46,166 research outputs found

    The symbolic epistemological implications of the different mythological set up of the (Egyptian)-Mesopotamian culture compared to the Grecian one

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    The Mesopotamian peoples were never really dominated by the reason the way we conceptualize it. It's to the revelation as direct emanation of the divine that they ascribed the appearance of knowledge

    Quantum psychoid freewill ? Excerpt by.

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    What we've considered so far about the epistemology of human sciences comes up again as to the concept of "destiny''and human free will: who "must" tell us if we are destined or not? Either Neuroscientists or sociologists? Either Philosophers or biochemists? Has psychology anything to say? Do we need a pool to gather them all? Many other questions come up: what determines us and how much? ls there any sense in talking about destiny? We are a complex system and our conscience is an epiphenomenon of a unitary hierarchical system: would this exclude any possibility of choice? And what does "free choice" mean? And what about the consequences on the ethics? Being Jung and Pauli’s thought a reference point, might we outline a comprehensive reading as regards such problems, even thinking of a sort of quantum psychoid free will

    Does the Soul's sleep generate the Reason? The symbol's compensatory aspect at quantum-psychoid matrix with regard to the Reason's unilateralism. Excerpt by.

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    A Symbol doesn't explain, says Jung. In fact it is beyond the dichotomy of the binary logic, that wants the limiting and restrictive diktat of the tertium non datur to be perpetuated so as to be obliged to choose between two possibilities being anyway on the same nomological axis

    Jung and his search for sense. The Jungian Symbol producer of sense as opposed to the foolishness and violence of the rationality of "the age of technology". Excerpt by.

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    Jung's interpretative "matrix" seems to offer us the possibility to frame the social phenomenology concerning the loss of sense, with the consequent load of experience of widespread awkwardness, in a context of epoch-making, progressive, "one-dimensional" reduction of the symbolic. This seems to us the fundamental matrix of the disastrous, schizoid conflict of the present day society: on one side a literalism in keeping with the logics of power and control, disheartening any possibility of individual and collective development and wellbeing; on the other side the absolute impossibility to keep together the fragments of this vision of the world, anachronistic as it appears by now, in an epoch-making realizing of what could be defined as the violence of the "monotheism" of the reason. The pervasive social influence we are subjected to and we suffer even in the ephemeral shelter of our privacy speaks the language of literalism, rejects the oxygenating receptiveness to the metaphor, prefers the poor inclusive significance of the meaning to the deeper (and potentially enlivening source of psychic welfare) but embarrassing liberty of the sense

    Coronavirus and the Heterogenesis of Ends: Underpinning the Ecological and Health Catastrophe is a Political Crisis

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    The coronavirus catastrophe that we are experiencing is first of all the result of an ecological catastrophe, but its underlying fundamental cause is the political crisis that our democracies are living. The sustainable development model is a smokescreen that will lead not to making deepgoing changes to the economic paradigm but to continuing with business as usual. The betrayal of the elites, both political and economic, supported by a system that is no longer democratic, has exposed the population to this type of sanitary problem. A deep transformation of our political system is urgently needed. The people must take part in a true democracy, a direct democracy, that initiates a new democratic revolution capable of countering the sinister interests of the elites, of the caste in power

    Hadron Physics at KLOE and KLOE-2

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    The KLOE Collaboration completed the full data taking on March 2006, acquiring 2.5 fb ^ -1 at the peak of the \phi and other 240 pb ^ -1 off-peak. A new Collaboration is working on a new project, called KLOE-2, to refine and extend the KLOE physics program. We present here some preliminary and published results from the KLOE Collaboration on the pseudoscalar \eta meson and the study of \gamma \gamma processes, that are among the main points of the KLOE-2 physics program.Comment: Presented at Hadron 201

    Una nueva especie de Bryophaenocladius (Diptera: Chironomidae) de Argentina

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    Se describe y se dibuja el macho de Bryophaenocladius carolinae sp. nov. La especie puede separarse del resto de las especies Neotropicales porque posee una punta anal hialina y triangular, con su punta redondeada; la volsella inferior sub-rectangular y comparativamente más pequeña; gonostilo ensanchado en su parte media y con una quilla externa; R4+5 finalizando opuesta a la terminación de M3+4; escama setosa, pseudospinas y peine en la tibia de la pata dos, ausentes. Se brinda una clave de identificación de adultos machos neotropicales del género Bryophaenocladius Thienemann.The male of Bryophaenocladius carolinae sp. nov. is described and figured. The species can be separated from all other Neotropical species by having a hyaline, blunt triangular anal point, a comparatively small, sub-rectangular inferior volsella, gonostylus widened medially with an outer heel, R4+5 ending opposite to end of M3+4, setose squama and absence of comb on middle tibia and pseudospurs. A key to the adult males of the Neotropical Bryophaenocladius Thienemann is provided.Fil: Donato, Mariano Humberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Laboratorio de Sistemática y Biología Evolutiva; Argentin
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