4 research outputs found
Abordando el acoso escolar en las clases de inglés: una propuesta de enseñanza-aprendizaje por proyectos
This dissertation conforms a unit plan based on the methodology of project-based learning, that responds to a series of needs detected in my placement period. The unit plan blends together the principles of cooperative learning, motivational components, and the motif to foster communication among the learners in order to tackle an issue of social concern, namely bullying. The proposal attends the legal framework, the learners' needs for more active participation in the learning process and the opportunity to link the classroom learning environment with the social development
Motivation in the ESL/EFL classroom: Strategies and ways of motivating students
This dissertation gives an account of the importance of motivation in the ESL/EFL classroom. It offers a theoretical framework on the topic and a review of different strategies and ways of motivating students. Two of the projects carried out during the master offer a reflection on the importance of motivating students and they also provide practical examples of how to foster motivation and interest among students
An approach to the teaching of pronunciation in Primary Education in Spain
The aim of this research study is mainly to introduce me to the world of research in English classroom, the main components that a research must have and the most relevant research methods. This work also presents an overview of the different methodologies prevailing in the teaching of English as a foreign language throughout the last two centuries and a description of the methodology that is commonly followed nowadays. It will also attempt a description of the most typical pronunciation problems that Spanish learners present by the time they learn English language. Finally, with the aim of conclude which method is the best to teach pronunciation, a research will be implemented in two groups of students of the same age
Los juegos a los que jugamos: un estudio comparativo de algunas aplicaciones comunes para el aprendizaje del inglés
The increasingly accelerated pace of growth of digital media has led society to be immersed in the need to manage them, causing a change in all areas, including education. That is why e-Learning and, especially, m-Learning are postulated, perhaps today more than ever, as widely efficient resources to grant learning without time or space limitations by taking advantage of the possibilities offered by mobile devices and the different apps available. However, although this is now a field of study of international importance, its incorporation into the educational system is being rather slow. It is precisely for this reason that this dissertation is proposed with the intention of discovering the pedagogical possibilities that apps can offer as a tool for learning English, as well as analyzing how efficient they are, from an educational point of view, and how attractive and functional that may be for users.El cada vez más acelerado ritmo de crecimiento de los medios digitales, ha llevado a que la sociedad se vea inmersa en la necesidad del manejo de los mismos, provocando un cambio en todos los ámbitos, incluido el educativo. Es por ello que el e-Learning y, especialmente, el m-Learning se postulan, quizá hoy más que nunca, como un recurso ampliamente eficiente, aprovechando las posibilidades que ofrecen los dispositivos móviles y permitiendo un aprendizaje sin limitaciones de tiempo ni de espacio, gracias al uso de las distintas aplicaciones que existen en el mercado. Sin embargo, aunque este es ahora un campo de estudio de importancia internacional, su incorporación al sistema educativo está siendo más bien lenta. Es precisamente por ello que el presente trabajo se plantea con la intención de descubrir las posibilidades pedagógicas que las aplicaciones móviles pueden ofrecer como herramienta para el aprendizaje del inglés, así como analizar cuán eficientes son, desde un punto de vista educativo, y lo atractivas y funcionales que pueden resultar para los usuarios. <br /