9,075 research outputs found

    Gravitational trapping potential with arbitrary extra dimensions

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    We extend a recently discovered, non-singular 6 dimensional brane, solution to D=4+n dimensions. As with the previous 6D solution the present solution provides a gravitational trapping mechanism for fields of spin 0, 1/2, 1 and 2. There is an important distinction between 2 extra dimensions and nn extra dimensions that makes this more than a trivial extension. In contrast to gravity in n >2 dimensions, gravity in n=2 dimensions is conformally flat. The stress-energy tensor required by this solution has reasonable physically properties, and for n=2 and n=3 can be made to asymptotically go to zero as one moves away from the brane.Comment: 7 pages revtex. No figures. References added some discussions change

    Photovoltaic Current Response of Mesoscopic Conductors to Quantized Cavity Modes

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    We extend the analysis of the effects of electromagnetic (EM) fields on mesoscopic conductors to include the effects of field quantization, motivated by recent experiments on circuit QED. We show that in general there is a photovoltaic (PV) current induced by quantized cavity modes at zero bias across the conductor. This current depends on the average photon occupation number and vanishes identically when it is equal to the average number of thermal electron-hole pairs. We analyze in detail the case of a chaotic quantum dot at temperature T_e in contact with a thermal EM field at temperature T_f, calculating the RMS size of the PV current as a function of the temperature difference, finding an effect ~pA.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Classical and nonclassical randomness in quantum measurements

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    The space of positive operator-valued measures on the Borel sets of a compact (or even locally compact) Hausdorff space with values in the algebra of linear operators acting on a d-dimensional Hilbert space is studied from the perspectives of classical and non-classical convexity through a transform Γ\Gamma that associates any positive operator-valued measure with a certain completely positive linear map of the homogeneous C*-algebra C(X)B(H)C(X)\otimes B(H) into B(H)B(H). This association is achieved by using an operator-valued integral in which non-classical random variables (that is, operator-valued functions) are integrated with respect to positive operator-valued measures and which has the feature that the integral of a random quantum effect is itself a quantum effect. A left inverse Ω\Omega for Γ\Gamma yields an integral representation, along the lines of the classical Riesz Representation Theorem for certain linear functionals on C(X)C(X), of certain (but not all) unital completely positive linear maps ϕ:C(X)B(H)B(H)\phi:C(X)\otimes B(H) \rightarrow B(H). The extremal and C*-extremal points of the space of POVMS are determined.Comment: to appear in Journal of Mathematical Physic

    Ultra-high energy neutrino scattering

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    Estimates are made of the ultra-high energy neutrino cross sections based on an extrapolation to very small Bjorken x of the logarithmic Froissart dependence in x shown previously to provide an excellent fit to the measured proton structure function F_2^p(x,Q^2) over a broad range of the virtuality Q^2. Expressions are obtained for both the neutral current and the charged current cross sections. Comparison with an extrapolation based on perturbative QCD shows good agreement for energies where both fit data, but our rates are as much as a factor of 10 smaller for neutrino energies above 10^9 GeV, with important implications for experiments searching for extra-galactic neutrinos.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, 1 table; Title, abstract and text changed, conclusions unchanged. Version accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Orientifolds of Gepner Models

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    We systematically construct and study Type II Orientifolds based on Gepner models which have N=1 supersymmetry in 3+1 dimensions. We classify the parity symmetries and construct the crosscap states. We write down the conditions that a configuration of rational branes must satisfy for consistency (tadpole cancellation and rank constraints) and spacetime supersymmetry. For certain cases, including Type IIB orientifolds of the quintic and a two parameter model, one can find all solutions in this class. Depending on the parity, the number of vacua can be large, of the order of 10^{10}-10^{13}. For other models, it is hard to find all solutions but special solutions can be found -- some of them are chiral. We also make comparison with the large volume regime and obtain a perfect match. Through this study, we find a number of new features of Type II orientifolds, including the structure of moduli space and the change in the type of O-planes under navigation through non-geometric phases.Comment: 142 page

    Gauge invariance of dimension two condensate in Yang-Mills theory

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    Gauge independence of dimension two condensate in Yang-Mills theory is demonstrated by using a noncommutative theory technique.Comment: 7 page

    Semiclassical approach to the decay of protons in circular motion under the influence of gravitational fields

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    We investigate the possible decay of protons in geodesic circular motion around neutral compact objects. Weak and strong decay rates and the associated emitted powers are calculated using a semi-classical approach. Our results are discussed with respect to distinct ones in the literature, which consider the decay of accelerated protons in electromagnetic fields. A number of consistency checks are presented along the paper.Comment: To appear in Physical Review

    Some New/Old Approaches to QCD

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    This is a talk delivered at the Meeting on Integrable Quantum Field Theories, Villa Olmo and at STRINGS 1992, Rome, September 1992. I discuss some recent attempts to revive two old ideas regarding an analytic approach to QCD-the development of a string representation of the theory and the large N limit of QCD.Comment: 20 page