59 research outputs found

    Cartesian primary qualities in light of some contemporary physical explanations

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    Descartes’ derivation of the primary qualities of matter and their role in explaining observed physical phenomena are briefly reviewed. The lesson drawn from Descartes’ methodology of explanation is that we ought to aim to reduce complex phenomena to simple unifying principles and conceptual primitives. Three proposed solutions to the apparent paradoxes in contemporary quantum physics (primarily associated with the notion of entanglement) are briefly compared with lessons taken from Descartes. It is argued that further research in this field should provide criteria for selecting modifications to the standard (largely Cartesian) conceptual scheme, along the lines of either visualisable causality or the physical spatial separability of all material objects. (IN CROATIAN: Članak počinje kratkim pregledom Descartesove derivacije primarnih kvaliteta materije i njihove uloge u objaĆĄnjenju zamijećenih fizikalnih pojava. Pouka izvedena iz Descartesove metodologije prirodoznanstvenih objaĆĄnjenja glasi da je sloĆŸene pojave poĆŸeljno svesti na jednostavna objedinjujuća načela i temeljne, nedjeljive pojmove. Tri moguća objaĆĄnjenja navodnih paradoksa u suvremenoj kvantnoj fizici (prvenstveno povezanih s pojmom “isprepletenosti”) saĆŸeto se prikazuje i uspoređuje s navedenom Descartesovom poukom. Zaključuje se da bi daljnja istraĆŸivanja u ovome području trebala iznjedriti kriterije prihvatljivosti izmjena standardne konceptualne (uvelike kartezijanske) sheme. Navedeni kriteriji trebaju se temeljiti ili na uzročnim procesima koji se mogu “vizualizirati” ili na ustrajanju na načelu fizikalne prostorne odvojivosti svih materijalnih predmeta.

    Bohrova filozofija i izmjene temelja fizikalnog jezika

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    IN CROATIAN: Od samih početaka razvoja kvantne mehanike javlja se potreba metafizičkog razgraničenja "makro" svijeta opisanog "svakodnevnim jezikom" i "mikro" svijeta kojim se bavi fomrlizam teorije (ponajprije zbog pojave "isprepletenosti" dvaju ili viĆĄe logički suprotstavljenih stanja). U tekstu se raspravlja o potrebi pomirenja ovako umjetno rzgraničenih svjetova, uz pregled najvaĆŸnijih pravaca tumačenja formalizma teorije. Posebno se izlaĆŸe Bohrovo "kopenhaĆĄko" tumačenje i problemi koje pred njega postavlja EPR misaoni eksperiment. Pregledom Bohrovih odgovora na dani eksperiment pokazuje se da njegovo tumačenje traĆŸi viĆĄe od ograničenja svakodnevene deskriptivne metafizike pri opisu pojava na mikro-nivou. na taj način gubi se Bohrovo povlaĆĄteno mjesto među tumačenjima formalizme teorije. Pokazuje se da niti MacKinnonov detaljniji shematiski prikaz spajanja teoretskog i svakodnevnog jezika ne moĆŸe primijeniti na zakljičke EPR eksperimenta i Bohrov odgovor na njih. Sam MAcKinnon nudi prijedloge izmjena "svakodnevnog" jezika uvjetovane matematičkim zaključcima kvantne mehanike, ali se i one pokazuju previĆĄe radikalnima i grubima da bi zauzele povlaĆĄteno mjesto u odnosu na ostala tumačenja teoretskog formalizma koja sa sobom nose velike ontoloĆĄke i konceptualne zahtjeve. ---------- IN ENGLISH: Ever since the beginning of development of Quantum Mechanics there was a metaphysical division between the “macro” world as described in “everyday language” and the “micro” world described by quantum formalism (especially due to entanglement of two or more logically conflicting states). A discussion is offered of the need to reunite these arbitrarily divided worlds through an overview of the main interpretations of the formalism. Bohr’s Copenhagen interpretation, as well as the problems it faces due to EPR thought experiment, is presented in greater detail. It is claimed that Bohr’s answers to the said experiment demand more than a restriction of everyday descriptive metaphysics, when describing phenomena at the micro-level. Thus, the special place Bohr’s interpretation takes among other interpretations of the formalism is forfeited. It is also shown that MacKinnon’s more detailed schema aiming to connect the theoretical and everyday language cannot be applied to EPR conclusions and Bohr’s reply to those. MacKinnon’s own modifications of the “everyday language” induced by the mathematical conclusions of Quantum Mechanics are considered too radical and too coarse to take the vacated special place among formalism interpretations

    Prirodoslovlje u kurikulumu za obvezno obrazovanje

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    Obzirom na raskorak između na europskoj razini izraĆŸene potrebe za većim brojem stručnjaka u području prirodnih znanosti i tehnologije (okvirno: prirodoslovlja), te viĆĄim stupnjem opće razine prirodoznanstvene pismenosti, i opadanje interesa osnovnoĆĄkolaca za teme iz područja prirodoslovlja, prikazuju se struktura i karakteristike nekih nacionalnih okvirnih kurikuluma u području prirodoslovlja, kao jednog od čimbenika usvajanja znanja i vjeĆĄtina iz područja prirodoslovlja na razini obveznog obrazovanja. Iznose se rezultati komparativne analize kurikuluma za područje prirodoslovlja provedene u sklopu istraĆŸivačkog projekta Centra za istraĆŸivanje i razvoj obrazovanja Instituta za druĆĄtvena istraĆŸivanja u Zagrebu, te ukazuje na moĆŸebitne smjerove usklađivanja hrvatskih nastavnih programa s tendencijama u europskim zemljama iz uzorka. Navode se i smjernice za konceptualizaciju hrvatskog kurikuluma za područje prirodoslovlja na osnovi koordiniranog kompetencijskog modela logičke razrade prezentacije sadrĆŸaja kao koraka prema ostvarivanju ovladavanja kompetencijama kao ishoda obrazovnog procesa. (IN ENGLISH: The article presents the structure of science curricula of different European countries as one of the factors contributing to development of coherent scientifi c knowledge and skills in compulsory education. It is the result of a wider research project conducted at the Institute for Social Research’s Centre for Educational Research and Development. The project included a comparative analysis of the said European curricular documents and development of recommendations for potential closer alignment of the Croatian national curricula with the perceived tendencies in the selected European countries. The recommendations focus on potential conceptualisation of the Croatian curriculum (in the fi eld of natural sciences) as a ‘deduction’ of the subjects’ content from a coordinated set of competences, which are defi ned as a general outcome of compulsory science education.

    Philosophy of science in action

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    The article reviews Christopher Hitchcock’s Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Science, aims to present contemporary issues in philosophy of science through a series of eight debates between leading analytic philosophers in the given specialist field. Each contributor argues for or against a proposed motion of the debate, ranging from issues of metaphysics and epistemology of science to specific philosophical questions in physics, biology and psychology. In that they draw on a wealth of techniques from the practice of philosophy of science from conceptual clarifications to invocation of examples from scientific practice. Nonethless, against the background of philosophical work associated with contemporary scientific practice the topics selected for this volume seem limited in both depth (the fundamental metaphysical and epistemological questions are not backed up by the equally fundamental scientific research) and scope (the ‘contemporaneity’ of scientific questions presented is not always up to scratch). The volume’s great worth is in presenting ‘philosophy of science in action’ by exercising many tricks of the trade in several self-contained chapters. ( IN CROATIAN: U članku se daje pregled zbornika Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of science, urednika Christophera Hitchcocka. kojemu je cilj predstaviti suvremene teme u filozofiji znanosti kroz niz od osam rasprava između vodećih analitičkih filozofa u danome području. Svaki sudionik argumentira za ili protiv izloĆŸenog prijedloga rasprave, ĆĄto se proteĆŸe od pitanja metafizike i epistemologije znanosti do specifičnih filozofskih pitanja u fizici, biologiji i psihologiji. Pritom se oslanjaju na obilje tehnikĂą iz prakse filozofije znanosti, od pojmovnih pojaĆĄnjenja do pozivanja na primjere iz znanstvene prakse. Međutim, s obzirom na pozadinu filozofskog rada vezanog uz suvremenu znanstvenu praksu, teme odabrane za ovaj zbornik čine se ograničenima kako po svojoj dubini (temeljna metafizička i epistemoloĆĄka pitanja nemaju uvijek podrĆĄku u jednako temeljnim znanstvenim istraĆŸivanjima) tako po svome rasponu (‘suvremenost’ prikazanih znanstvenih pitanja nije uvijek na očekivanoj razini). Velika vrijednost zbornika je ĆĄto u nekoliko zaokruĆŸenih poglavlja prikazuje ‘filozofiju znanosti na djelu’ kroz upotrebu mnogih ‘tajni zanata’ ove discipline.

    Druơtvena očekivanja i prirodo-znanstveno kompetentni učenici

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    U tekstu se daje pregled tema vezanih uz operativno određenje prirodoznanstvenih kompetencija za obvezno i opće obrazovanje. Slijedom uvođenja pojma “kompetencije” u europski obrazovni diskurs analiziraju se njegove poveznice sa srodnim pojmovima, te odnos prema “prirodoznanstvenoj pismenosti”. Pozivi na razvoj “prirodoznanstvene pismenosti” prikazuju se kao iskorak iz usvajanja disciplinski značajnih činjenica, a prema modelu obrazovanja kao razvoju kompetencija poĆŸeljnih za ispunjenje osobnih stremljenja i druĆĄtvenih potreba. Posebno se analizira utjecaj druĆĄtvenih potreba na operacionalizaciju kompetencijskih modela, te problematizira uloga stavova učenika prema predmetnim sadrĆŸajima u svjetlu primjera operacionalizacije za potrebe OECD PISA testiranja, u kojem kompetenciju pojmovno određuju i znanja i stavovi. Također se upozorava i na rezultate istraĆŸivanja koja ukazuju na negativan stav učenika u Hrvatskoj prema prirodoslovnim predmetima. (IN ENGLISH: The article surveys the topics related to operationalisation of natural science competences in compulsory primary education. Following the introduction of the term ‘competences’ into European educational discourse, its relations with the similar concepts and the notion of ‘scientific literacy’ are analyzed. The calls for the introduction of scientific literacy as the educational aim are shown to be the conceptual origin of the step out of the appropriation of the disciplinarily significant facts and towards the model of education as development of competences required for fulfillment of personal aspirations and societal needs. The influence of the scientific literacy drive on the development of the competence-based educational models is surveyed, especially with respect to development of students’ attitudes towards content of science subjects. The latter is well exemplified in the competence-model operationalisation through the OECD PISA testing, where knowledge and attitudes alike define the scientific competence. A warning is raised concerning the empirical research findings about the negative attitude of Croatian students towards the natural science subjects in the primary school curriculum.

    an attempt to holistically frame the discourse for action in the conditions of climate change

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    The article aims to set up a general conceptual framework for explaining the combined natural and social conditions associated with global climate change. Starting from addressing the issues through the metaphor of ‘the tragedy of the commons’ it suggests that a pessimistic reading can be avoided in situations where different participants of the commons understand the universal rules constraining preferable governance strategies, and can choose to form mutual agreements to act cooperatively in furthering some of their individual interests. Principle style explanations are introduced and suggested as a useful explanatory model in this case, based on the considerations from the history of science. Based on the effects of the human interaction with the global ecosystem and fellow humans in joint common governance on the equilibrium relationship (and human security) three broadly applicable constraining principles are tentatively proposed, opening up space for further tests of case study applicability, both in terms of universal validity and conceptual accessibility to different commons governance participants

    Einsteinova sinkronizacija i konvencionalnost istovremenosti

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    Unatoč naslovu koji pokriva iznimno opĆĄirno područje, članak se usredotočuje na blisko pitanje da li Specijalna teorija relativnosti (STR) nuĆŸno zagovara ukidanje ontoloĆĄke razlike između proĆĄlih i budućih događaja, između proĆĄlosti i budućnosti općenito. IzraĆŸeno ĆŸargonom koji uvodi Stein: jesmo li u okviru STR prinuđeni birati isključivo između ‘solipsizma’ i ‘determinizma’? Posebice će biti riječi o ulozi koju konvencionalnost istovremenosti u STR ima u pokuĆĄaju odgovora na ovo pitanje. Standardni argumenti pozivaju se na relativnost istovremenosti, tvrdnju da STR negira postojanje univerzalne ‘sadaĆĄnjosti’ koja razgraničava ‘proĆĄlost’ i ‘budućnost’, kako bi pokazali da nema ontoloĆĄke razlike između proĆĄlosti i budućnosti, da su obje jednako određene/zbiljne (determinizam). Pritom se preĆĄutno prelazi preko činjenice da je za uspostavu ontoloĆĄkih tvrdnji vezanih uz relativnost istovremenosti potrebno prvo rijeĆĄiti pitanje konvencionalnosti istovremenosti u okviru STR. U članku će se nastojati pokazati da promatranjem pitanja konvencionalnosti istovremenosti iz perspektive ‘čisto filozofskog’ Dummettovog određenja razlike između proĆĄlosti i budućnosti moĆŸemo u okviru STR pokuĆĄati razviti shvaćanje razlikovanja proĆĄlosti i budućnosti mimo (nepoĆŸeljne) stroge ontoloĆĄke dihotomije ‘solipsizam’/‘determinizam’, ukoliko kriterij koji postavlja STR shvatimo kao epistemički, a ne kao ontoloĆĄki. (IN ENGLISH: Despite a broad-range title the paper settles for the related issue of whether the Special Theory of Relativity (STR) necessarily advocates the demise of an ontological difference between past and future events, between past and future in general. In the jargon of H. Stein: are we forced, within the framework of the STR, to choose only between ‘solipsism’ and ‘determinism’ exclusively? A special emphasis is placed on the role that the conventionality of simultaneity plays in the STR with regards to this question. The standard arguments rely on the relativity of simultaneity, the claim that the STR negates the existence of a universal ‘present’ that divides the ‘past’ and the ‘future’, so as to conclude that there is no ontological difference between past and future events, that both are equally determined/real (‘determinism’). This often neglects the fact that to establish the ontological claims related to relativity of simultaneity, one must first resolve the issues of conventionality of simultaneity within the STR. The paper will aim to show that by addressing the issue of conventionality from Dummett’s ‘purely philosophical’ determination of the difference between the past and the future, we develop an understanding of the said difference, within the framework of the STR, beyond the (unwanted) strict ontological dichotomy of ‘solipsism/determinism’, given that the criterion that is provided by the STR is understood as epistemic and not ontological.

    Hard knowledge, soft values

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    The paper contrasts two domains of school education, natural science and citizenship education (as a paradigm of “hard” and “soft” subjects), with respect to their epistemological and ethical foundations. A sharp contrast between their associated world-views within the school community is accentuated at the outset. The epistemological shortcomings inherent in both are subsequently explored, and the debate between epistemological relativism and “naturalism” (a form of foundationalism) relating to scientific knowledge is briefly reviewed. Through review of organizational principles behind selection of knowledge for presentation in schools, values are introduced as an epistemically, as well as ethically, important component of school education. Subsequent analysis aims to show that even in this respect there are more similarities between the “soft” and “hard” subjects than is standardly assumed.Rad uspoređuje dva područja ĆĄkolskog obrazovanja (kao paradigme “tvrdih” i “mekih” predmeta), prirodne znanosti i odgoj za građanstvo (popularnije, “političko obrazovanje”), obzirom na njihove epistemoloĆĄke i moralne temelje. Na početku je izraĆŸen kontrast izmeđ u svjetonazora implicitnih u spomenuta dva predmeta unutar ĆĄkolske zajednice. Potom se istraĆŸuju epistemoloĆĄki problemi zajednički obama predmetima, te se daje pregled rasprave između epistemoloĆĄkog relativizma i “naturalizma” (koji je oblik fundacionalizma) vezane uz znanje u prirodnim znanostima. Kroz pregled općih filozofijskih načela u pozadini izbora sadrĆŸaja za ĆĄkolske predmete, uvodi se pitanje vrijednosti kao i epistemiĆĄki i etički vaĆŸnog aspekta ĆĄkolskog obrazovanja. Analiza koja se na to nadovezuje nastoji pokazati da čak i u ovom pogledu postoji viĆĄe sličnosti između “mekih” i “tvrdih” predmeta nego se standardno pretpostavlja.Cette Ă©tude compare deux domaines de l\u27enseignement scolaire (comme paradigmes des disciplines “dures” “hard” et “molles” “soft”), les sciences naturelles et l\u27Ă©ducation pour la population (plus populaire, â€œĂ©ducation politique”), compte tenu de leurs principes Ă©pistĂ©mologiques et moraux. Au dĂ©but est exprimĂ© le contraste entre les conceptions idĂ©ologiques implicites dans les deux disciplines mentionnĂ©es au sein de la communautĂ© scolaire. Puis font l\u27objet de recherches les problĂšmes Ă©pistĂ©mologiques communs aux deux disciplines, et est prĂ©sentĂ© un aperçu de l\u27Ă©tude entre le relativisme Ă©pistĂ©mologique et le “naturalisme” (qui est une forme du fondationalisme), liĂ©e aux connaissances dans le domaine des sciences naturelles. A travers l\u27aperçu des principes philosophiques gĂ©nĂ©raux, Ă  l\u27arriĂšre-plan du choix des sujets pour les disciplines scolaires, est introduite la question des valeurs en tant qu\u27aspect important, Ă©pistologiquement et Ă©thiquement, de l\u27enseignement scolaire. L\u27analyse qui s\u27y rattache s\u27efforce de montrer que mĂȘme Ă  ce point de vue il existse plus de ressemblances entre les disciplines “molles” “soft” et “dures” “hard” que cela est supposĂ© habituellement
