66 research outputs found

    Rural Development and Wine Tourism in Southern Italy

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    Tourism provides communities with an opportunity to display their region’s distinct and unique cultural and natural assets while creating employment and diversifying the regional economy. A diverse economy is one that can cope with the changes experienced in our current environment. Tourism is an industry like any other and requires sound planning and a firm commitment from the community to make it work. Like all economic activities the benefits of tourism may create social and environmental impacts which need to be managed through a partnership approach and appropriate planning at a local level. Wine sector has shown significant growth in the last decade and the related tourism activity has also increased, particularly in the Mediterranean countries. Wine tourism is defined as tourism in which the opportunity for wine related experiences contributes significantly to the reason for travel to the destination or to itinerary planning while at the destination. Wine tourism has been identified as sector that could be drivers for increased tourism in the Mediterranean region, both by attracting more visitors and extending the length of stay and spending of current visitors. The general purpose of the paper is to undertake a review of existing wine tourism activities, identify areas for growth and make recommendations with respect to an action plan that will develop wine, tourism and expand tourism growth in the Mediterranean region. Historically, in fact, in southern Italy viticulture has had role of great importance in agricultural field. From over 2000 years wine is made by traditional methods and especially in this area have place most of the autochthonous grape varieties. The development of wine tourism in conjunction with the spread of the industry has become important to the viability of regional economies and the industry's many smaller businesses. The policies that lie behind the development of the wine industry have important implications for the development of other industries in the Mediterranean area, notably: - as a model for the development of high-value industries on a sustainable basis in the agricultural sector; - as a model of collaborative development for other manufacturing industries

    The Impact of Euro-Mediterranean Partnerships on the Agricultural Sector of the Mediterranean Area

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    In 1995, the Barcelona Conference Inter-government Euro-Mediterranean, through the plan of the creation of the partnership Euro-Mediterranean, has marked the start of a phase of collaboration between the European Union and the Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPCs) that has origin in the importance that these last ones cover in order to assure conditions of stability and peace in the Mediterranean area. Draft of an ambitious plan turned to the creation of solid report and long-lasting relationships between the countries of the north banks and those of the south. Agricultural sector is one of the most important sectors in the economies of the MPCs.Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC), free trade area, import, export, International Relations/Trade, Q17,

    Rural Development and Wine Tourism in Southern Italy

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    Tourism provides communities with an opportunity to display their region's distinct and unique cultural and natural assets while creating employment and diversifying the regional economy. A diverse economy is one that can cope with the changes experienced in our current environment. Tourism is an industry like any other and requires sound planning and a firm commitment from the community to make it work. Like all economic activities the benefits of tourism may create social and environmental impacts which need to be managed through a partnership approach and appropriate planning at a local level. Wine sector has shown significant growth in the last decade and the related tourism activity has also increased, particularly in the Mediterranean countries. Wine tourism is defined as tourism in which the opportunity for wine related experiences contributes significantly to the reason for travel to the destination or to itinerary planning while at the destination. Wine tourism has been identified as sector that could be drivers for increased tourism in the Mediterranean region, both by attracting more visitors and extending the length of stay and spending of current visitors. The general purpose of the paper is to undertake a review of existing wine tourism activities, identify areas for growth and make recommendations with respect to an action plan that will develop wine, tourism and expand tourism growth in the Mediterranean region. Historically, in fact, in southern Italy viticulture has had role of great importance in agricultural field. From over 2000 years wine is made by traditional methods and especially in this area have place most of the autochthonous grape varieties. The development of wine tourism in conjunction with the spread of the industry has become important to the viability of regional economies and the industry's many smaller businesses. The policies that lie behind the development of the wine industry have important implications for the development of other industries in the Mediterranean area, notably: - as a model for the development of high-value industries on a sustainable basis in the agricultural sector; - as a model of collaborative development for other manufacturing industrie

    Análisis de las percepciones de los stakeholders sobre el lobo en la zona del Parque Nacional de Sila, Italia

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    Although coexistence between wolves and humans is possible and desirable, especially in protected areas such as the Sila National Park, nevertheless it is often a source of tension. The debate on cohabitation and conflicts between humans and wolves remains open and controversial, suggesting the importance of taking into account the perceptions of all stakeholders. The study analyzes the perceptions of 3 groups of stakeholders (general public, experts, farmers) in relation to different factors and investigates which interventions can mitigate conflicts related to coexistence. Among the results, we noted that the majority of respondents consider positive the presence of the wolf in the Park area; but only the experts considers positive this presence in the territory in general, while the other two groups express opposite or neutral opinion.Aunque la coexistencia entre lobos y humanos es posible y deseable, especialmente en áreas protegidas como el Parque Nacional de Sila, a menudo es una fuente de tensión. El debate sobre la convivencia y los conflictos entre humanos y lobos sigue siendo abierto y controvertido, lo que sugiere la importancia de tener en cuenta las “percepciones” de todas las partes interesadas. Este estudio analiza las percepciones de 3 grupos de partes interesadas (público general, expertos, criadores) en relación con varios factores, e investiga qué intervenciones pueden mitigar los conflictos relacionados con la coexistencia. Entre los resultados, notamos que la mayoría de los encuestados considera positiva la presencia del lobo en el área del Parque; pero solo los expertos consideran positiva esta presencia en el territorio en general, mientras que los otros dos grupos expresan opinión contraria o neutra

    La gestione del rischio in agricoltura: l'uso degli strumenti assicurativi in Italia

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    The agricultural activity, in comparison to other productive activities, it is more subject to the problems of risk and uncertainty that can engrave deeply on the result economic ending. The agricultural entrepreneur, besides the tied up risks to his own activity, it has to face those caused by unfavorable climatic events, as a result of the place in which the most greater part of the agricultural activities are made. Actually to today Italian farmers had been able to count on a system of public indemnify for the damages, every time when these have been provoked from natural and atmospheric calamity. Recently however the Community Agricultural Politics has replaced the various measures of support of the management of the markets and the prices with a system of direct decoupling payments, breaking that strong bond that united the direct payments to the type and the volume of production. The present job sets the attention on the available tools for the management of the risks in agriculture actually, with particular reference to those concerning insurances

    Quality Productions, Protection and Recovery of the Internal Areas of Aspromonte: the Role of Truffles

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    The purpose of this article is to examine the potential of truffle production and  its market in the Aspromonte area. Through interviews with leading operators, collectors, transformers, retailers and restaurateurs, the strengths and weaknesses of the sector, the risks to the external environment and the opportunities offered by the economic system, as well as the needs raised by the operators who in various ways deal with truffles in the Calabria Region was considered. The results show that truffles are natural biological products and play an important role in the management of woodlands: if they are present they are a formidable indicator of environmental health. The results showed that the truffle supply chain can contribute to the promotion of growth strategies for Calabria as indicated among the objectives of the 2030 Strategy Agenda in Goal 11.a Session 1, point 1 which aims at the conservation, redevelopment and promotion of poor or fragile areas with qualitatively significant cultural and environmental heritage. The truffle sector's ability to attract new economic flows generated by production activities, from territorial marketing, from fresh or processed product marketing and from services capable of guaranteeing additional income for farmers and supply chain operators was also highlighted. The results finally showed that the use of SWOT analysis in niche food products provides useful indications for regional development planning actions, for marketing activities, for the promotion of sustainable tourism, for the recovery and enhancement of rural buildings and for the food and wine routes that revolve around the production of truffles and the gastronomy based on fresh and / or processed truffles. Produzioni di pregio, tutela e recupero delle aree interne aspromontane: il ruolo del tartufoScopo di questo articolo è esaminare le potenzialità della produzione e del mercato del tartufo nell’area aspromontana. Attraverso interviste ad opinioni leader, operatori, raccoglitori, trasformatori, rivenditori e ristoratori, sono stati messi in luce i punti di forza e di debolezza del comparto, i rischi dell’ambiente esterno e le opportunità offerte dal sistema economico, nonché le necessità sollevate dagli operatori che a vario titolo si occupano di tartufo nella Regione Calabria.  I risultati mostrano che i tartufi sono prodotti biologici naturali e che svolgono un ruolo importante nella gestione dei terreni boschivi: se sono presenti rappresentano un formidabile indicatore di salubrità ambientale. I risultati hanno evidenziato, altresì che la filiera del tartufo può contribuire alla promozione di strategie di crescita per la Calabria come indicato tra gli obiettivi della Strategia Agenda 2030, Goal 11.a Sessione 1, punto 1, che punta alla conservazione, riqualificazione e promozione di aree disagiate o fragili con patrimoni culturali e ambientali qualitativamente significativi. Si è inoltre evidenziata la capacità del settore tartuficolo di attrarre nuovi flussi economici generati dalle attività di produzione, dal marketing territoriale, dal marketing del prodotto fresco o trasformato e dai servizi idonei a garantire reddito supplementare aggiuntivo per gli agricoltori e per gli operatori della filiera.  I risultati hanno infine mostrato che l'uso dell'analisi SWOT in prodotti alimentari di nicchia fornisce indicazioni utili per le azioni di pianificazione dello sviluppo regionale, per le attività di marketing, per la promozione del turismo sostenibile, per il recupero e la valorizzazione dei fabbricati rurali e per i percorsi enogastronomici che ruotano intorno alla produzione di tartufi e alla gastronomia a base di tartufi freschi e/o trasformati.The purpose of this article is to examine the potential of truffle production and  its market in the Aspromonte area. Through interviews with leading operators, collectors, transformers, retailers and restaurateurs, the strengths and weaknesses of the sector, the risks to the external environment and the opportunities offered by the economic system, as well as the needs raised by the operators who in various ways deal with truffles in the Calabria Region was considered. The results show that truffles are natural biological products and play an important role in the management of woodlands: if they are present they are a formidable indicator of environmental health. The results showed that the truffle supply chain can contribute to the promotion of growth strategies for Calabria as indicated among the objectives of the 2030 Strategy Agenda in Goal 11.a Session 1, point 1 which aims at the conservation, redevelopment and promotion of poor or fragile areas with qualitatively significant cultural and environmental heritage. The truffle sector's ability to attract new economic flows generated by production activities, from territorial marketing, from fresh or processed product marketing and from services capable of guaranteeing additional income for farmers and supply chain operators was also highlighted. The results finally showed that the use of SWOT analysis in niche food products provides useful indications for regional development planning actions, for marketing activities, for the promotion of sustainable tourism, for the recovery and enhancement of rural buildings and for the food and wine routes that revolve around the production of truffles and the gastronomy based on fresh and / or processed truffles. Produzioni di pregio, tutela e recupero delle aree interne aspromontane: il ruolo del tartufoScopo di questo articolo è esaminare le potenzialità della produzione e del mercato del tartufo nell’area aspromontana. Attraverso interviste ad opinioni leader, operatori, raccoglitori, trasformatori, rivenditori e ristoratori, sono stati messi in luce i punti di forza e di debolezza del comparto, i rischi dell’ambiente esterno e le opportunità offerte dal sistema economico, nonché le necessità sollevate dagli operatori che a vario titolo si occupano di tartufo nella Regione Calabria.  I risultati mostrano che i tartufi sono prodotti biologici naturali e che svolgono un ruolo importante nella gestione dei terreni boschivi: se sono presenti rappresentano un formidabile indicatore di salubrità ambientale. I risultati hanno evidenziato, altresì che la filiera del tartufo può contribuire alla promozione di strategie di crescita per la Calabria come indicato tra gli obiettivi della Strategia Agenda 2030, Goal 11.a Sessione 1, punto 1, che punta alla conservazione, riqualificazione e promozione di aree disagiate o fragili con patrimoni culturali e ambientali qualitativamente significativi. Si è inoltre evidenziata la capacità del settore tartuficolo di attrarre nuovi flussi economici generati dalle attività di produzione, dal marketing territoriale, dal marketing del prodotto fresco o trasformato e dai servizi idonei a garantire reddito supplementare aggiuntivo per gli agricoltori e per gli operatori della filiera.  I risultati hanno infine mostrato che l'uso dell'analisi SWOT in prodotti alimentari di nicchia fornisce indicazioni utili per le azioni di pianificazione dello sviluppo regionale, per le attività di marketing, per la promozione del turismo sostenibile, per il recupero e la valorizzazione dei fabbricati rurali e per i percorsi enogastronomici che ruotano intorno alla produzione di tartufi e alla gastronomia a base di tartufi freschi e/o trasformati

    Eventos agroalimentarios y de productos típicos: instrumentos de promoción para un territorio del sur de Italia

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    For most of the hilly, mountainous and inland areas, local and typical agri-food products represent an important tool for producing income, guaranteeing food and nutritional security, providing an answer to basic human needs and the desire to improve the quality of life. The survival of these areas is strongly linked to the persistence of these products, which, in addition to having to be profitable for the communities that produce them and who live from them, must also impose themselves within the framework of the competitiveness imposed by the markets. In fact, it happens that, for many of them, although the production conditions guarantee quality and food safety, the same cannot be said about their ability to compete with most of the semi-industrial productions. Thanks to consumers survey the study proposes a reading of the relationships between food and wine events / manifestations of an internal area in Southern Italy and some local food products offered in the stalls and food stands on occasion of such events. From a methodological point of view, it was decided to apply the “Social Network Analysis” (SNA), comparing gastronomic, folkloristic and cultural events that were detected in the area and with some local food products present in the stalls and stands. The area considered is very interesting with reference to the typical and traditional products, among which the less known and widespread truffle has only recently begun to establish itself. The results showed that some of the products taken into consideration are recurrent, that is, always present in the various events in the area, others less so. The data shows the attractiveness that these events and gastronomic events are able to trigger in consumers and the interest and propensity to buy that the food of local tradition. In particular, tourists seek the experience of local gastronomy and the culture and identity of the destination visited. Reading these data provides some information on the competitive strength that food and wine events and local productions are able to arouse. Events and demonstrations such as those highlighted in the work help to preserve the identity and authenticity of local traditions.Para la mayor parte de las zonas serranas, montañosas y del interior, los productos agroalimentarios locales y típicos representan una importante herramienta para generar ingresos, garantizar la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional, dando respuesta a las necesidades humanas básicas y al deseo de mejorar la calidad de vida. La supervivencia de estas áreas está fuertemente ligada a la persistencia de estos productos, que, además de tener que ser rentables para las comunidades que los producen y que viven de ellos, también deben imponerse en el marco de la competitividad que imponen los mercados. De hecho, sucede que, para muchos de ellos, si bien las condiciones de producción garantizan la calidad y la seguridad alimentaria, no se puede decir lo mismo de su capacidad para competir con la mayoría de las producciones semi-industriales. Gracias a una encuesta a los consumidores, este estudio propone una evaluación de las relaciones entre los eventos / manifestaciones gastronómicas y vinícolas de un área de interior del sur de Italia y algunos productos alimenticios locales que se ofrecen en los puestos de comida con motivo de tales eventos. Desde el punto de vista metodológico, se optó por aplicar el “Análisis de Redes Sociales” (ARS), comparando los eventos gastronómicos, folclóricos y culturales que se detectaron en la zona y con algunos productos alimenticios locales presentes en los puestos. El área considerada es muy interesante en cuanto a los productos típicos y tradicionales, entre los que la trufa es la menos conocida y extendida, y sólo ha comenzado a consolidarse recientemente. Los resultados mostraron que algunos de los productos tomados en consideración son recurrentes, es decir, siempre presentes en los diversos eventos de la zona, otros menos. Los datos muestran el atractivo que estos eventos y jornadas gastronómicas son capaces de suscitar en los consumidores y el interés y propensión a comprar los alimentos de tradición local. En particular, los turistas buscan la experiencia de la gastronomía local y la cultura e identidad del destino visitado. El análisis de estos datos proporciona información sobre la fuerza competitiva que pueden suscitar los eventos enogastronómicos y las producciones locales. Eventos y manifestaciones como los destacados en el trabajo ayudan a preservar la identidad y la autenticidad de las tradiciones locales


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    The paths of faith as pilgrimage destinations very often combine the most famous religious value with interesting connotations from an environmental, landscape and naturalistic point of view. This is the case of the historic destination of the Sanctuary of the “Madonna della Montagna” in Polsi in Aspromonte, for a long time place of devotion and faith, and at the same time a site full of forest and environmental dimensions. This means that the paths and mountain roads along the religious itineraries can concern the same sales tools with the aim of giving back to the existing communities, often forgotten testimonies of history and shared memory, fragments of life, literature and art.. The purpose of the contribution was to examine the role of pilgrimage in the creation of value and identity, in a dual path, together with faith and redemption of local communities of places long contaminated and subjugated to the presence of the 'ndrangheta, to promote virtuous processes of economic and social legality and to support the Aspromonte in a path of sustainable development, solidarity economy, responsible tourism, and ethics.agro-food production


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    The paths of faith as pilgrimage destinations very often combine the most famous religious value with interesting connotations from an environmental, landscape and naturalistic point of view. This is the case of the historic destination of the Sanctuary of the “Madonna della Montagna” in Polsi in Aspromonte, for a long time place of devotion and faith, and at the same time a site full of forest and environmental dimensions. This means that the paths and mountain roads along the religious itineraries can concern the same sales tools with the aim of giving back to the existing communities, often forgotten testimonies of history and shared memory, fragments of life, literature and art.. The purpose of the contribution was to examine the role of pilgrimage in the creation of value and identity, in a dual path, together with faith and redemption of local communities of places long contaminated and subjugated to the presence of the 'ndrangheta, to promote virtuous processes of economic and social legality and to support the Aspromonte in a path of sustainable development, solidarity economy, responsible tourism, and ethics.agro-food production. DOI: http://dx.medra.org/10.19254/LaborEst.17.0


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    Transhumance, as a silvo-pastoral practice, was widespread in the south of Italy. The study aims to retrieve information on the practice of transhumance in areas very close to the city of Reggio Calabria, in southern Italy, in order to reconstruct the tracks used in the past to bring the flocks to high altitude pastures. Using an exploratory and descriptive case study method we are able to provide focus on the phenomenon by analyzing and recording relevant elements useful for the valorization and development of these routes. In particular, two routes have been identified, which reach Aspromonte, and which could be recovered in a cultural, tourist, environmental and social key taking into account the peculiarities of the individual territorial areas in terms of naturalistic and landscape features. In this perspective, the memory of the shepherds' paths can become an innovative element and its conservation can become a development factor for economic enhancement activities