56 research outputs found

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    Not AvailableGeneralized incomplete Trojan-type designs have been obtained for experiments where it is required to control two sources of variability in the experimental units and the number of treatments may be substantially larger than the number of replicates. Several families of distance balance sampling plans have been obtained using linear integer programming. These plans are useful for sampling from populations in which nearer units provide similar observations due to natural ordering of units in time or space.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableApproaches for modeling and construction of Transcription Regulatory Networks, after denoising the raw noisy gene expression data and approaches using vector autoregressive models and sparse autoregressive vector models using wavelet transformed gene expression data for time-series gene expression experiments, have been developed. The developed approaches were applied to salinity and aluminum stresses in rice and soybean respectively. Two R packages namely dhga (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/dhga) and waveletGRN have also been developed. ICAR-Data Centre was inaugurated and KVK Mobile App was launched at ICAR-IASRI by Shri Radha Mohan Singh, Union Minister for Agriculture and Farmers Welfare. This digitization process in agriculture will help the farming community by encouraging technology, training and analysis of data by KVK portal and through its mobile app hosted at ICAR Data Centre of the Institute.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableDesign Resources Server has been strengthened by adding new link namely “SAS Online Doc:9.1.3” to the already created link “Important Links” on Design Resources Server (www.iasri.res.in/ design). Under the study “Weather based models for forecasting potato yield” Complex polynomial (C.P.) models, using GMDH technique, are developed by taking both weighted and unweighted indices.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableIn the study on “Some investigations on design and analysis of agro-forestry experiments”, the concept of strongly neighbour balanced designs has been defined and some methods of constructing complete block designs for two factors have been obtained. Some series of incomplete block designs balanced for adjacent tree effects have also been obtained. These designs are shown to be partially variance balanced for direct effects. Another study is on “Statistical and algorithmic approach for improved estimation of treatment effects in repeated measurements designs(RMDs)”. Designs in which each experimental unit receives some or all of the treatments, one at a time, over a period of time are called repeated measurements designs (RMDs). A class of reference balanced RMDs for estimating direct effects of formulations useful for bioequivalence trials has been obtained using Williams Square RMDs.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableAn attempt has been made to develop hybrid models by combining time series models viz., Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average i.e. ARIMA / ARIMA with eXplanatory variables i.e. ARIMAX and machine learning techniques viz., Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) / Support Vector Machines (SVM) for forecasting rice yield using weather based covariates (explanatory variables) namely, minimum temperature, maximum temperature and rainfall for Aligarh and Meerut districts of Uttar Pradesh. For this, time series has been considered as a function of linear and nonlinear components and ARIMA/ ARIMAX models were employed to fit and predict the linear component while the residuals have been predicted employing ANN/ SVM models. Eventually, the predicted linear and nonlinear components are combined to obtain aggregate prediction. The proposed hybrid approach was found to be better than the traditional time series models in terms of their forecasting performance.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableDesign Resources Server has been strengthened by uploading a link on Block Designs with Factorial Structure. For the experimental situations wherein experimental units are used for a series of tasks one after another in the experimental conditions whose levels are difficult to change, two classes of nested designs involving sequences of treatments with same number of experimental periods and units have been obtained. A method of construction of second order rotatable response surface designs in the presence of neighbour effects has been developed. Estimators of both domain and population totals for an item of interest were developed under two-phase sampling where the domain identity was realized, but the item response was not necessarily available from a phase I sampled unit. An approximately unbiased estimator of the variance of ratio estimator under the two-pase sampling has been developed.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableIn National Agricultural Research System, some experiments are conducted to study the effect of soil erosion on crop yield. In such experiments, the soil erosion is done artificially at different levels in different experimental plots and their effect is seen on the yield. A design in minimal number of experimental units that provides all possible pairwise treatment comparisons called minimally connected design has been developed. Minimally connected designs are also useful for the experimental situations, where the experimental units are scarce. A catalogue of minimally connected designs with some extra observations has been prepared. Another study is on Semi-Latin squares. Semi-Latin squares are quite useful for the experimental situations, where there are two sources of heterogeneity in experimental units that may influence the response variable and have more than one unit in each row-column intersection. A large number of such experimental situations occur in consumer tasting, glass house crops, residual effect experiments, sugar beet trials, food industry, organoleptic evaluation, etc. Semi-Latin squares are also useful for obtaining fractional factorial plans. A new method of construction of Semi-Latin squares based on initial column solution has been developed.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableFor providing service oriented computing to Indian NARS users through IP authentication, Indian NARS Statistical Computing Portal (http://stat.iasri.res.in/ sscnarsportal) has been strengthened by adding the modules of Descriptive Statistics; Split Factorial (main AĂ—B, sub CĂ—D); Principal Component Analysis and Estimation of Heritability from half sib data. Weather-based crop yield forecasting models using GARCH and wavelet techniques at five important stages of wheat growth have been developed. The weekly maximum temperature at Crown Root Initiation (CRI) stage, tillering stage, anthesis stage, milk stage and dough stage and evapotranspiration at CRI stage are used for model development. Efficient Mating-Environmental Row-Column (MERC) designs have been obtained that are variance balanced for estimating the contrasts pertaining to the general combining ability (gca) effects free from specific combining ability (sca) effects when two cross classified sources of variations are present in the experimental material. Methodology has been developed for generating cloud free images by removing clouds and their shadows using geospatial techniques and spatial imputation techniques to extract information from remotely sensed data that is pure and free from any redundency. The whole genome based microsesatellite DNA marker database of tomato (TomSatDB) for mapping and variety identification has been developedNot Availabl

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    Not AvailableThe first Supercomputing Hub for Indian Agriculture- ASHOKA (Advanced Supercomputing Hub for OMICS Knowledge in Agriculture) has been established at IASRI. Goat Microsatellite Database (GoSatDb), a web based relational database of microsatellite markers present in the whole genome sequence of goat has been developed that allows microsatellite search using multiple parameters and the location of the marker on the chromosome. It is available at http://cabindb.iasri.res.in/goat/. In agricultural field experiments, neighbour effects are very common phenomena. Neighbour effects may not only arise from the immediate neighbouring units but also it may extend further as with the spread of inoculum in disease screening trials. To deal with such situations, second order neighbour balanced block designs have been defined and constructed wherein every treatment has every other treatment appearing as both left and right neighbour up to distance two (leaving one plot) a constant number of times. Under the study on Stochastic Volatility (SV) models through particle filtering, the method of extracting more information from the logarithmic of square observations was studied for the SV model. The correlation between the transition and measurement errors was also studied to have an insight into the relation between state and observation. State space form of SV models where the errors are made independent by making some changes in the two equations was formulated. Comparison of modelling and forecasting performance of SV vis-Ă -vis GARCH was also carried out. An econometric study was undertaken to examine irrigation development, structure and determinants of water markets to assess equity, efficiency and reliability in water use under different forms of water markets in North-Western Rajasthan. It was observed that three-fifths of net sown area and two-thirds of gross sown area in North-Western region were irrigated. Although, the region is dominated by canal irrigation, the growth in canal irrigated area was poor in the region during 2000-01 to 2008-09. The water markets are emerging due to shortage of canal water and saline groundwater in most of the deeper aquifers.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableOnion Genomic Research (OGR), with three-tier architecture is an open web resource accessible freely at http://webtom.cabgrid.res. in/ogr/. It is built in My SQL database and PHP that cataloges the genomic developments specific to onion. The resource contains information on gene annotations and is linked with KEGG pathways. Gene prediction was carried out for the annotated sequences and over 200 different ready-to-use experimentally validated molecular markers were also mined to enrich the lab-based studies targeting variety improvement. Krishi Vigyan Kendra Knowledge Network (http://kvk.icar.gov.in), an online portal has been developed to disseminate knowledge from KVKs to farmers. As of now, 635 KVKs have already been enrolled and more than 15000 KVKs events (past and future) detail have been uploaded on the portal. The portal is linked with http://www.enam.gov.in/ for providing information related to agricultural marketing. A beta version of mobile app consisting of all the functionalities of the portal has been developed. A Dash board monitoring system for various components of portal has also been developed. Further, a live cluster map has been incorporated into the portal to keep track of the users. The Hindi version of Home Page of the portal has also been developed.Not Availabl
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