50 research outputs found

    A joint occurrence of atypical behavioral lateralization and schizophrenia: coincidental or causative?

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    The association between atypical lateralization of hand preferences (still a stigmatized behavioral trait in some cultures) with schizophrenia has been studied over the four last decades, repeatedly showing an increased incidence of atypical lateralization of hand dominance in this population. However, no final verdict on the causal direction between these two phenomena has been given. Atypical hand preferences, at the phenotypic level, have been subject to diverse classifications – commonly as left-handedness, but increasingly often as ‘non-right-handedness’, a ‘pooled handedness’ category made of two more homogeneous classes, and finally ‘left- and mixed-handedness’. Research has identified many associations of atypical lateralization of hand preferences with structural and functional brain asymmetries, cognitive performance, and clinical features in the population of schizophrenia patients. In this article, we critically appraise this work and suggest that both complex phenotypes, atypical lateralization of hand dominance and schizophrenia, most likely have common neurodevelopmental and genetic origin

    Etiological aspect of left-handedness in adolescents

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    Introduction. Lateralization of brain functions such as language and manual dominance (hand preferences and fine motor control) are most likely under genetic control. However, this does not preclude the effect of various environmental factors on functional brain lateralization. A strong association of non-right-handedness (left- and mixed-handedness) with various neurodevelopmental conditions (e.g. schizophrenia, autism, Rett syndrome) implies that in some cases, non-right-handedness may be acquired rather than inherited (i.e., pathologically determined). Objective. The aim of the study was: (a) re-investigation of several known risk factors for left-handedness (age of mother and/or father, twin pregnancies, and birth order), and (b) examination of hitherto uninvestigated factors (type of birth, Apgar score, maternal smoking during pregnancy). Methods. Putative, causative environmental agents for this shift in manual distributions are explored in a sample of 1031 high school students (404 males and 627 females) from Belgrade. Both pre-existing (age of parents, twin pregnancy, and birth order) and new (Apgar score, maternal smoking, type of birth) putative agents are examined. Results. We found that maternal smoking and low Apgar score (2-6) can significantly increase risk for left-handedness (p=0.046 and p=0.042, respectively). The remaining factors showed no significant association with left-handedness in adolescents. Conclusion. Our study clearly demonstrates that left-handedness may be related to maternal smoking during pregnancy and a low Apgar score on birth


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    Earthquake effects can be distinctly different in two different countries even if the earthquake has the same level of intensity. Loss and damage caused by the earthquake will be much less in developed countries than in developing countries. Due to its inability to prevent and cope with disasters developing countries are in the focus in this article. This paper presents an approach for detecting the most and the least vulnerable countries of the world and the distribution of their population within different earthquake intensity zones. There is also a summary of the change in world population during the 25‑year period (1990–2015), within continents and earthquake intensity zones as well as a comparison between continents. The population growth is unevenly distributed and highest in the zone with probable maximum intensity VIII. In relation to the World population by earthquake intensity zones, the developing countries have the lowest share of its population among the zone with most destructive earthquakes

    Population doses from terrestrial gamma exposure in Serbia

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    Background: Terrestrial radiation emitted from naturally occurring radionuclides, such as 40K and radionuclides from the 238U and 232Th series and their decay products represent the main external source of irradiation to the human body. The purpose of this study was to provide a preliminary assessment of the doses from terrestrial exposure of population in Serbia and to estimate a potential radiation hazard for population inhabiting investigated areas. Methods: The gamma dose rates, external hazard indexes, and annual effective doses due to terrestrial naturally occurring radionuclides (238U, 232Th and 40K) were calculated based on their activities in soil samples in Serbia as determined by gamma-ray spectrometry. Results: The total absorbed gamma dose rate due to these radionuclides varied from 16.9 to 125 nGy h-1, with a mean of 62.8 nGy h-1. Assuming a 20% occupancy factor, the corresponding annual effective dose varied from 2.07 to 15.4×10-5 Sv with the mean value of 7.7×10-5 Sv, i.e. annual effective dose was in range of the world wide average values. Conclusion: According to the values of external hazard index obtained in this study (mean Hex = 0.35), the radiation hazard was insignificant for the population living in investigated areas

    Assessment of soil erosion rates in Southeastern Serbia using nuclear techniques

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    Erozija zemljišta vodom predstavlja vaţan problem zaštite ţivotne sredine u Srbiji. Posledica erozije je degradacija zemljišnih resursa, smanjenje plodnosti zemljišta i redukcija poljoprivredne proizvodnje. Najveši intenzitet erozije uoţen je na obradivom zemljištu na strmim padinama. Pretvaranje pašnjaka u obradivo zemljište uticalo je na povešanje prostora zahvašenih procesom erozije. U ovom radu prikazani su preli-minarni rezultati projekta tehniţke saradnje sa MeŤunarodnom agencijom za atomsku energiju ̳Jaţanje kapaciteta za procenu intenziteta erozije zemljišta koriššenjem nuklearnih tehnika u cilju podrške odrţivom upravljanju zemljištem‘ (SRB5003) ţiji je cilj procena intenziteta erozije zemljišta 137Cs-metodom. Istraţivanja sprovedena u basenima Pţinje i Juţne Morave ukazala su na intenzivnu eroziju na ovom prostoru. Istraţivanja še biti nastavljena na nekoliko drugih lokacija, a rezultati še biti upotrebljeni za podršku nacionalnim programima konzervacije zemljišta.Soil erosion by water presents an important environmental problem in Serbia resulting in degradation of the soil resources, reducing soil fertility and agricultural production. The highest intensity of erosion was observed at cultivated land occupying steep slopes. The conversion of pastures to arable land enhances this problem. This study presents the preliminary results of Technical Cooperation Project of International Atomic Energy Agency ̳Strengthening the Capacities for Soil Erosion Assessment Using Nuclear Techniques to Support Implementation of Sustainable Land Management Practices‘(SRB5003) aimed at estimation of soil erosion rates using the 137Cs-method. The investigation of Pčinja and South Morava River Basins in southeastern Serbia revealed intensive erosion in the area. The investigation will continue at several other sites and the results will be used to support national soil conservation policy.Proceedings: [http://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/8681]XXX симпозијум ДЗЗСЦГ (Друштва за заштиту од зрачења Србије и Црне Горе), 2- 4. октобар 2019. године, Дивчибаре, Србиј

    Procena ekološkog i zdravstvenog rizika od teških metala u zemljištu u okolini termoelektrane „Nikola Tesla A“

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    Ecological and health hazards were assessed based on the concentrations of selected heavy metals (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn) in thirty surface soil samples taken from the sites around the largest Serbian thermal power plant. Ecological risk caused by heavy metals was estimated through pollution indices whose values indicated low to moderate ecological risks. Health hazard associated with residents’ exposure to heavy metals in soil was calculated applying the U.S. EPA model. The ingestion of soil was the most important exposure pathway. The risk assessment showed that exposure to Co, Fe, and Mn would result in an unacceptable non-carcinogenic risk for children. Cr and Pb were reported to significantly contribute to a carcinogenic risk, while total carcinogenic risk remained within the acceptable non-hazardous range.Ekološki i zdravstveni rizik su procenjeni u odnosu na koncentracije odabranih teških metala (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb i Zn) u trideset površinskih uzoraka zemljišta iz okoline najveće termoelektrane u Srbiji. Ekološki rizik je procenjen putem različitih pokazatelja zagađenja i njihove vrednosti pokazuju niski do srednji ekološki rizik. Rizik po zdravlje usled izlaganja stanovništva teškim metalima u zemljištu je izračunat primenom modela Agencije za zaštitu životne sredine Sjedinjenih Američkih Država. Ingestija zemljišta je identifikovana kao najvažniji put izlaganja. Procena rizika je pokazala da ekspozicija Co, Fe i Mn rezultuje neprihvatljivim nekancerogenim rizikom za decu. Cr i Pb su bili jedini elementi koji su doprinosili u većem obimu kancerogenom riziku, ali je ukupan kancerogeni rizik bio u granicama tolerantnog

    Natural radionuclides in soil profiles surrounding the largest coal-fired power plant in Serbia

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    This study evaluates the influence of the largest Serbian coal-fired power plant on radionuclide concentrations in soil profiles up to 50 cm in depth. Thirty soil profiles were sampled from the plant surroundings (up to 10 km distance) and analyzed using standard methods for soil physicochemical properties and gamma ray spectrometry for specific activities of natural radionuclides (K-40, Ra-226 and Th-232) Spatial and vertical distribution of radionuclides was determined and analyzed to show the relations between the specific activities in the soil and soil properties and the most influential factors of natural radionuclide variability were identified. The radiological indices for surface soil were calculated and radiological risk assessment was performed. The measured specific activities were similar to values of BACKGROUND: levels for Serbia. The sampling depth did not show any significant influence on specific activities of natural radionuclides. The strongest predictor of specific activities of the investigated radionuclides was soil granulometry. All parameters of radiological risk assessment were below the recommended values and adopted limits. It appears that the coal-fired power plant does not have a significant impact on the spatial and vertical distribution of natural radionuclides in the area of interest, but technologically enhanced natural radioactivity as a consequence of the plant operations was identified within the first 1.5 km from the power plant

    Utilization of remote sensing and nuclear techniques for detailed modeling and quantitative assessment of gully erosion within the forested area of the Malčanska river basin, eastern Serbia

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    The gully erosion is one of the most significant land degradation processes. Although gully erosion significantly threatens agricultural productivity and natural ecosystems, European land management strategies frequently need more reliable data on environmental conditions governing this process. This study presents a methodology that integrates remote sensing and nuclear techniques for examining gully erosion (Đokić et al., 2023). It introduces a novel approach to erosion research by employing 360-degree camera photogrammetry to characterize gullies morphometrically. The main objectives of this approach are to evaluate the applicability of unmanned aerial vehicles and terrestrial photogrammetry for modeling gullies, to study small-scale erosion processes within gullies, compare erosion intensity between adjacent gullies, and determine the most effective and cost-efficient method for monitoring gullies. A total of 39 soil samples were taken in three studied gullies. The results revealed an average soil redistribution rate of 16.2 t ha−1 yr−1 and coefficients of variation of 32%, 59%, and 91% for the gullies. The estimated erosion rate varies from a minimum of 0.1 t ha−1 yr−1 to a maximum of 34.3 t ha−1 yr−1. Soil deposition was identified at only two sampling sites, 1.1 and 2 t ha−1 yr−1. Highly detailed 3D models of the gullies were created using 360-degree photogrammetry. The micro-relief obtained through modeling proved to be an essential aspect of advanced erosion research

    Human health risk assessment due to heavy metals in surface soil surrounding “Nikola Tesla A” thermoelectric power plant

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    PP) represent one of major sources of environmental pollution [1]. Coal combustion leads to accumulation of heavy metals (HMs) in combustion by-products whose disposal and atmospheric emission are main pathways for dispersion of HMs in the soil surrounding TEPPs. HMs from soil may reach human body via variety of pathways, therefore the resident population near TEPPs should be considered to be continuously exposed to soil and coal combustion residuals contaminated by HMs. The TEPP “Nikola Tesla A” is the largest TEPP in Serbian electric power industry. It is located near Obrenovac, (35 km from Belgrade), in the area identified as the Serbian region most threatened by pollution from coal mining and coal combustion.The aim of the present study was to assess carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic health hazard for residents associated with HMs in soil. The potential human health riskwas estimated for exposures to minimal, mean and maximal total measured concentration of selected HMs – Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn. In case of Cr, 6:1 ratio of Cr(III):Cr(VI) was applied as recommended by US EPA. Surface soil samples (10 cm depth) were collected at 30 locations distributed 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 km to the west, southwest, south, southeast, and east directionfrom the TEPP “Nikola Tesla A”. Total concentrations of HMs were measured by atomic absorption spectrometer. The US EPA risk assessment model [2] was exploited for risk calculation taking into account ingestion of soil, inhalation of resuspended soilparticles and dermal exposure to HMs in soil. The cancer risk was evaluated through the excess lifetime cancer risk – ELCR, and non-carcinogenic risk was expressed as the hazard quotient – HQ. According to US EPA, the cancer risk below 106 is considered to be negligibly small, and risk of 104 to be sufficiently large that remediation is desirable. Cancer risk between 106 and 104 are generally considered acceptable [3].The value of HQ should be less than unity to consider risk from systemic toxicity negligible. The total cancer risk, ELCRtotal, is calculated as a sum of all ELCR for all HMs and all exposure routes considered. The overall non-carcinogenic risk is expressed as hazard index, HI, equal to the sum of all HQ for all HMs and all accounted exposure routes[2]. Risk assessment from non-carcinogenic effects showed that risk from ingestion of soil particles by children and adults comprises almost whole HI. Dermal risk existed only for exposition to Cd in soil, and it was negligible for both categories (4 × 109 to 3 × 103 ). Risk arose from inhalation exposure was not respective because calculated HIwas so benevolent with maximal value of 1 × 108 for both children and adults. Although none of HQ for any single HM was above the reference value of one, aggregate HI for children fell in the range from 1.04 to 2.60 with a mean value of 1.79. Cobalt (0.47 < HI <1.00), Fe (0.42 < HI <0.94) and Mn (0.11 < HI <0.44) were identified as contaminants of most concern. Among HMs measured, only Cd, Co, Cr(VI), Ni and Pb are recognized as human cancerogens [2]. The ELCRtotalfell in the range from 1 × 105 to 5 × 105 . Ingestion of soil contributed the largest to the ELCRtotal, followed by insignificant contribution from inhalation. There was no risk induced by dermal exposure. According to Institute of Public Health of Serbia, the standardized cancer incidence for in 2014 for the City of Belgrade (where the municipality of Obrenovac belongs) was 2.60 × 103 for males and 2.15 × 103 for females [4]. These values are very high in comparison to the risk assessed in this study; therefore, the risk provoked by exposure to HMs in soil made portion of the real cancer risk that was completely insignificant. The estimated carcinogenic risk in this research was in the acceptable range. Estimated non-carcinogenic risk suggests that adults are not endangered due to HMs in soil, while children population is under elevated risk from deleterious health effects. Ingestion of soil was identified as a primary pathway of HMs harming to human health.8th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection : May 30 - June 1, Kruševac, 2018

    Assessment of soil erosion rates in Southeastern Serbia using nuclear techniques

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    Erozija zemljišta vodom predstavlja vaţan problem zaštite ţivotne sredine u Srbiji. Posledica erozije je degradacija zemljišnih resursa, smanjenje plodnosti zemljišta i redukcija poljoprivredne proizvodnje. Najveši intenzitet erozije uoţen je na obradivom zemljištu na strmim padinama. Pretvaranje pašnjaka u obradivo zemljište uticalo je na povešanje prostora zahvašenih procesom erozije. U ovom radu prikazani su preli-minarni rezultati projekta tehniţke saradnje sa MeŤunarodnom agencijom za atomsku energiju ̳Jaţanje kapaciteta za procenu intenziteta erozije zemljišta koriššenjem nuklearnih tehnika u cilju podrške odrţivom upravljanju zemljištem‘ (SRB5003) ţiji je cilj procena intenziteta erozije zemljišta 137Cs-metodom. Istraţivanja sprovedena u basenima Pţinje i Juţne Morave ukazala su na intenzivnu eroziju na ovom prostoru. Istraţivanja še biti nastavljena na nekoliko drugih lokacija, a rezultati še biti upotrebljeni za podršku nacionalnim programima konzervacije zemljišta.Soil erosion by water presents an important environmental problem in Serbia resulting in degradation of the soil resources, reducing soil fertility and agricultural production. The highest intensity of erosion was observed at cultivated land occupying steep slopes. The conversion of pastures to arable land enhances this problem. This study presents the preliminary results of Technical Cooperation Project of International Atomic Energy Agency ̳Strengthening the Capacities for Soil Erosion Assessment Using Nuclear Techniques to Support Implementation of Sustainable Land Management Practices‘(SRB5003) aimed at estimation of soil erosion rates using the 137Cs-method. The investigation of Pčinja and South Morava River Basins in southeastern Serbia revealed intensive erosion in the area. The investigation will continue at several other sites and the results will be used to support national soil conservation policy.Proceedings: [http://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/8681]XXX симпозијум ДЗЗСЦГ (Друштва за заштиту од зрачења Србије и Црне Горе), 2- 4. октобар 2019. године, Дивчибаре, Србиј