19 research outputs found

    Pasitenkinimo karjera veiksniai

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    Analysis of career management shows that personal self-knowledge is one of the most important individual, social and psychological aspects of life. The process of consistent and logical career choices is based on it. A great deal of career guidance and professional counselling specialists claim that career planning should start from the process of self-knowledge. Besides, they claim that it is an important factor of appropriate career choice and a guarantee of career satisfaction. Deeper personal knowledge helps gain a better understanding of ourselves and thus it becomes easier to determine which working environment is more acceptable and how successfully will it be possible to work in a chosen field. The assessment of personal needs, ambitions, goals, values and philosophy helps people understand themselves and their wishes better. Psychological and sociological research data shows that individuals should listen very attentively to their “I wish” and “I can do,” then evaluate and harmonize them. Such assessment should consider personal aptitudes and interests, abilities, individual psychological characteristics, knowledge, abilities and skills. In other words, a person willing to reach greater career satisfaction should choose the profession best matching his or her personal traits or characteristics. The purpose of this article is to discuss the factors potentially influencing career satisfaction. The methods used are a systemic scientific literature analysis and synthesis, scientific content analysis. The conclusions are that after summarizing the arguments of scientific management theories and structuring scientist theories it can be stated that career satisfaction is influenced by a subject competence (theoretical knowledge and experience of practical work), personal skills (curiosity, flexibility, openness), social skills and lifelong learning.Karjeros vadybos analizė rodo, jog asmens savęs pažinimas yra vienas svarbiausių individo socialinio ir psichinio gyvenimo aspektų. Juo grindžiamas nuoseklus ir logiškas profesinio pasirinkimo procesas. Daugelis profesinio orientavimo ir profesinio konsultavimo specialistų teigia, kad karjerą reikia pradėti planuoti nuo savęs pažinimo, kad jis svarbus tinkamos profesijos pasirinkimo veiksnys ir suteikiantis pasitenkinimą karjera. Geresnis asmenybės pažinimas padeda labiau suprasti save ir taip lengviau nustatyti, kokia darbo aplinka priimtinesnė ir kiek sėkmingai bus galima dirbti pasirinktoje srityje. Savo poreikių, ambicijų, tikslų, vertybių, gyvenimo filosofijos įvertinimas padeda individui geriau suprasti, ko jis nori gyvenime. Psichologų ir sociologų tyrimų duomenys rodo, kad jis turi gerai įsiklausyti į savo noriu ir galiu ir juos įvertinęs suderinti. Įvertinimas turi apimti asmens polinkius bei interesus, gebėjimus, individualias psichologines ypatybes, žinias, mokėjimus ir įgūdžius. Kitaip tariant, ieškant pasitenkinimo karjera reikėtų siekti, kad pasirinktoji profesija atitiktų asmenybės individualias savybes. Šio straipsnio tikslas – aptarti pasitenkinimui karjera įtakos turinčius veiksnius. Tyrimo metodas: sisteminė mokslinės literatūros analizė ir sintezė, mokslinė turinio analizė. Išvados. Apibendrinant mokslinių vadybos teorijų argumentus ir susisteminant lietuvių bei užsienio mokslininkų teorijas galima teigti, kad pasitenkinimui karjera įtakos turi dalykinė kompetencija (teorinės žinios bei praktinio darbo patirtis), asmeninės savybės (smalsumas, lankstumas, atvirumas patirčiai), socialinės kompetencijos bei mokymasis visą gyvenimą

    Coaching in Baltic States (Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia): A European Survey

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    This paper presents the results from a study exploring coaching practices in European. The survey covered 50 European countries, was undertaken in 31 languages with approaching 2500 participants engaged in the coaching industry and involved a partnership of over 100 professional bodies, universities and networks, who helped to promote the online survey. This paper focuses on the results from the Baltic States including Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, where there has been little research into coaching practice despite the growth of coaching. It builds on other national published studies drawing on the same research. The results from this study show that coaching in Lithuania is broadly similar to wider European practice. Interesting differences include the limited use of supervision, the relatively low fee rates when compared with European averages and the importance placed on continuous professional development by Baltic coaches. In general, the data suggests that while coaching is growing, in scale and scope, it remains comparatively immature compared with some other European States when coaching has a twenty to thirty-year history of progress and development

    A Theoretical Analysis of Managerial Growth in the Context of Organizational Change

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    CC BYIn analyzing the theoretical literature on managerial growth in the context of organizational change, an absence of research has been observed, especially that which comprehensively analyzes growth prospects and opportunities at the micro (individual), meso (group), and macro (organizational) levels, which considers organizational, social, emotional, and spiritual aspects. Therefore, one of the outstanding problems of this research was to select the relevant scientific literature to synthesize the theory and create a conceptual theoretical model based on it. The aim of this paper is to explore the context and preconditions for managerial growth during an organizational change at different levels and aspects of organizations. Therefore, six theoretical approaches from the fields of management, psychology, and education were chosen (Hiatt, Kotter, Kübler-Ross, Goleman, Mezirow, and Marcia). Conclusions provide insights into the context, aims, and directions of managerial growth within organizational change. First, the context of organizational change is understood as an educational environment that creates incentives for managerial growth at the macro, meso, and micro levels and encompasses the development of personal and professional skills and the conscious evolution of inner perceptions related to work. Second, managerial growth in the context of organizational change is targeted toward three objectives at the organizational, group, and individual levels: productivity, connection, and self-realization. Third, managerial growth in the context of organizational change is directed toward three dimensions: (1) the strategic-operational dimension overlaps with the development of leadership skills to ensure successful change implementation in the organization; (2) the social-emotional dimension overlaps with the development of psychosocial skills, enabling coping with challenges through relationships and an emotionally supportive workplace environment; and (3) the perceptual-spiritual dimension overlaps with the development of personal maturity and professional motivation, disclosing authentic performance during organizational change. These findings become a framework for further research but also provide practical guidelines for managers, HR specialists, and organizational leaders

    Moterų padėtis Lietuvoje siekiant karjeros

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    Social changes taking place in Lithuania highlight the problematic issues of gender equality. The strategy of gender mainstreaming requires full participation of both women and men in all spheres of life, decision-making process included. However, statistical data show that women representation in all levels of governmental structures is insufficient. Quite a big gap between men and women possibilities in seeking professional career and a lack of gender equality in general is noticeable. This article deals with a review of an empirical study ‘Gender Balance in Seeking Career in Business and Politics’ in which women’s position in the labour market, their participation in decision-making processes and equal gender opportunities with regard to 88 Aistė Dromantaitė-Stancikienė, Zina Gineitienė. Moterų padėtis lietuvoje siekiant karjeros family policy were analysed. The goal of this research was to clarify the attitude of local selfgovernment, NGOs and business representatives towards equal opportunities of women and men in Lithuania. The study showed quite a significant gap existing in men’s and women’s wages and, in general, a different gender positioning in the labour market in Lithuania. Women’s situation in the labour market is more complicated in comparison to the situation of men, because they often are forced to choose between children and career. The absence of a flexible policy system, the lack of childcare services and ambulatory social security for disabled persons in families are some of the main causes of such a situation. The existing stereotypes of women’s role in the family also prevent their integration into the labour market. The questionnaire survey carried out revealed that women were more inclined to underestimate themselves than men, and that they did not rely on their own skills. However, they were found to be more interested in active implementation of governmental measures to promote gender equality than men. In general, certain problems regarding gender equality still exist in Lithuania.Įvairūs politiniai, ekonominiai, socialiniai, kultūriniai, ekologiniai procesai neišvengiamai turi įtakos visuomenės gebėjimams ir pasaulėžiūrai formuotis bei persistruktūruoti. Didelei visuomenės daliai vis dar būdingas stabilios ateities garantijų ir pagalbos iš valdžios troškimas rodant minimalią iniciatyvą pačiam kurti savo gyvenimą. Ypač didelis skirtumas egzistuoja tarp vyrų ir moterų, siekiančių profesinės karjeros, ir apskritailyčių lygybės klausimu. Pastebima, jog visame pasaulyje vyrai užima geresnes ir aukštesnes pozicijas nei dirbančios tokios pačios profesijos moterys. Tokia moterų padėtis ir kiti gausūs faktai rodo, jog vis dar tebeegzistuoja vyrų ir moterų lygių galimybių problema, į kurią būtina atkreipti dėmesį bei ieškoti sprendimo būdų, nes moterų intelektinis potencialas ir jų indėlis į valstybės konkurencingumo didinimą nėra visiškai panaudotas. Straipsnyje autorės analizuoja moterų padėtį darbo rinkoje, jų dalyvavimą priimant sprendimus, analizuojami lyčių lygių galimybių klausimai plėtojant šeimos politiką ir aptariamas atliktas empirinis tyrimas „Subalansuotas lyčių atstovavimas siekiant karjeros versle ir valstybės valdyme“. Jo tikslas – išsiaiškinti, kaip savivaldybių, NVO ir verslo atstovai vertina moterų ir vyrų lygių galimybių padėtį Lietuvoje siekiant profesinės karjeros

    Organizacinės elgsenos pagrindai

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    Organizacinės elgsenos mokslas padeda suprasti, paaiškinti, prognozuoti ir valdyti su darbu susijusį žmonių ir jų grupių elgesį. Tad vadovėlio „Organizacinės elgsenos pagrindai“ tikslas – nagrinėjant specifines teorijas bei užsienio mokslininkų atliktų tyrinėjimų rezultatus, plėsti koncepcines žinias ir gilinti supratimą apie individualaus, tarpasmeninio ir grupinio elgesio ypatybes įvairiose organizacijose, darbo vietose bei situacijose.Tikimasi, kad knyga padės skaitytojams rasti atsakymus į klausimus, kaip padidinti darbuotojų pasitenkinimą darbu, užtikrinti jų aukštus darbo rezultatus ir pagerinti veiklos efektyvumą, taip pat – patobulinti organizacijų vadybą

    Factors of career satisfaction

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    Analysis of career management shows that personal self-knowledge is one of the most important individual, social and psychological aspects of life. The process of consistent and logical career choices is based on it. A great deal of career guidance and professional counselling specialists claim that career planning should start from the process of self-knowledge. Besides, they claim that it is an important factor of appropriate career choice and a guarantee of career satisfaction. Deeper personal knowledge helps gain a better understanding of ourselves and thus it becomes easier to determine which working environment is more acceptable and how successfully will it be possible to work in a chosen field. The assessment of personal needs, ambitions, goals, values and philosophy helps people understand themselves and their wishes better. Psychological and sociological research data shows that individuals should listen very attentively to their “I wish” and “I can do”, then evaluate and harmonize them. Such assessment should consider personal aptitudes and interests, abilities, individual psychological characteristics, knowledge, abilities and skills. In other words, a person willing to reach greater career satisfaction should choose the profession best matching his or her personal traits or characteristics. The purpose of this article is to discuss the factors potentially influencing career satisfaction. The methods used are a systemic scientific literature analysis and synthesis, scientific content analysis. The conclusions are that after summarizing the arguments of scientific management theories and structuring scientist theories it can be stated that career satisfaction is influenced by a subject competence (theoretical knowledge and experience of practical work), personal skills (curiosity, flexibility, openness), social skills and lifelong learning

    The research of middle and pre-retirement aged women effective work problems

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    There are some factors in society which have influence to effective work -- workers age, discrimination, formed positive or negative government and workplace economy situation, workers and his family position to work and etc. One of most important we would like to mark women's age which accordingly determine view in to work and possibilities to work effectively. The constitution in Soviet Union for all employable people guarantied eligibility to work and eligibility for both women and men to equal payment of equal work. Partially government tried to reach effective work by this period effective means. But unfortunately they didn't take into account individual circumstances to work and live, especially of women. Two groups' different aged women -- middle and pre-retirement age and their effective work problems is the main object in this work.Visuomenėje nusistovėjusi nuomonė, kad vyresnio amžiaus asmenų kvalifikacinis lygis yra žemesnis, dėl fiziologinių pakitimų jie negali atlikti darbo taip efektyviai, kaip jaunesni asmenys. Todėl natūraliai suvokiamas šių asmenų efektyvaus darbo problemiškumas. Objektyvių priežasčių tam yra nemažai - ūkio pertvarkymas, įmonių nuosavybės formų pasikeitimas, neretai pasitaikantis darbdavių neigiamas požiūris j vyresnius nei 50 metų darbuotojus, netikėjimas jų sugebėjimais kelti kvalifikaciją, prisitaikyti prie sparčiai besikeičiančių darbo sąlygų, pagaliau pačių pagyvenusių asmenų pasitikėjimo savimi trūkumas. Tad tenka susimąstyti, kokios priežastys lemia tokią visuomenės nuostatą, kiek yra moksliškai pagrįstas požiūris j vyresnio amžiaus asmenų nesugebėjimą sparčiai integruotis į besikeičiančią darbo rinką, kas verčia abejoti Ir ieškoti patikimesnių žinių bei visapusiškesnio pačios problemos Ir jos sprendimo supratimo. Siame straipsnyje pristatomas tyrimas, kurio tikslas - išsiaiškinti vidutinio ir priešpensinio amžiaus moterų požiūrį j darbą Lietuvoje bei jo pokyčius socialinių permainų sąlygomis. Atliekant tyrimą buvo pasirinktos dviejų amžiaus grupių moterys - vidutinio ir priešpensinio amžiaus, t. y. 45-54 ir 55-60 metų. Pastaroji grupė - tai tos moterys, kurioms liko ne mažiau kaip 5 metai iki senatvės pensijos amžiaus. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, kad darbo efektyvumas vis dėlto priklauso nuo moters amžiaus ir kad jis lemia pozytivesnę vidutinio nei priešpensinio amžiaus moterų nuomonę apie moters darbą. Vidutinio amžiaus moterims yra būdingesnis karjeros siekis nei priešpensinio amžiaus moterims - daugiau vidutinio amžiaus respondenčių sieke, siekia ar ruošiasi siekti kvalifikacijos ir tobulėjimo, o tokių priešpensinio amžiaus tiriamųjų yra tik ketvirtadalis. Taip pat vidutinio amžiaus moterys mano, kad būdamos šio ar kiek vyresnio amžiaus gali efektyviausiai dirbti, tuo tarpu priešpensinio amžiaus tiriamosioms praėjęs laikas atrodo geriausias

    Interpretations of Lithuanian folk tale Eglė žalčių karalienė: short literary tales

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    Four short literary tales written by Stepas Zobarskas, Liudas Dovydėnas, Antanas Giedrius and Jonas Švaistas are analysed in this article and compared with the most interesting and poetical Lithuanian folk tale Eglė žalčių karalienė ('Eglė, Queen of the Serpents', AT 425M). The author of the article sets out to review these texts that were hitherto hardly ever analysed in Lithuanian literary scholarship at all, in order to reveal their originality, ideas, and essential principles of their creation. On the one hand, all the four literary tales do not differ too much from the folk talc plot, so they can be defined as stylizations of the folk tale. On the other hand, each author adds some particular details of his own choice, underlines them and supplements the tales with new things, e.g. in some cases the authors tend to accentuate the place of events, elaborate on the landscape and scenery (S. Zobarskas, J. Švaistas), in others they pay more attention to the characters, individualizing them, and especially taking into account that the reader was supposed to be a small child (S. Zobarskas). Having compared and analysed these tales, the author defines them as typical folk tale stylizations, belonging to the literary tales of the folkloric type

    A Theoretical Analysis of Managerial Growth in the Context of Organizational Change

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    In analyzing the theoretical literature on managerial growth in the context of organizational change, an absence of research has been observed, especially that which comprehensively analyzes growth prospects and opportunities at the micro (individual), meso (group), and macro (organizational) levels, which considers organizational, social, emotional, and spiritual aspects. Therefore, one of the outstanding problems of this research was to select the relevant scientific literature to synthesize the theory and create a conceptual theoretical model based on it. The aim of this paper is to explore the context and preconditions for managerial growth during an organizational change at different levels and aspects of organizations. Therefore, six theoretical approaches from the fields of management, psychology, and education were chosen (Hiatt, Kotter, Kübler-Ross, Goleman, Mezirow, and Marcia). Conclusions provide insights into the context, aims, and directions of managerial growth within organizational change. First, the context of organizational change is understood as an educational environment that creates incentives for managerial growth at the macro, meso, and micro levels and encompasses the development of personal and professional skills and the conscious evolution of inner perceptions related to work. Second, managerial growth in the context of organizational change is targeted toward three objectives at the organizational, group, and individual levels: productivity, connection, and self-realization. Third, managerial growth in the context of organizational change is directed toward three dimensions: (1) the strategic-operational dimension overlaps with the development of leadership skills to ensure successful change implementation in the organization; (2) the social-emotional dimension overlaps with the development of psychosocial skills, enabling coping with challenges through relationships and an emotionally supportive workplace environment; and (3) the perceptual-spiritual dimension overlaps with the development of personal maturity and professional motivation, disclosing authentic performance during organizational change. These findings become a framework for further research but also provide practical guidelines for managers, HR specialists, and organizational leaders

    Adaption and integration process features of new employees in preschools and secondary schools of Lithuania

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    New employee adaptation features in preschools and secondary schools of Lithuania are discussed in this paper. The purpose of this article is to discuss the facilitation factors for a new employee in preschools and secondary schools of Lithuania. In the first part of this paper, called “Organizational adaptation concept”, understanding of organization adaptation concept based on various foreign and national scientific researches was discovered. “Employee adaptation process” is the second part of the article, in which employee adaptation peculiarity is revealed. In the third part of this paper, called “The main factors of employee adaptation in organization”, main facilitating and aggravating factors for new employee in organizations are given. Finally, in the fourth part, called “The research of new employee adaptation in preschools and secondary schools of Lithuania”, the main results and conclusions are presented. Summarizing various scientific approaches and theories and the results of research data, it was showed that lighter adaptation for new employees mainly influence practical, not theoretical, activities, i.e. practical introduction to the workplace, with organization and duties, personal characteristics, i.e. abilities to communicate, self-confidence and avoidance of conflict situations, and high work motivation