31 research outputs found

    Assessing language dominance with functional MRI: The role of control tasks and statistical analysis

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    There is a discrepancy between the brain regions revealed by functional neuroimaging techniques and those brain regions where a loss of function, either by lesion or by electrocortical stimulation, induces language disorders. To differentiate between essential and non-essential language-related processes, we investigated the effects of linguistic control tasks and different analysis methods for functional MRI data. Twelve subjects solved two linguistic generation tasks: (1) a verb generation task and (2) an antonym generation task (each with a linguistic control task on the phonological level) as well as two decision tasks of semantic congruency (each with a cognitive high-level control task). Differential contrasts and conjunction analyses were carried out on the single-subject level and an individual lateralization index (LI) was computed. On the group level we determined the percent signal change in the left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG: BA 44 and BA 45). The conjunction analysis of multiple language tasks led to significantly greater absolute LIs than the LIs based on the single task versus fixation contrasts. A further significant increase of the magnitude of the LIs could be achieved by using the phonological control conditions. Although the decision tasks appear to be more robust to changes in the statistical threshold, the combined generation tasks had an advantage over the decision tasks both for assessing language dominance and locating Broca's area. These results underline the need for conjunction analysis based on several language tasks to suppress highly task-specific processes. They also point to the need for high-level cognitive control tasks to partial out general, language supporting but not language critical processes. Higher absolute LIs, which reflect unambiguously hemispheric language dominance, can be thus obtained

    Endoscopic Assistance in the Deep and Narrow Spaces of the Brain—Microscopic Tumor Surgery Supported by the New Micro-Inspection Tool QEVO® (Technical Note)

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    Introduction: To evaluate the feasibility and efficacy of the innovative micro-inspection tool QEVO® (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Oberkochen, Germany) as an endoscopic adjunct to microscopes for better visualization of the surgical field in complex deep-seated intracranial tumors in infants and adults. Materials and Methods: We retrospectively assessed the surgical videos of 25 consecutive patients with 26 complex intracranial lesions (time frame 2018–2020). Lesions were classified according to their anatomical area: 1 = sellar region (n = 6), 2 = intra-ventricular (except IV.ventricle, n = 9), 3 = IV.ventricle and rhomboid fossa (n = 4), and 4 = cerebellopontine angle (CPA) and foramen magnum (n = 7). Indications to use the QEVO® tool were divided into five “QEVO® categories”: A = target localization, B = tailoring of the approach, C = looking beyond the lesion, D = resection control, and E = inspection of remote areas. Results: Overall, the most frequent indications for using the QEVO® tool were categories D (n = 19), C (n = 17), and E (n = 16). QEVO® categories B (n = 8) and A (n = 5) were mainly applied to intra-ventricular procedures (anatomical area 2). Discussion: The new micro-inspection tool QEVO® is a powerful endoscopic device to support the comprehensive visualization of complex intracranial lesions and thus instantly increases intraoperative morphological understanding. However, its use is restricted to the specific properties of the respective anatomical area

    Preoperative Assessment of Language Dominance through Combined Resting-State and Task-Based Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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    Brain lesions in language-related cortical areas remain a challenge in the clinical routine. In recent years, the resting-state fMRI (RS-fMRI) was shown to be a feasible method for preoperative language assessment. The aim of this study was to examine whether language-related resting-state components, which have been obtained using a data-driven independent-component-based identification algorithm, can be supportive in determining language dominance in the left or right hemisphere. Twenty patients suffering from brain lesions close to supposed language-relevant cortical areas were included. RS-fMRI and task-based (TB-fMRI) were performed for the purpose of preoperative language assessment. TB-fMRI included a verb generation task with an appropriate control condition (a syllable switching task) to decompose language-critical and language-supportive processes. Subsequently, the best fitting ICA component for the resting-state language network (RSLN) referential to general linear models (GLMs) of the TB-fMRI (including models with and without linguistic control conditions) was identified using an algorithm based on the Dice index. Thereby, the RSLNs associated with GLMs using a linguistic control condition led to significantly higher laterality indices than GLM baseline contrasts. LIs derived from GLM contrasts with and without control conditions alone did not differ significantly. In general, the results suggest that determining language dominance in the human brain is feasible both with TB-fMRI and RS-fMRI, and in particular, the combination of both approaches yields a higher specificity in preoperative language assessment. Moreover, we can conclude that the choice of the language mapping paradigm is crucial for the mentioned benefits

    Clinical Benefits of Combining Different Visualization Modalities in Neurosurgery

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    The prevailing philosophy in oncologic neurosurgery, has shifted from maximally invasive resection to the preservation of neurologic function. The foundation of safe surgery is the multifaceted visualization of the target region and the surrounding eloquent tissue. Recent advancements in pre-operative and intraoperative visualization modalities have changed the face of modern neurosurgery. Metabolic and functional data can be integrated into intraoperative guidance software, and fluorescent dyes under dedicated filters can potentially visualize patterns of blood flow and better define tumor borders or isolated tumor foci. High definition endoscopes enable the depiction of tiny vessels and tumor extension to the ventricles or skull base. Fluorescein sodium-based confocal endomicroscopy, which is under scientific evaluation, may further enhance the neurosurgical armamentarium. We aim to present our institutional workup of combining different neuroimaging modalities for surgical neuro-oncological procedures. This institutional algorithm (IA) was the basis of the recent publication by Haj et al. describing outcome and survival data of consecutive patients with high grade glioma (HGG) before and after the introduction of our Neuro-Oncology Center

    Symptom burden and surgical outcome in non-skull base meningiomas

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    Purpose: Non-skull base meningiomas (NSBM) are a distinct entity and frequently present with focal neurological deficits. This study was designed to analyze functional and oncological outcome following microsurgical tumor resection in patients with NSBM. Patients and methods: An analysis of 300 patients that underwent NSBM resection between 2003 and 2013 was performed. Assessment reasures for functional outcome were Karnofsky Performance Scale (KPS), Medical Research Council - Neurological Performance Scale (MRC-NPS), and improvement rates of focal deficits and seizures. The extent of resection; recurrence-free survival (RFS) and tumor-specific survival (TSS) were also determined. Results: Impaired KPS and MRC-NPS were present in 73.3% and 45.7%, respectively. Focal neurological deficits were recorded in 123 patients (41.0%), with hemiparesis (21.7%) and aphasia (9.3%) the most prevalent form of impairment. Most meningiomas were localized at the convexity (64.0%), followed by falcine tumors (20.3%). Both KPI and MRC-NPS scores were significantly improved by surgical resection. Postoperative improvement rates of 96.6%, 89.3%, 72.3%, 57.9%, and 27.3% were observed for aphasia, epilepsy, hemiparesis, cranial nerve, and visual field deficits, respectively. Long-term improvement was achieved in 83.2%, 89.3%, 80.0%, 68.4% and 54.6% of patients, respectively. Gross total resection (GTR) over subtotal resection (STR) significantly improved preoperative seizures and visual field deficits and correlated with reduced risk of new postoperative hemiparesis. Poor Simpson grade was the only significant prognostic factor in multivariate analysis for long-term functional deficit, which occurred in 7.3%. Median RFS was 45.9 months (6.0 - 151.5 months), while median TSS was 53.7 months (3.1 – 153.2 months). Both WHO grade (p= 0.001) and Simpson classification (p= 0.014 and p= 0.031) were independent significant prognostic factors for decreased RFS and TSS by multivariate analysis, respectively. Furthermore, tumor diameter > 50 mm (p= 0.039) significantly correlated with decreased TSS in multivariate analysis. Conclusion: Surgical resection significantly and stably improves neurological deficits in patients with NSBM

    A Novel Language Paradigm for Intraoperative Language Mapping: Feasibility and Evaluation

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    (1) Background—Mapping language using direct cortical stimulation (DCS) during an awake craniotomy is difficult without using more than one language paradigm that particularly follows the demand of DCS by not exceeding the assessment time of 4 s to prevent intraoperative complications. We designed an intraoperative language paradigm by combining classical picture naming and verb generation, which safely engaged highly relevant language functions. (2) Methods—An evaluation study investigated whether a single trial of the language task could be performed in less than 4 s in 30 healthy subjects and whether the suggested language paradigm sufficiently pictured the cortical language network using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in 12 healthy subjects. In a feasibility study, 24 brain tumor patients conducted the language task during an awake craniotomy. The patients’ neuropsychological outcomes were monitored before and after surgery. (3) Results—The fMRI results in healthy subjects showed activations in a language-associated network around the (left) sylvian fissure. Single language trials could be performed within 4 s. Intraoperatively, all tumor patients showed DCS-induced language errors while conducting the novel language task. Postoperatively, mild neuropsychological impairments appeared compared to the presurgical assessment. (4) Conclusions—These data support the use of a novel language paradigm that safely monitors highly relevant language functions intraoperatively, which can consequently minimize negative postoperative neuropsychological outcomes

    Adult neurogenesis in aged serotonin transporter deficient mice

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    Das serotonerge System des Gehirns mit seinen Projektionen ins limbische System ist an der Pathogenese der Depression und anderer neuropsychiatrischer Erkrankungen beteiligt. Bei der serotonergen Neurotransmission spielt der Serotonintransporter (5-HTT) eine wichtige Rolle und ist auch therapeutischer Angriffspunkt verschiedener Antidepressiva. Das Tiermodell der 5-HTT-Knockout(KO)-Maus dient der Untersuchung des serotonergen Systems. Diese Tiere besitzen neben einem verstärkten Angst-ähnlichen Verhalten auch erhöhte 5-HT-Konzentrationen im synaptischen Spalt. Lange Zeit war man der Meinung, dass nahezu alle Nervenzellen während der Embryogenese bis kurz nach der Geburt gebildet werden. Neuere Untersuchungen konnten Neurogenese jedoch auch im Gehirn adulter Tiere und auch des Menschen nachweisen. Eine wichtige Gehirnregion mit adulter Neurogenese (aN) bis ins hohe Alter ist der Gyrus dentatus (GD) des Hippocampus. Der Hippocampus ist zentraler Teil des limbischen Systems und hat Schlüsselfunktionen bei Lernprozessen und der Gedächtnisbildung und unterliegt durch seine serotonerge Innervation auch dem Einfluss von 5-HT. Die Zusammenfassung dieser Beobachtungen führte zu folgender Arbeitshypothese: Eine erniedrigte Zahl von 5-HTT führt zu chronisch erhöhten 5-HT-Spiegeln im synaptischen Spalt. Die damit verbundene Stimulation des serotonergen Systems führt zu einer veränderten aN. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die quantitative Bestimmung von Proliferation, Überleben und Migration neu entstandener Zellen in der KZS des GD von heterozygoten (HET) und homozygoten 5-HTT-Mäusen (KO), die mit Wildtyptieren (WT) verglichen wurden. Dabei wurden ältere Mäusen mit einem Durchschnittsalter von 13,8 Monaten verwendet. In der Gruppe zur Untersuchung der Proliferation wurden die Versuchstiere (n=18) 24 h nach Injektionen mit BrdU getötet und histologische Schnitte des Hippocampus post mortem untersucht. In der Gruppe zur Untersuchung der Überlebensrate und Migration wurden die Mäuse (n=18) 4 Wochen nach den BrdU-Injektionen getötet. Im Proliferationsversuch wurde ein signifikanter Unterschied bei der Konzentration BrdU-markierter Zellkerne in der SGZ zwischen KO-Mäusen im Vergleich zu WT-Tieren gefunden, wobei HET-Mäuse ebenfalls eine signifikant höhere Konzentration BrdU-markierter Zellkerne in der SGZ gegenüber WT-Mäusen zeigten. In diesem Experiment ist somit ein positiver Einfluss des heterozygoten und homozygoten 5-HTT-KO auf die Entstehungsrate neuer Zellen im GD des Hippocampus im Vergleich zu den WT-Tieren feststellbar. Im Versuch zur Feststellung der Überlebensrate neu gebildeter Zellen im Hippocampus nach vier Wochen zeigten KO-Mäuse gegenüber WT- und HET-Mäusen keine signifikant höhere Zahl BrdU-markierter Zellkerne. Auch bei der Untersuchung der Migration war beinahe die Hälfte der BrdU-markierten Zellen von der SGZ in die KZS eingewandert. Ein signifikanter Unterschied zwischen den verschiedenen 5-HTT-Genotypen zeigte sich nicht. Offenbar hat der heterozygote oder homozygote 5-HTT-KO keinen Einfluss auf die Überlebensrate und das Migrationsverhalten neu entstandener Zellen. Bei den in dieser Arbeit durchgeführten Untersuchungen zur aN in 5-HTT-KO-Mäusen konnte weder bei der Gruppe zur Untersuchung der Proliferation von neuronalen Vorläuferzellen noch bei der Untersuchung der Überlebensrate oder Migration eine Abhängigkeit der ermittelten Konzentration BrdU-positiver Zellen vom Geschlecht oder Alter gefunden werden. Es zeigte sich jedoch eine signifikante negative Korrelation zwischen dem Gewicht der Tiere und dem Anteil gewanderter Zellen im Migrationsversuch, d.h. leichtere Tiere hatten tendenziell einen höheren Anteil von in die KZS eingewanderten Zellen. Zusammengefasst zeigt die vorliegende Arbeit zum einen, dass ältere KO- oder HET-Mäuse im Vergleich zu WT-Tieren eine erhöhte Proliferationsrate von neuronalen Vorläuferzellen aufweisen. Zum anderen konnte ein indirekter Zusammenhang zwischen dem Gewicht der Versuchstiere und der Anzahl von in die KZS eingewanderten Zellen nachgewiesen werden. Bei einer Vergleichsuntersuchung in unserem Hause mit zwei Gruppen jüngerer adulter 5-HTT-KO Mäuse mit einem Durchschnittalter von 7 Wochen und 3 Monaten konnte die Beobachtung einer erhöhten Proliferation nicht gemacht werden. Wir gehen deshalb davon aus, dass in diesem 5-HTT-KO Modell nur in höherem Alter eine veränderte 5-HT-Homöostase zu einer verstärkten Proliferation von neuronalen Vorläuferzellen führt.Serotonin (5-HT) is a regulator of morphogenetic activities during early brain development and adult neurogenesis, including cell proliferation, migration, differentiation, and synaptogenesis. The 5-HT transporter (5-HTT) mediates high-affinity reuptake of 5-HT into presynaptic terminals and thereby fine-tunes serotonergic neurotransmission. Inactivation of the 5-HTT gene in mice reduces 5-HT clearance resulting in persistently increased concentrations of synaptic 5-HT. In the present study, we investigated the effects of elevated 5-HT levels on adult neurogenesis in the hippocampus of aged 5-HTT deficient mice, including stem cell proliferation, survival, and differentiation. Using an in vivo approach, we showed an increase in proliferative capacity of hippocampal adult neural stem cells in aged 5-HTT knockout mice (~13,8 months) compared to wildtype controls. We showed that the cellular fate of newly generated cells in 5-HTT knockout mice is not different with respect to the total number and percentage of neurons or glial cells from wildtype controls. Our findings indicate that elevated synaptic 5-HT concentration throughout early development and later life of aged 5-HTT deficient mice does influence stem cell proliferation in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus

    Insufficient Closing Forces of Yasargil Titanium Clips in Two Small Aneurysms Detected with Intraoperative Indocyanine Green Videoangiography

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    Background and Study Aims Aneurysm clips must have adequate closing forces because residual blood flow in clipped aneurysms may result in aneurysm recurrence. Such flow can be intraoperatively detected by visual inspection, microvascular Doppler sonography, indocyanine green videoangiography (ICG-V), angiography, and puncture. Patients We present two patients with ruptured very small middle cerebral artery aneurysms (3 and 2.9 mm). The necks of both aneurysms were microsurgically clipped with Yasargil aneurysm clips without any complications. Results In both aneurysms, visual inspection suggested complete occlusion, but ICG-V showed persistent residual blood flow between the middle parts of the clip blades. The first patient was treated with a 5.4-mm FT744T clip (closing force of 1.47 N). After the ICG-V finding, a second 3.9-mm FT714T clip (closing force of 1.08 N) was placed on the tips of the already implanted clip to increase the closing forces. Subsequent ICG-V did not show any further residual blood flow. In the second patient, the aneurysm was clipped with an 8.0-mm FE764K clip (closing force of 1.77 N). Intraoperative ICG-V showed persistent residual blood flow within the aneurysmal dome despite complete closure of the clip. The clip was repositioned closer to the parent vessel. Consecutive ICG-V did not show any residual blood flow. Conclusion Visually undetected incomplete aneurysm occlusion can be revealed with ICG-V. In very small aneurysms, standard closing forces of clips may not be sufficient and complete closure of the clip branches should be intraoperatively validated with ICG-V

    Infectious Spondylodiscitis of the Lumbar Spine: Conservative Antibiotic Therapy vs. Antibiotic Therapy with Surgery, and the Time of Surgery

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    Background: Infectious spondylodiscitis of the lumbar spine is a common serious disease for which evidence-based therapeutic concepts are still lacking. Objective: This retrospective study compared the impact of the health status of patients on the length of hospital stay with regard to the treatment concept, i.e., antibiotic therapy or antibiotic therapy in combination with fixation surgery. Patients and Methods: The study included 54 consecutive patients with infectious spondylodiscitis of the lumbar spine who had been treated at our clinic between 2004 and 2013. Records included patient demographics, concomitant diseases, the neurological status and treatment modality, and the length of hospital stay. Results: 40 men and 14 women with a mean age of 64.2 (30-89) years were included. 13 patients were only treated with antibiotics (group A), 7 patients with abscess decompression (group B), 18 patients with early dorsal fusion (>= 10 days after admission) (group C), and 16 patients with late dorsal fusion ( a-10 days after admission; group D). Patients undergoing early dorsal fusion had a significantly shorter hospital stay (33.2 days) than patients undergoing late dorsal fusion (57.0 days), P= 0.016. Mean hospital stay of patients treated with antibiotics was 30.3 days, that of patients receiving abscess decompression 57.8 days. Patients receiving only antibiotics had a significantly lower CRP level at admission than patients undergoing early fusion, P < 0.05. Conclusion: Patients with one or more relevant chronic concomitant diseases showed faster recovery, shorter hospital stays, and earlier return to daily routine after early dorsal fusion than after late dorsal fusion or abscess evacuation alone

    Application of the Endoscopic Micro-Inspection Tool QEVO® in the Surgical Treatment of Anterior Circulation Aneurysms—A Technical Note and Case Series

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    Introduction: The application of neuro-endoscopes in cerebral aneurysm surgery may help to avoid unintended aneurysm remnants and the accidental clipping of perforating arteries and aid the detection of blood collecting in the subdural spaces. Here, we present our experience with the novel endoscopic micro-inspection tool QEVO (R) (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Germany) in aneurysm surgery. Materials and Equipment: In all patients the surgical microscope KINEVO (R) (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Germany) and the Microinspection tool QEVO (R) were applied. Methods: The case series comprises 22 unruptured cerebral aneurysms of the anterior circulation. All aneurysms were treated surgically. All patients routinely underwent computed tomography and digital subtraction angiography within 10 days after surgery. Results: No aneurysm remnants, cerebral ischemic deficits, or subdural hematomas were detected. Discussion: In this technical note, we discuss the benefits and limitations of the QEVO (R) tool and illustrate the major paradigms by means of intraoperative photographs