability for recovering the true total magnitude with Kron-like (adaptive) aperture photometry. The results are compared to the predictions of the visibility theory of Disney and Phillipps in terms of the detection rate and the lost-light fraction. Additionally, the effects attributable to seeing are explored. The results show a bias against detecting high-redshifted massive elliptical galaxies in comparison to disk galaxies with exponential profiles, and that the measurements of the total magnitudes for intrinsically bright elliptical galaxies are systematically too faint. Disk galaxies, in contrast, show no significant offset in the magnitude measurement of luminous objects. Finally we present an analytic formula to predict the completeness of point-sources using only basic image parameters.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The stellar mass function of galaxies to z ~ 5 in the Fors Deep and GOODS-S fields

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    We present a measurement of the evolution of the stellar mass function (MF) of galaxies and the evolution of the total stellar mass density at 0<z<5. We use deep multicolor data in the Fors Deep Field (FDF; I-selected reaching I_AB=26.8) and the GOODS-S/CDFS region (K-selected reaching K_AB=25.4) to estimate stellar masses based on fits to composite stellar population models for 5557 and 3367 sources, respectively. The MF of objects from the GOODS-S sample is very similar to that of the FDF. Near-IR selected surveys hence detect the more massive objects of the same principal population as do I-selected surveys. We find that the most massive galaxies harbor the oldest stellar populations at all redshifts. At low z, our MF follows the local MF very well, extending the local MF down to 10^8 Msun. The faint end slope is consistent with the local value of alpha~1.1 at least up to z~1.5. Our MF also agrees very well with the MUNICS and K20 results at z<2. The MF seems to evolve in a regular way at least up to z~2 with the normalization decreasing by 50% to z=1 and by 70% to z=2. Objects having M>10^10 Msun which are the likely progenitors of todays L* galaxies are found in much smaller numbers above z=2. However, we note that massive galaxies with M>10^11 Msun are present even to the largest redshift we probe. Beyond z=2 the evolution of the mass function becomes more rapid. We find that the total stellar mass density at z=1 is 50% of the local value. At z=2, 25% of the local mass density is assembled, and at z=3 and z=5 we find that at least 15% and 5% of the mass in stars is in place, respectively. The number density of galaxies with M>10^11 Msun evolves very similarly to the evolution at lower masses. It decreases by 0.4 dex to z=1, by 0.6 dex to z=2, and by 1 dex to z=4.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ

    Comparing spectroscopic and photometric stellar mass estimates

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    The purpose of this letter is to compare the quality of different methods for estimating stellar masses of galaxies. We compare the results of (a) fitting stellar population synthesis models to broad band colors from SDSS and 2MASS, (b) the analysis of spectroscopic features of SDSS galaxies (Kauffmann et al. 2003), and, (c) a simple dynamical mass estimate based on SDSS velocity dispersions and effective radii. Knowing that all three methods can have significant biases, a comparison can help to establish their (relative) reliability. In this way, one can also probe the quality of the observationally cheap broadband color mass estimators for galaxies at higher redshift. Generally, masses based on broad-band colors and spectroscopic features agree reasonably well, with a rms scatter of only ~ 0.25 dex over almost 4 decades in mass. However, as may be expected, systematic differences do exist and have an amplitude of ~ 0.15 dex, corrleting with Halpha emission strength. Interestingly, masses from broad-band color fitting are in better agreement with dynamical masses than masses based on the analysis of spectroscopic features. In addition, the differences between the latter and the dynamical masses correlate with Halpha equivalent width, while this much less the case for the broad-band masses. We conclude that broad band color mass estimators, provided they are based on a large enough wavelength coverage and use an appropriate range of ages, metallicities and dust extinctions, can yield fairly reliable stellar masses for galaxies. This is a very encouraging result as such mass estimates are very likely the only ones available at significant redshifts for some time to come.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJ
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