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Not AvailableFor providing service oriented computing to Indian NARS users through IP authentication, Indian NARS Statistical Computing Portal ( sscnarsportal) has been strengthened by adding the modules of Descriptive Statistics; Split Factorial (main A×B, sub C×D); Principal Component Analysis and Estimation of Heritability from half sib data. Weather-based crop yield forecasting models using GARCH and wavelet techniques at five important stages of wheat growth have been developed. The weekly maximum temperature at Crown Root Initiation (CRI) stage, tillering stage, anthesis stage, milk stage and dough stage and evapotranspiration at CRI stage are used for model development. Efficient Mating-Environmental Row-Column (MERC) designs have been obtained that are variance balanced for estimating the contrasts pertaining to the general combining ability (gca) effects free from specific combining ability (sca) effects when two cross classified sources of variations are present in the experimental material. Methodology has been developed for generating cloud free images by removing clouds and their shadows using geospatial techniques and spatial imputation techniques to extract information from remotely sensed data that is pure and free from any redundency. The whole genome based microsesatellite DNA marker database of tomato (TomSatDB) for mapping and variety identification has been developedNot Availabl

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