53 research outputs found

    A well‐tolerated core needle muscle biopsy process suitable for children and adults

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    Serial muscle biopsies within clinical trials for Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) are critical to document therapeutic responses. Less invasive means of sampling muscle are needed. We analyzed a retrospective consecutive case-series cohort of vacuum-assisted core needle muscle biopsy procedures performed on healthy and dystrophic individuals at a single institution assessing for safety and reliability of obtaining sufficient high-quality biopsy tissue for histologic assessment in adult and pediatric subjects. Of 471 muscle cores from 128 biopsy procedures, 377-550 mg of total muscle tissue was obtained per procedure with mean core weight of 129 mg (SD, 25.1 mg). All biopsies were adequate for histological assessment. There were no significant adverse events. This core needle biopsy approach, when combined with improved sample processing, provides a safe means to consistently obtain muscle samples for diagnostic and clinical trial applications


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    Antisense oligonucleotide (AON)-mediated exon skipping is an emerging therapeutic for individuals with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). Skipping of exons adjacent to common exon deletions in DMD using AONs can produce in-frame transcripts and functional protein. Targeted skipping of DMD exons 8, 44, 45, 50, 51, 52, 53, and 55 is predicted to benefit 47% of affected individuals. We observed a correlation between mutation subgroups and age at loss of ambulation in the Duchenne Registry, a large database of phenotypic and genetic data for DMD (N = 765). Males amenable to exon 44 (N = 74) and exon 8 skipping (N = 18) showed prolonged ambulation compared to other exon skip groups and nonsense mutations (P = 0.035 and P < 0.01, respectively). In particular, exon 45 deletions were associated with prolonged age at loss of ambulation relative to the rest of the exon 44 skip amenable cohort and other DMD mutations. Exon 3-7 deletions also showed prolonged ambulation relative to all other exon 8 skippable mutations. Cultured myotubes from DMD patients with deletions of exons 3-7 or exon 45 showed higher endogenous skipping than other mutations, providing a potential biological rationale for our observations. These results highlight the utility of aggregating phenotypic and genotypic data for rare pediatric diseases to reveal progression differences, identify potentially confounding factors, and probe molecular mechanisms that may affect disease severity

    Single nuclei transcriptomics of muscle reveals intra-muscular cell dynamics linked to dystrophin loss and rescue.

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    In Duchenne muscular dystrophy, dystrophin loss leads to chronic muscle damage, dysregulation of repair, fibro-fatty replacement, and weakness. We develop methodology to efficiently isolate individual nuclei from minute quantities of frozen skeletal muscle, allowing single nuclei sequencing of irreplaceable archival samples and from very small samples. We apply this method to identify cell and gene expression dynamics within human DMD and mdx mouse muscle, characterizing effects of dystrophin rescue by exon skipping therapy at single nuclei resolution. DMD exon 23 skipping events are directly observed and increased in myonuclei from treated mice. We describe partial rescue of type IIa and IIx myofibers, expansion of an MDSC-like myeloid population, recovery of repair/remodeling M2-macrophage, and repression of inflammatory POSTN1 + fibroblasts in response to exon skipping and partial dystrophin restoration. Use of this method enables exploration of cellular and transcriptomic mechanisms of dystrophin loss and repair within an intact muscle environment. Our initial findings will scaffold our future work to more directly examine muscular dystrophies and putative recovery pathways