39 research outputs found

    Assessment of Possibilities of On-Line Response Dynamic Traffic Management System Development in Medium Size Urban Areas

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    On-line response dynamic traffic management system (DTMS) seems to be the key solution for resolving many and the most important traffic problems in urban areas. Commonly used on-line response DTMS consists of on-road equipment (detectors, variable message signs etc.) and computer aided system. Such a system is generally installed in world metropolis with huge traffic loads that cannot be managed without it. The paper focuses on the real meaning of DTMS, possibilities of its usage in a medium size urban area, its purpose and expected consequences. Our experiment is based on the existing and verified traffic model of the City centre of Maribor, where different micro simulation scenarios were analysed. The main differences between non – response and on-line response traffic management systems are shown. In addition, their functionality and efficiency by resolving the possible traffic problem (unexpected traffic accident at the neutral point of the network) are represented

    Model of Sustainable Growth and Development of the Cableway Transport System in Slovenia

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    The cableway transport system is very important for the Slovenian tourist economy. Within the Slovene transport system, the cableway transport subsystem has a specific role because it allows and ensures access to regions which are difficult to access or completely inaccessible by other transport subsystems owing to the configuration of the area. The quality and development of transport services are directly linked to the introduction of new cableways. New technical achievements, which are nowadays used in cableways, all provide greater capacity and higher speed of cableways, which, however, results in their higher maintenance and exploitation costs. The cableway transport system is being developed in Slovenia, but not on principles of sustainable development. This paper presents a model of sustainable growth and development of the cableway transport system in Slovenia based on which it is possible to determine assumptions for future growth so that the Slovene cableway transport system would approach standards of such highly developed systems. The new model includes ten essential elements of this system for which growth rates were calculated

    Real capacity of ropeway transportation subsystem

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    The ropeway transportation system plays a major role in mountain resorts. In order to provide a sustainable development of the entire mountain resort system, the real capacity of the ropeway transportation system was set. The real capacity of the ropeway transportation system is one of the indicators of the development harmonisation level of single system elements. The research into this field was carried out at the Road Traffic Centre of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Maribor. The paper deals with the basic points of the topic and the methods used. The know-how transfer of experiences into the Slovenian environment is presented together with the obtained results.V sistemu gorskih športno turističnih centrov ima izjemno pomembno vlogo žičniški prometni podsistem. Zanj je značilna izjemna prepletenost medsebojnih vplivov posameznih elementov sistema. S ciljem zagotavljanja trajnostno usklajenega razvoja celotnega sistema gorsko turističnih centrov je bila v okviru raziskav s tega področja v Centru za ceste in cestni promet na Oddelku za promet, Fakultete za gradbeništvo Univerze v Mariboru določena realna kapaciteta žičniškega prometnega sistema. Izkazalo se je, da je izjemno uporabna kot pokazatelj stopnje usklajenosti razvoja posameznih elementov obravnavanega sistema. V članku so prikazana temeljna izhodišča, metoda in rezultati raziskovanja tega področja ter rezultati prenosa novih znanj v slovensko okolje

    Uklajevanje razvoja žičniške in turistične infrastrukture gorskih športno turističnih centrov

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    Operation efficiency of mountain resort systems depends largely on harmonious operation of the most important and therefore most influential elements of ropeway transportation and tourist subsystems. Within the framework of a tourist subsystem, the extent and quality of tourist offer for long-staying guests plays an essential role. Harmonised development of the above-mentioned elements ensures major utilisation and better economic management of the entire system so that it may offer quality services. First of all, the system enables permanent and environmentally friendly development of the systems that are as a rule in an absolutely sensitive alpine region. The article deals with some results of in-depth research on the ropeway transportation system and the results of know-how transfer into the actual environment of the Slovenian mountain resorts.Učinkovitost delovanja sistema gorskih športno turističnih centrov je v največji meri odvisna od usklajenosti delovanja najpomembnejših ter s tem najvplivnejših elementov - žičniškega prometnega ter turističnega podsistema. V okviru turističnega podsistema ima najpomembnejšo vlogo obseg in kvaliteta stacionarne turistične ponudbe. Usklajen razvoj omenjenih elementov zagotavlja večjo izkoriščenost ter kvaliteto storitev sistema, predvsem pa zagotavlja trajnosten in z zahtevami okolja usklajen razvoj sistemov, ki se praviloma nahajajo v okoljsko izjemno občutljivem alpskem področju. V članku so predstavljeni nekateri rezultati poglobljenih raziskav iz omenjenega področja ter rezultati prenosa teh znanj v realno okolje slovenskih gorskih športno turističnih centrov

    Nov pristop k določevanju dolžine preglednosti pasivno zaščitenih nivojskih železniških prehodov

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    The paper is based on the question whether the existing (legislation determined) method for determining the visibility length on passive protected level railroad crossings insures the relevant level of traffic safety. It has been recognised that using of such method does not provide stopping of road driver vehicles in front of railroad crossing in all conditions. Based on such conclusion a new approach to determining visibility length on passive protected level railroad crossing is proposed. The new approach is based on the assumption that it is necessary, primarily on level railroad crossings with local roads to recognize the worst possible and expected road and weather conditions. The testing of the proposed method in the real environment has shown that at lower speeds of road vehicles there is almost no difference, and that important benefits are recognised for the speeds of 30 and 50km/h where longer stopping distances of road vehicles have been detected (road vehicle can stop safely in front of a rail crossing) with almost the same visibility lengths. The use of the proposed method could have important impact on the increase of traffic safety on passive protected level railroad crossings.Pričujoči prispevek temelji na vprašanju, če obstoječa zakonsko določena metoda za določevanje dolžine preglednosti na pasivno zaščitenih železniških prehodih zagotavlja ustrezni nivo prometne varnosti. Ugotovljeno je, da uporaba obstoječe metode ne omogoča vozniku motornega vozila zaustavitve vozila v vseh pogojih. Na osnovi takšne ugotovitve je predlagan nov pristop k določevanju dolžine preglednosti na pasivno zaščitenih nivojskih železniških prehodih. Nov pristop temelji na predpostavki, da je nujno, predvsem na nivojskih železniških prehodih lokalnih cest, upoštevati najslabše možne in pričakovane cestne in vremenske pogoje. Preizkus predlagane metode v realnem prometnem okolju je pokazal, da pri nižjih hitrosti cestnih vozil skoraj ni razlike, pomembnejše prednosti se pokažejo pri hitrostih 30 in 50 km/h, kjer so ugotovljene večje dolžine zaustavljanja cestnega vozila (cestno vozila se lahko varno zaustavi pred nivojskim železniškim prehodom) pri skoraj enakih dolžinah preglednega polja. Uporaba predlagane metode lahko pomembno prispeva k povečanju prometne varnosti na nivojskih železniških prehodih zaščitenimi samo z Andrejevim križem

    Vpliv uredbe 561/2006 na upravljanje z voznim parkom s poudarkom na izkoriščenosti delovnega časa voznika

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    The introduction of contemporary procedures to fleet management processes has recently changed the work planning and supervision of driver\u27s work activities. Tendencies to control the implementation of driver\u27s work have been present in modem professional practice for quite a long timehowever, the equipment available on the market limited its implementation. The intensified development of digital tachographs has, in technical terms, ensured such equipment considerably before the legislative groundwork was prepared for its practical implementation. The Commission Regulation (EC) No. 561/2006 (implementation of Social legislation relating to Road Transport) does not bring any essential novelties in terms of permitted workload. Consistent monitoring of drivers activities, made possible by digital tachographs, will have impact on the existing working methods. The topic of the present paper is in deep analysis of the impact of the mentioned regulation with special emphasis on the conditions for the regulation of the current stage of drivers work and on the expected consequences. The essential importance lies on the expected change in the mentality and approach to planning the driver\u27s activities in the transport process on the part of the carrier: the outcome will eventually result in the efficiency of each individual carrier.Uvedba sodobnih postopkov v procese upravljanja z voznim parkom je v zadnjem času spremenila način načrtovanja dela voznega osebja ter nadzor nad njegovimi delovnimi aktivnostmi. Težnje po nadzoru izvajanja voznikovega dela so v strokovni praksi prisotne že dalj časa, njena realizacija pa je bila omejena z razpoložljivo opremo na tržišču. Pospešen razvoj digitalnih tahografov je v tehničnem smislu takšno opremo zagotovil bistveno prej, kot so bile urejene zakonodajne podlage za njegovo uvedbo v prakso. Uredba evropske komisije 561/2006 (Socialna zakonodaja v zvezi s cestnim transportom) sicer ne prinaša bistvenih novosti glede dovoljenih obremenitev. Zaradi doslednejše spremljave voznikove aktivnosti, ki jo omogočajo digitalni tahografi, pa bo vplivala na dosedanji način njihovega dela. Predmet pričujočega prispevka je detajlna analiza vpliva uredbe s posebnim poudarkom na pogojih za ureditev stanja na področju dela voznikov ter pričakovanih posledic. Ključnega pomena je pričakovana sprememba načina razmišljanja in dela prevoznikov pri načrtovanju voznikovega dela v transportnem procesu, kar bo vplivalo na uspešnost poslovanja posameznega prevoznika

    Vodenje železniškega prometa v funkciji novega upravljalca infrastrukture

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    This article offers a survey of the current decentralised form of railway traffic management within the public railway infrastructure in the The Republic of Slovenia, which is the result of out-of-date and worn-out safety installations of railway stations and railway lines. The article presents a new model of railway traffic management as the basis for efficient activity and harmonization of railway traffic management in the The Republic of Slovenia to the systems of railway traffic management within EU. This article presents the advantages of a centralised system of railway traffic management and demonstrates that the application of this system can solve the problem of decentralized traffic management as a function of the new infrastructure manager.Članek podaja pregled današnje decentralizirane oblike vodenja železniškega prometa na javni železniški infrastrukturi v Republiki Sloveniji, ki je posledica zastarele in dotrajane opremljenosti postaj in prog s signalnovarnostnimi napravami. V članku je predstavljen novi model vodenja železniškega prometa kot osnova za učinkovito delovanje in prilagajanje vodenja železniškega prometa v Sloveniji s sistemom vodenja prometa v državah Evropske unije. Članek podaja prednosti, ki jih dosega centraliziran sistem vodenja železniškega prometa ter dokazuje, da se z uporabo predlaganega modela lahko reši problem decentraliziranega vodenja prometa v funkciji novega upravljavca infrastrukture

    Napovedovanje prometnega toka s pomočjo duffingovega oscilatorja in Wigner-Ville porazdelitve

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    The main purpose of this study was to investigate the use of various chaotic pattern recognition methods for traffic flow prediction. Traffic flow is a variable, dynamic and complex system, which is non-linear and unpredictable. The emergence of traffic flow congestion in road traffic is estimated when the traffic load on a specific section of the road in a specific time period is close to exceeding the capacity of the road infrastructure. Under certain conditions, it can be seen in concentrating chaotic traffic flow patterns. The literature review of traffic flow theory and its connection with chaotic features implies that this kind of method has great theoretical and practical value. Researched methods of identifying chaos in traffic flow have shown certain restrictions in their techniques but have suggested guidelines for improving the identification of chaotic parameters in traffic flow. The proposed new method of forecasting congestion in traffic flow uses Wigner-Ville frequency distribution. This method enables the display of a chaotic attractor without the use of reconstruction phase space.Osnovni namen študije je raziskati uporabo metode razpoznavanja kaotičnih vzorcev za uporabo pri napovedovanju zgostitve prometnega toka v cestnem prometu. Prometni tok je spremenljiv, dinamičen in kompleksen sitem, ki je nelinearen nepredvidljiv. Nastanek zgostitve prometnega toka na cestnem odseku ocenjujemo v časovnem intervalu, ko le-ta prične presegati kapaciteto cestnega odseka. Pod določenimi pogojih je mogoče zaznati kaotični vzorec v prometnem toku. Pregled literature teorije prometnega toka in njegovo povezavo s teorijo kaosa je prikazal veliko teoretično in praktično vrednost tovrstne metode. Raziskane metode identifikacije kaotičnega vzorca v prometnem toku so pokazale omejitve, zato je v nadaljevanju opisana smernica za izboljšavo prepoznavanja kaotičnih vzorcev v prometnem toku. Predlagana nova metoda za napovedovanje zgostitev v prometnem toku predlaga uporabo Wigner-Ville frekvenčne porazdelitve. Postopek omogoča prikaz kaotičnega atraktorja brez uporabe rekonstrukcije faznega prostora

    Development Harmonisation of Mountain Resorts Ropeway and Tourist Infrastructures in the Republic of Slovenia

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    Operation efficiency of mountain resort systems dependslargely on harmonious operation of the most important andtherefore most influential elements of ropeway transp01tationand tourist subsystems. Within the framework of a tourist subsystem,the extent and quality of tourist offer for long-stayingguests plays an essential role. Harm.onised development of theabove-mentioned elements ensures major utilisation and bettereconomic management of the entire system so that it may offerquality se1vices. First of all, the system enables permanent andenvironmentally friendly development of the systems that are asa rule in an absolutely sensitive alpine region.The article deals with some results of in-depth research onthe ropeway transportation system and the results of know-howtransfer into the actual environment of the Slovene mountainresorts

    Nov pristop k določevanju dolžine preglednosti pasivno zaščitenih nivojskih železniških prehodov

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    The paper is based on the question whether the existing (legislation determined) method for determining the visibility length on passive protected level railroad crossings insures the relevant level of traffic safety. It has been recognised that using of such method does not provide stopping of road driver vehicles in front of railroad crossing in all conditions. Based on such conclusion a new approach to determining visibility length on passive protected level railroad crossing is proposed. The new approach is based on the assumption that it is necessary, primarily on level railroad crossings with local roads to recognize the worst possible and expected road and weather conditions. The testing of the proposed method in the real environment has shown that at lower speeds of road vehicles there is almost no difference, and that important benefits are recognised for the speeds of 30 and 50km/h where longer stopping distances of road vehicles have been detected (road vehicle can stop safely in front of a rail crossing) with almost the same visibility lengths. The use of the proposed method could have important impact on the increase of traffic safety on passive protected level railroad crossings. Pričujoči prispevek temelji na vprašanju, če obstoječa zakonsko določena metoda za določevanje dolžine preglednosti na pasivno zaščitenih železniških prehodih zagotavlja ustrezni nivo prometne varnosti. Ugotovljeno je, da uporaba obstoječe metode ne omogoča vozniku motornega vozila zaustavitve vozila v vseh pogojih. Na osnovi takšne ugotovitve je predlagan nov pristop k določevanju dolžine preglednosti na pasivno zaščitenih nivojskih železniških prehodih. Nov pristop temelji na predpostavki, da je nujno, predvsem na nivojskih železniških prehodih lokalnih cest, upoštevati najslabše možne in pričakovane cestne in vremenske pogoje. Preizkus predlagane metode v realnem prometnem okolju je pokazal, da pri nižjih hitrosti cestnih vozil skoraj ni razlike, pomembnejše prednosti se pokažejo pri hitrostih 30 in 50 km/h, kjer so ugotovljene večje dolžine zaustavljanja cestnega vozila (cestno vozila se lahko varno zaustavi pred nivojskim železniškim prehodom) pri skoraj enakih dolžinah preglednega polja. Uporaba predlagane metode lahko pomembno prispeva k povečanju prometne varnosti na nivojskih železniških prehodih zaščitenimi samo z Andrejevim križem