44 research outputs found

    Predictive scales and ECG indicators in the acute stroke period

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    The features of the ECG in patients with different values of the SAPS and APACHE II scales in the acute period of stroke were investigated. Despite the fact that the APACHE II and SAPS scales do not include ECG parameters, a number of ECG parameters significantly differ in patients with acute stroke at different values according to these scales. The prognosis aggravation according to the studied scales was not always accompanied by the same type of ECG parameters changes. Survived patients with high APACHE II scores were characterized by high dysmorphic values of ECG amplitude parameters. Died patients with high risks on both scales showed an increase in dysmorphism in many ECG parameters. The scientific novelty of the study is in the detection of ECG features at different values of the SAPS and APACHE II scales in the acute period of stroke.Изучены особенности ЭКГ у пациентов при разных значениях шкал SAPS и APACHE II в остром периоде инсульта. Несмотря на то, что шкалы APACHE II и SAPS не включают в себя параметры ЭКГ, у пациентов с острым инсультом при различных значениях по данным шкалам ряд показателей ЭКГ достоверно отличались. Ухудшение прогноза по изученным шкалам не всегда сопровождалось однотипными изменениями показателей ЭКГ. Выжившие пациенты с высокими значениями по шкале APACHE II характеризовались большими показателями дизморфности амплитудных значений ЭКГ. Умершие пациенты с высокими рисками по обеим шкалам демонстрировали увеличение дизморфности по многим показателям ЭКГ. Научная новизна исследования заключается в обнаружении особенностей ЭКГ при различных рисках осложнений по шкалам SAPS и APACHE II в остром периоде инсульта

    A new method to position and functionalize metal-organic framework crystals

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    With controlled nanometre-sized pores and surface areas of thousands of square metres per gram, metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) may have an integral role in future catalysis, filtration and sensing applications. In general, for MOF-based device fabrication, well-organized or patterned MOF growth is required, and thus conventional synthetic routes are not suitable. Moreover, to expand their applicability, the introduction of additional functionality into MOFs is desirable. Here, we explore the use of nanostructured poly-hydrate zinc phosphate (α-hopeite) microparticles as nucleation seeds for MOFs that simultaneously address all these issues. Affording spatial control of nucleation and significantly accelerating MOF growth, these α-hopeite microparticles are found to act as nucleation agents both in solution and on solid surfaces. In addition, the introduction of functional nanoparticles (metallic, semiconducting, polymeric) into these nucleating seeds translates directly to the fabrication of functional MOFs suitable for molecular size-selective applications

    Hematological indicators during renal replacement therapy in the first three years in surviving and dead patients

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    The aim of the study is to compare hematological parameters of the survivors and deceased patients within different timeframe of RRT.Цель исследования — сравнить гематологические показатели в различные сроки проведения ПЗТ у выживших и погибших пациентов

    Metabolic parameters of surviving and dead patients with chronic kidney disease in the first three years of hemodialysis

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    The aim of the study is to compare blood biochemical parameters in survived and deceased patients within different timeframe of HD.Цель исследования — сравнить биохимические показатели крови при почечно-заместительной терапии у выживших и погибших пациентов в различные сроки проведения хронического гемодиализа