4 research outputs found

    Additional file 9: Figure S3. of High-throughput mRNA and miRNA profiling of epithelial-mesenchymal transition in MDCK cells

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    (A) FASTQC quality check report on the read length distribution of miRNA-Seq data after adaptor and quality-based trimming of reads. (B) Heatmap plot and dendogram based on sample-to-sample Euclidean distances between miRNA-Seq samples (dark for small distances). MDCK 1–4 represent the biological replicates of MDCK cells, MDCK-Ras 1–4 those of MDCK-Ras cells. (PDF 253 kb

    Additional file 4: Table S1. of High-throughput mRNA and miRNA profiling of epithelial-mesenchymal transition in MDCK cells

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    RNA-Seq raw, quality controlled and aligned reads. Rows represent samples, where MDCK 1–4 and MDCK-Ras 1–4 refer to the biological replicates. Numbers are paired-end read counts in million. (PDF 34 kb