9 research outputs found
Osvrt na meteorološka istraživanja u Hrvatskoj do 1997.
This review of meteorological research is based on the published professional and scientific papers. Papers are divided into 19 main topics: books, measurements and data processing, solar energy, planetary boundary layer, ecological problems, climatological papers, research on wind and air humidity, traffic and agricultural meteorology, hail defense, biometeorology, air- sea interaction, atmospheric electricity, history of meteorology, research projects and other activities. For every group, main research problems and achieved results are outlined on the basis of selected papers, which are quoted in the list of references. This list does not include complete bibliography of meteorological papers published so far in Croatia. However, it was in- tended to include all authors with some of their papers in order to get insight into research they were involved with, and their contribution. The first meteorological papers commenced to appear in the middle of the nineteenth century but the greatest number of papers has been published in the last 50 years. This is in harmony with the development of meteorology as profession and of meteorological institutions: Geophysical Institute "Andrija Mohorovičić" and Meteorological and Hydrological Service.Pregled meteoroloških istraživanja izrađen je na osnovi objavljenih znanstvenih i stručnih radova. Tematski su radovi svrstani u 19 skupina: knjige, mjerenja i obrada podataka, sunčana energija, numeričko modeliranje, analiza i prognoza vremena, planetarni granični sloj, ekološka problematika, klimatološki radovi, istraživanje vjetra i vlage u zraku, prometna i poljoprivredna meteorologija, obrana od tuče, biometeorologija, međusobno djelovanje atmosfere i mora, atmosferski elektricitet, povijest meteorologije, istraživački projekti i ostale djelatnosti. Unutar svake skupine navode se glavni problemi istraživanja i postignuti rezultati na osnovi odabranih radova, koji se navode u popisu literature. Taj popis dakle ne sadrži cjelokupnu bibliografiju meteoroloških radova dosad objavljenih u Hrvatskoj. Ipak se nastojalo obuhvatiti sve autore s nekoliko njihovih djela, da se dobije uvid čime su se pojedinci bavili i koji je
njihov doprinos. Vidljivo je da su prvi meteorološki radovi na hrvatskom počeli izlaziti sredinom 19. st., a najveći broj radova da je objavljen u posljednjih 50 godina. To se poklapa s razvojem struke i meteoroloških institucija: Geofizičkog zavoda Andrija Mohorovičić i Državnog hidrometeorološkog zavoda
About Modelling of Complex Networks with Applications to Terrorist Group Modelling
Based on available data on various organisations and networks, the article explores some key properties of the structure of a terrorist organisation. Analytical focus is on lower levels of organisational hierarchy, where network structure with exponential distribution of the number of links
among network nodes is clearly visible. Such networks tend to grow organically, are very efficient in information diffusion, and are robust regarding stochastic failures and targeted attacks. These network
features are illustrated by recent example based on network data about September 11, 2001 attacks on New York and Washington
An Overview of Databases on Conflicts and Political Issues
This paper provides an overview of important projects concerned with the development of databases on conflicts, crises and similar political events and those dealing with the structural characteristics of nation-states. The various databases are usually differently conceptualized, even when they describe the same phenomenon. Different conceptualization of the problem leads to distinct operational definitions, and eventually to divergent coding rules. Therefore, the researcher intending to use the existing data for statistical analysis or modelling social processes can become lost browsing the multitude of diverse datasets. In this overview, the short descriptions of important data-gathering projects include information on the institutions where the projects are placed, their principal investigators, time span and number of cases they include. Finally, all databases are classified according to their focus (event/structure) and their level (nation state/international relations) of observation
Formalni modeli društvenih sukoba
Knjiga Formalni modeli društvenih sukoba nastala je suradnjom Odsjeka za sociologiju Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i Instituta za istraživanje i razvoj obrambenih sustava Ministarstva obrane Republike Hrvatske na znanstvenoistraživačkom projektu Socijalni korelati Domovinskog rata. Osim pregleda najrazličitihih formalnih modela vezanih uz problem društvenih sukoba, knjiga sadrži i prikaz dvaju izvornih modela nastalih u sklopu projekta: model etničke mobilizacije i model etničkog sukoba.Knjiga Formalni modeli društvenih sukoba nastala je suradnjom Odsjeka za sociologiju Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i Instituta za istraživanje i razvoj obrambenih sustava Ministarstva obrane Republike Hrvatske na znanstvenoistraživačkom projektu Socijalni korelati Domovinskog rata. Osim pregleda najrazličitihih formalnih modela vezanih uz problem društvenih sukoba, knjiga sadrži i prikaz dvaju izvornih modela nastalih u sklopu projekta: model etničke mobilizacije i model etničkog sukoba
Computer Wargames: Combat Models and Simulations at Different Levels of Resolution
U radu su usporedno prikazane osnovne karakteristike tri skupine borbenih modela i simulacija: umreženih simulatora, simulacija visoke rezolucije i agregiranih simulacija. Nakon definicije svake skupine modela, prikazan je povijesni razvitak i raširenost, način upotrebe u obuci i analizama, hardverske komponente i matematički formalizmi koji se koriste u modeliranju na određenoj razini. Na kraju svakog poglavlja, u nekoliko se rečenica osvrćemo na mogućnosti upotrebe razvoja takvih modela u Republici Hrvatskoj.The paper parallely presents key characteristics different types of combat models and simulations. Models and simulations are grouped primarily according to resolution into three categories: networked simulators, high-resolution simulations and aggregated simulations. Each type of models is descriptively defined, its short history is given, and its usage for training and analysis is described. Key hardware components and mathematical formalisms used on each level of resolution are mentioned. At the end of each chapter, usage of models and the possibilities to develop such models in Croatia are discussed