2 research outputs found

    Perspectives on Undergraduate Research Mentorship_ A Comparative Analysis Between Online and Traditional Faculty.pdf

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    With an increase in distance faculty, it is important to understand how faculty perceptions ofundergraduate research mentorship differ between distance and traditional faculty. Perceptions wereexamined in a medium sized, not-for-profit university with both residential and distance faculty.Residential faculty were more likely to mentor or were very interested in undergraduate research, butoverall interest in mentorship was similar across campuses. Faculty status or career experience was notcorrelated to interest or engagement in research mentorship. Traditional faculty were more likely toreport time commitment as a significant barrier than distance faculty. Other barriers and benefits werealigned between campuses, with top benefits, barriers, and motivators being student-focused as opposedto faculty or institution-focused. The majority of faculty surveyed hold undergraduate research as anintegral component of higher education. Recommendations for future include the exploration of onlinestudent motivation and preparedness to engage in research as well as the mindset (fixed versus growth)of faculty regarding student motivation and preparedness

    Perspectives on Undergraduate Research Mentorship_ A Comparative Analysis Between Online and Traditional Faculty.pdf

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    With an increase in distance faculty, it is important to understand how faculty perceptions ofundergraduate research mentorship differ between distance and traditional faculty. Perceptions wereexamined in a medium sized, not-for-profit university with both residential and distance faculty.Residential faculty were more likely to mentor or were very interested in undergraduate research, butoverall interest in mentorship was similar across campuses. Faculty status or career experience was notcorrelated to interest or engagement in research mentorship. Traditional faculty were more likely toreport time commitment as a significant barrier than distance faculty. Other barriers and benefits werealigned between campuses, with top benefits, barriers, and motivators being student-focused as opposedto faculty or institution-focused. The majority of faculty surveyed hold undergraduate research as anintegral component of higher education. Recommendations for future include the exploration of onlinestudent motivation and preparedness to engage in research as well as the mindset (fixed versus growth)of faculty regarding student motivation and preparedness