29 research outputs found

    The model of entropy for the Upper Carboniferous coal-bearing formations in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin and an attempt of its geological interpretation

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    The paper presents the model of entropy for the coal-bearing formations of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. The coal-bearing formations include exclusively continental (fluvial) sediments in their upper parts and paralic sediments in the lower parts, the latter composed of partly continental, partly near-shore deposits laid down in broadly understood sea coast environment (shoreline, sand bars, beaches, etc.). For studies 18 boreholes were selected in which both the continental and the paralic successions were represented. For all lithofacies distinguished in all successions the normalized, pre- and post-depositional entropies were calculated. Then, successions were categorized on the basis of these calculations. The dendrogram shows three groups of successions from which the first corresponds almost exclusively to the Paralic Series and the second one - to the Mudstone Series. The third group differs distinctly from the first two groups and represents the sediments of the Krakow Sandstone Series

    Modal sequences in lithological profiles analysis - methodological approach

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    The Markov chains theory is a tool commonly applied to sedimentological studies. Unfortunately, this method does not provide fully credible conclusions concerning the cyclicity of sedimentation. Such cyclicity is documented, among others, by the appearance of modal sequences, i.e., sequences many times repeated in the lithological profile and having unequivocal genetic interpretation. The paper proposes the statistical permutation test, which can verify the hypothesis of the randomness of layers succession in a given lithological profile. Applying the Monte Carlo simulation method, the probability is estimated that in a random sequence composed of the same layers as the studied profile the given number of particular sequences of layers will occur. Such attempt allows the researcher to distinguish the modal sequences, i.e., those indicating the important features of sedimentation process, from sequences whose frequent appearance results exclusively from the dominance of particular lithological varieties of rocks

    Formy polodowcowe atrakcj膮 geoturystyczn膮 Doliny Pi臋ciu Staw贸w Polskich

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    Trzyna艣cie tysi臋cy lat temu, wraz z ocieplaniem si臋 klimatu pod koniec w眉rmu, na obszarze Doliny Pi臋ciu Staw贸w Polskich rozpocz臋艂a si臋 deglacjacja. Po ust膮pieniu lodowca ods艂oni艂y si臋 formy powsta艂e zar贸wno w wyniku erozyjnej, jak i akumulacyjnej dzia艂alno艣ci lodowca. Nale偶膮 do nich: kot艂y polodowcowe, misy i niecki, fosylne formy lodowc贸w gruzowych, mutony i wyg艂ady, a tak偶e moreny i rynna w贸d proglacjalnych. W artykule kr贸tko scharakteryzowano wy偶ej wymienione formy, zwracaj膮c uwag臋 na ich atrakcyjno艣膰 jako obiekt贸w geoturystycznych.//Thirteen thousand years ago, at the end of the W眉rm glacial epoch deglaciation has started in the Five Ponds Valley of the Polish Tatras due to global warming episode. After retreat of glaciers numerous post-glacial, erosional and depositional landforms have been exposed: cirques, bowls and troughs, fossiled rock glaciers, roches mounton茅es and polished surfaces as well as moraines and proglacial channel. The aim of the following paper is to describe post-glacial forms in the valley as attractivegeotouristic objects

    Tourist attractions of partner Orange cities (France) and of Jaros艂aw (Poland)

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    In the article showed most interested tourist and attractions of Orange and Provence which became presented by the French national team of the Polish delegation within the framework of of the cooperation and the cultural of based on partnership cities Orange (France) and Jaros艂aw (Poland). Described also most interested tourist objects of Jaros艂aw against the background of the characterization of the natural environment

    Geotourist boards as a part of geotourism information system

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    The article addresses basic problems related to the use of various information boards, which are the principal form of providing information about a particular geosite. Several aspects were taken into account: positioning of the boards, their content and construction materials. The results of a poll concerning tourist expectations towards the content of geotourist information were also presented in this paper

    Criteria of geotourism valorization specified for various recipients // Kryteria waloryzacji geoturystycznej na potrzeby r贸偶nego rodzaju odbiorc贸w

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    The following paper presents methodology of valorization of geotourism objects adapted to meet the expectations and needs of various groups of potential recipients: tourists (casual, witting, hobbyist), educators (school teachers, academic staff, guides, organizers) and investors (owners, managers). Any geotourism object can be valorized using four principal categories of criteria: visual, cognitive, functional and investing. Each category is evaluated separately and selection of particular criteria depends on the needs of given recipient. //W artykule zaproponowano spos贸b waloryzacji obiekt贸w geoturystycznych uwzgl臋dniaj膮cy potrzeby potencjalnych odbiorc贸w: turyst贸w (przypadkowy, 艣wiadomy, pasjonat), edukator贸w (nauczyciel szkolny i akademicki, przewodnik, organizator turystyki specjalistycznej), inwestor贸w (w艂a艣ciciel, zarz膮dca). Na ocen臋 obiektu sk艂adaj膮 si臋 cztery g艂贸wne kryteria: warto艣膰 wizualna, warto艣膰 poznawcza, warto艣膰 u偶ytkowa oraz warunki i potrzeby inwestycyjne. Ka偶de z kryteri贸w oceniane jest osobno, a o wa偶no艣ci i doborze kryterium decyduje samodzielnie odbiorca waloryzacji

    Most significant geosites of the Cieszyn Foothills, Outer flysch Carpathians, Poland and Czech Republic

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    The article provides a review of the most important geotouristic attractions within the Cieszyn Foothills, Outer Flysch Carpathians in Poland and adjacent part of the Czech Republic. The best geosites, which can be visited during a short 1-2 day visit in the Polish Carpathians were selected. The present paper contains the description of the classic localities exposing the oldest deposits and igneous rocks of the Silesian Unit. The geotouristic objects are important because the represent scenic sites as well as geosites with educational values supplying limitless information about the geological history, as well as the history of earth sciences research

    In-channel accretionary macroforms in the modern anastomosing system of the upper Narew River, NE Poland

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    Predomination of sandy bedload is typical of the anastomosing channels of the Narew River. Several types of in-channel accretionary macroforms have been found in these channels: side bars, concave-bank bars, plug bars, point bars, linguoid bars, and mid-channel bars. The first three types are relatively rare, point bars occur only exceptionally, while linguoid bars and mid-channel bars are quite common. The bars usually occur in main channels, which are the master routes of sand transport in the whole anastomosing system of the Narew. The lower parts of the bars are built of coarse- and medium-grained sand, similarly to the sediments in the deeper parts of the channels. Fine-grained sand, locally alternating with organic-rich muddy sand, predominates usually in the upper parts; peat with high content of sand is present in the highest parts of some bars. All bars are rapidly colonised and stabilised by plants. It is for this reason and due to the low energy of the river that the bar sediments have a high preservation potential. The development of bars is usually not accompanied by lateral migration of channels. Consequently, sediment accretion in bars is one of the factors leading to gradual narrowing of channels. Deposits of some sand-bars, when preserved in fossil record, may probably be represented by characteristic "wings" in the outer parts of ribbon-like sand bodies

    Sections ofthe oldest sedimentary rocks in Polish Flysch Carpathians as geotouristic object

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    Jednym z cel贸w pr臋偶nie rozwijaj膮cej si臋 w ostatnich latach geoturystyki jest propagowanie aspekt贸w poznawczych zwi膮zanych z geologiczn膮 histori膮 Ziemi. W niniejszej pracy zosta艂y zawarte opisy klasycznych polskich stanowisk, w kt贸rych ods艂aniaj膮 si臋 najstarsze utwory Karpat Zewn臋trznych (fliszowych). Po pierwsze, s膮 to ods艂oni臋cia inicjalnych, basenowych osad贸w p贸藕nojurajsko-wczesnokredowych, reprezentuj膮cych wczesne stadia w臋glanowej sedymentacji fliszowej, odbywaj膮cej si臋 w obr臋bie m艂odego zbiornika proto艣l膮skiego (Golesz贸w - formacja w臋dry艅ska, dolina So艂y w 呕ywcu i Jasieniowa G贸ra oraz Leszna G贸rna - formacja wapieni cieszy艅skich). Po drugie, s膮 to r贸偶nej wielko艣ci izolowane bloki ska艂 wapiennych o olistolitowej genezie zwane ska艂kami andrychowskimi (Targanice, Roczyny i Inwa艂d), reprezentuj膮ce jurajskie utwory o charakterze rafowym i oko艂orafowym, powsta艂e w p艂ytkowodnych 艣rodowiskach na podmorskim wyniesieniu Ba拧ka-Inwa艂d.The popularization of educational aspects linked to the geological history of Earth is one of the goals of geotourism, dynamically developing recently. The present paper contains the description of the classic localities exposing the oldest deposits of the Outer Flysch Carpathians. Firstly, these are initial Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous basinal facies originated during early carbonate flyschoidal stages within the developing proto-Silesian Basin (Golesz贸w - Vendryne Formation; So艂a River valley in 呕ywiec and Jasieniowa Mt and Leszna G贸rna - Cieszyn Limestone Formation). Secondly, these are different size limestone blocks, olistoliths in origin, known as Andrych贸w Klippen (Targanice, Roczyny and Inwa艂d) represent Jurassic reef and circum-reef environments originated in shallow-water condition on the Ba拧ka-Inwa艂d submarine ridge