2 research outputs found

    Comparison of Total Antioxidant Capacity and Cd-4 in Patients with HIV Stage I and Stage IV

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    Introduction: The role of Total Antioxidant Capacity (TAC) is the cumulative effect of all the antioxidants found in the blood and body fluids. Objective: to know the total antioxidant status in patients with HIV and CD4 stage I and stage IV. Methods: Thirty-four patients with HIV who are divided into two groups, one was HIV patients with stage I and group 2 was HIV patients with stage IV. Checking of total antioxidant status and CD4 in both groups. Results: There was no significant difference in total antioxidant status in HIV oenderita stage I and stage IV. There are significant differences in the levels of CD4 HIV patients with stage I and stage IV. There is a relationship between total antioxidant status and CD4 in patients with HIV. Conclusion: the higher the CD4 count, the higher the total antioxidant capacity in patients with HIV

    The Impact of the Frequency of 7,12- Dimethylbenz [á] Anthracene (Dmba) Administration on the Formation of Dysplasia and Squamous Cell Carcinoma on the Skin of Albino Mice

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    Introduction: Dosage and frequency of 7,12-dimethylbenz[á] anthracene (DMBA) com- pound exposure suspected to affect the rapid growth of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in albino mice. Objective: find out the impact of DMBA exposure to dysplasia and SCC formation on albino mice. Methods: Twenty-five albino mice were divided into five groups, namely: Group 1 is the control (acetone), group 2 is 5 albino mice given four times DMBA100 µg exposure for eight weeks, group 3 is 5 albino mice were given eight times DMBA100 µg exposure for eight weeks, group 4 is 5 albino mice were given twelve times DMBA100 µg exposure for eight weeks, and group 5 is 5 albino mice were given sixteen times DMBA 100 µg exposure for eight weeks. Histopathological examination were conducted to assess histopathological feature including inflammation, dysplasia, and SCC. Results: There is a significant effect of the frequency of DMBA exposure to the clinical figure and against histopathological feature of the skin albino mice.Conclusions: Dosage and fre- quency of DMBA exposure affect the occurence of dysplasia and SCC, which are in- creasingly being DMBA exposure will accelerate the growth of SCC. The frequency of the most widely pose a SCC in DMBA 100 µg sixteen times exposure group, twice a week for eight weeks