279 research outputs found

    C-myc misregulation triggers complex process of genomic instability

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    Genetic stability is an essential factor for the cellular integrity. Failure in its maintenance leads to accumulation of errors derived from the process of DNA replication, cellular metabolism, action of endogenous and exogenous DNA damaging factors and eventually, as a final outcome tumor initiation and progression occur. Overall manifestation of c-Myc deregulation in many tumors and different mechanisms of Myc's action toward genomic stability suggest that this gene plays a central role in destabilization of genome. Microarray studies and functional genomics approach led us to conclusion that c-Myc can control nuclear architecture in global fashion since about 15% of all cellular genes are regulated by this transcription factor. Deregulation of c-illyc gene triggers a composite network of genomic instability that may result in several different outcomes as: locus-specific amplification, formation of extrachromosomal elements (EEs), chromosomal instability, long-range illegitimate recombination, point mutations, DNA breakage and nuclear structure reorganization This review outlines the growing evidence that c-Myc oncogene induces a complex network of genomic instability and describes systems and circumstances under which deregulation of c-Myc results in specific types of genomic alteration

    KE-formulacija za aplikacije virtualne stvarnosti

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    Virtual reality (VR), as a novel technology, represents one of the most powerful tools to assist or even play the major role in many areas, such as development of new designs, training medical practitioners or assembly operators, entertaining industry, etc. On the other hand, the finite element method (FEM) imposed itself as an essential technical support for the needs of computing flexible bodiesā€™ deformational behavior. FEM together with CAD are important ingredients of VR. In the VR applications that imply interactive simulations with flexible bodies included, the efficiency of FEM formulations is of crucial importance. The paper presents a co-rotational FEM-formulation developed to meet the needs of simulating geometrically nonlinear deformational behavior at interactive frame rates. It is presented here in combination with a rather simple linear tetrahedral element. The formulation is enriched with a coupled-mesh technique to enable the usage of rougher FEM models to compute deformational behavior of complex geometries. The advantages of an iterative solver and the solution procedure for both static and dynamic analyses are discussed.Virtualna stvarnost (VR), kao nova tehnologija, predstavlja jednu od najmoćnijih alatki koje podržavaju rad ili čak igraju glavnu ulogu u mnogim područjima, kao Å”to su razvoj novih dizajna, trening liječnika ili montažera, industrija zabave, itd. S druge strane, metoda konačnih elemenata (MKE) se nametnula kao osnovna tehnička podrÅ”ka za potrebe proračunavanja deformacijskog ponaÅ”anja elastičnih tijela. MKE je zajedno s CAD-om, važan dio VR-a. U VR aplikacijama koje podrazumijevaju interaktivnu simulaciju s elastičnim tijelima, efikasnost MKE formulacije je od presudne važnosti. Rad predstavlja korotacijsku MKE formulaciju razvijenu s ciljem simuliranja geometrijski nelinearnog ponaÅ”anja u interaktivnoj domeni. Formulacija je predstavljena u kombinaciji s vrlo jednostavnim linearnim elementom tipa tetraedra. Formulacija je proÅ”irena tehnikom spregnutih mreža kako bi se omogućilo koriÅ”tenje grubljih MKE modela za određivanje deformacijskog ponaÅ”anja složenih geometrija. Razmotrene su prednosti iterativnog solvera kao i procedura rjeÅ”avanja statičke i dinamičke analize


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    The field of active/adaptive structures has been the subject of intense interest over the past couple of decades. The progress in this research field strongly depends on the availability of adequate and reliable modelling tools. Regarding structural analysis in general, the finite element method (FEM) has imposed itself as the method of choice for modelling and simulation. Piezoelectric active structures are characterized by strong enough coupling between the mechanical field and the electric field, which is further used for the realization of active structural behaviour. The descriptions of the mechanical and electrical field as well as their coupling significantly affect the convergence of the FEM results with mesh refinement, which may proceed in a trend different to what is commonly expected when FEM is applied to purely mechanical problems. The paper considers this aspect by using two quadratic shell type finite elements developed for modelling piezoelectric composite laminates. Both full and uniformly reduced integration techniques are taken into consideration in a set of examples involving composite laminates with active piezoelectric layers

    Survey of Finite Element Method-Based Real-Time Simulations

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    The finite element method (FEM) has deservedly gained the reputation of the most powerful, highly efficient, and versatile numerical method in the field of structural analysis. Though typical application of FE programs implies the so-called ā€œoff-lineā€ computations, the rapid pace of hardware development over the past couple of decades was the major impetus for numerous researchers to consider the possibility of real-time simulation based on FE models. Limitations of available hardware components in various phases of developments demanded remarkable innovativeness in the quest for suitable solutions to the challenge. Different approaches have been proposed depending on the demands of the specific field of application. Though it is still a relatively young field of work in global terms, an immense amount of work has already been done calling for a representative survey. This paper aims to provide such a survey, which of course cannot be exhaustive

    Numerical study of the hydraulic excavator overturning stability during performing lifting operations

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    This article presents a numerical study of the stability of a hydraulic excavator during performing lifting operations. A planar dynamic model is developed with six degrees of freedom, which considers the base body elastic connection with the terrain, the front digging manipulator links, and the presence of the freely suspended payload. Differential equations describing the excavator dynamic behavior are obtained by using the Lagrange formalism. Numerical experiments are carried out to study the excavator dynamic stability under different operating conditions during the motion along a vertical straight-line trajectory. It is shown that the arising inertial loads during the movement of the links along the vertical trajectory, combined with the payload swinging and the motion of the base body, decreases the excavator stability. It was found that the excavator stability during following vertical straight-line trajectory decreases considerably in the lower part of the vertical trajectory. If the stability coefficient is close to 1, the payload swinging can cause the separation of a support from the terrain; nevertheless, the excavator stability can be restored. A method for tire stiffness and damping coefficients estimation is presented. The validation of the dynamical model is performed by the use of a small-scale elastically mounted manipulator.DFG, 414044773, Open Access Publizieren 2019 - 2020 / Technische UniversitƤt Berli

    Benefits and obstacles in implementation of Neuroscientific approach in education

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    Although relation between brain and education is known for long time, facts known about brain organization and functioning were not found to be useful in the process of education till recently. New field named as Neuroeducation, or Mind, Brain and Education is interdisciplinary scientific field that merge Neuroscience and Education in order to implement knowledge from brain science into process of education. The main scope of Neuroeducation is to investigate relations between biology of cognitive processes on one side, and learning and education on the other side. Birth of Neuroeducation as a "child" from "unnatural marriage" between Neuroscience and Education as parents, opened many questions but also great expectations. In this paper we summarize benefits and obstacles in the relatively new field of Neuroeducation trying to predict its further development and outcomes

    Benefits and obstacles in implementation of Neuroscientific approach in education

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    Although relation between brain and education is known for long time, facts known about brain organization and functioning were not found to be useful in the process of education till recently. New field named as Neuroeducation, or Mind, Brain and Education is interdisciplinary scientific field that merge Neuroscience and Education in order to implement knowledge from brain science into process of education. The main scope of Neuroeducation is to investigate relations between biology of cognitive processes on one side, and learning and education on the other side. Birth of Neuroeducation as a "child" from "unnatural marriage" between Neuroscience and Education as parents, opened many questions but also great expectations. In this paper we summarize benefits and obstacles in the relatively new field of Neuroeducation trying to predict its further development and outcomes

    Zloupotreba znanja - bioetička i bezbednosna pitanja vezana za sintetičku biologiju

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    The design and construction of new biological systems in the way engineers design electronic or mechanical systems is the primary goal of synthetic biology. The ability to create and modify life forms and easy access to information to do so has raised a number of issues related to ethics and security. In the era of rapid development of biotechnology, and the perception of the consequent risks to the environment and health, the ethics of knowledge becomes a matter of practical significance. The concern about the misuse of knowledge from synthetic biology influences new risk reduction strategies, which can have significant effects on scientific progress. This paper will provide an overview of the main bioethical and biosafety issues of synthetic biology.Projektovanje i izgradnja novih bioloÅ”kih sistema na način kako inženjeri dizajniraju elektronske ili mehaničke sisteme je primaran cilj sintetičke biologije. Sposobnost stvaranja i modifikacije životnih oblika i lak pristup informacijama kako to učiniti, pokrenula je brojna pitanja vezana za etiku i bezbednost. U doba brzog razvoja biotehnologije, i uviđanja posledičnih rizika po životnu sredinu i zdravlje, etika znanja postaje stvar od praktičnog značaja. Zabrinutost zbog zloupotrebe znanja iz sintetičke biologije utiče na nove strategije za smanjenje rizika, a Å”to može imati značajne efekte na naučni napredak. Ovaj rad će dati pregled glavnih bioetičkih i biosigurnosnih pitanja sintetičke biologije
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