4 research outputs found

    Review article on Mutraghata w.s.r. to BPH

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    BPH is a common condition in old age. The epidemiology reveals that BPH more likely occur after the age of 40 years, with prevalence rate of 8%-60% at age 90 years. Some data have suggested that there is decreased risk among the Asians compared to the western white populations. Genetics, diet and life style may play a role here. An enlarged prostate gland can cause uncomfortable urinary symptoms, like frequency, urgency, hesitancy, nocturia, decreased/intermittent force of urine stream, sensation of incomplete voiding of urine. In Ayurveda, Mutragranthi and Vatashtheela can be correlated with BPH on the basis of symptoms. The disease occurs due to vitiation of Apanavayu along with the vitiation of Kapha and Pitta Doshas. In modern science the management of BPH is either by conservative or surgical intervention. Surgery may cause serious complications like bleeding, urethral stricture, urinary incontinence or leakage, erectile dysfunction, and retrograde ejaculations. To avoid such complications and to understand the disease in better way an effort has been made in this study by analyzing the available references in relation to Mutraghata/BPH

    A case study on successful Ayurvedic management of Katishoola

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    Katishoola (low backache) is one among the Vatavyadhi. It is a common musculoskeletal disorder affecting 80% of the population at some point in their lives. The common causes are sedentary life style, lack of exercise, driving in hunched position, poor standing and sitting posture, obesity etc. The allopathic system of medicine uses analgesics, NSAIDS and steroids which are not effective and has serious adverse effects. To avoid such condition, we would like to introduce combination of Short Wave Diathermy, Rasona Kalka and Navsiddha Taila for Ayurveda management of Katishoola

    Clinical Study of Navsiddha Taila and Swedana in the management of Katishoola

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    In evolutionary process man remain as the only animal, which stands in upright posture. Indeed the presence of curvatures in the vertebral column, man never attains absolute rest in any posture, owing them to suffer with problems related to vertebral column. As the advancement of busy professional and social life, it encourages sedentary behaviour with long working hours at desk jobs, lack of natural movement, improper sitting posture in offices, factories, continuous and overexertion, jerking movements during travelling and sports causing overtaxing of muscles. All of these stressors take their toll on the body, and yield undue pressure over the vertebral column especially over the Lumbar region. This compression over the nerves is because of decreased intervertebral disc space. Somewhere within the core of this lifestyle prevails the unique cause of Katishoola. In Katishoola, Vitiated ‘Vata’ is considered to be the principle Dosha involved because the cardinal symptom of vitiation of this Dosha is pain which is known as Shoola. It is known by the name Low back ache or Lumbago. In the present study use of Navsiddha Taila (Kalpita Yoga) Snehana and Swedana by infrared lamp in bringing symptomatic relief in patients of Katishoola has been chosen

    Role of Vajraka Taila in the management of Vrana

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    In today’s busy and fast life more people are living with conditions that increase their susceptibility to traumatic wounds, due to one or the other cause; thereby taking a heavy toll of life. As per Ayurveda, these type of wounds, which are caused by extrinsic factors are known as Sadyovrana. The major aspect of the management of the traumatic wounds is prevention of the infection, speedy healing, reducing pain, discharge and less discoloration after healing. In Ayurveda, various formulations for debridement are mentioned such as Kwaatha, Kalka, Churna, Rasakriya, Varti, Taila and Ghrita depending on the Avastha of Vrana. In the present study use of Vajraka Taila for external application, has been chosen. Total 30 patients fulfilling the inclusion criteria were selected and the treatment was given for 15 days. The study showed that Vajraka Taila is very effective in Vrana