246 research outputs found

    Statistical Analysis of a Posteriori Channel and Noise Distribution Based on HARQ Feedback

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    In response to a comment on one of our manuscript, this work studies the posterior channel and noise distributions conditioned on the NACKs and ACKs of all previous transmissions in HARQ system with statistical approaches. Our main result is that, unless the coherence interval (time or frequency) is large as in block-fading assumption, the posterior distribution of the channel and noise either remains almost identical to the prior distribution, or it mostly follows the same class of distribution as the prior one. In the latter case, the difference between the posterior and prior distribution can be modeled as some parameter mismatch, which has little impact on certain type of applications.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures, 4 table

    Your Room is not Private: Gradient Inversion Attack on Reinforcement Learning

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    The prominence of embodied Artificial Intelligence (AI), which empowers robots to navigate, perceive, and engage within virtual environments, has attracted significant attention, owing to the remarkable advancements in computer vision and large language models. Privacy emerges as a pivotal concern within the realm of embodied AI, as the robot accesses substantial personal information. However, the issue of privacy leakage in embodied AI tasks, particularly in relation to reinforcement learning algorithms, has not received adequate consideration in research. This paper aims to address this gap by proposing an attack on the value-based algorithm and the gradient-based algorithm, utilizing gradient inversion to reconstruct states, actions, and supervision signals. The choice of using gradients for the attack is motivated by the fact that commonly employed federated learning techniques solely utilize gradients computed based on private user data to optimize models, without storing or transmitting the data to public servers. Nevertheless, these gradients contain sufficient information to potentially expose private data. To validate our approach, we conduct experiments on the AI2THOR simulator and evaluate our algorithm on active perception, a prevalent task in embodied AI. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in successfully reconstructing all information from the data across 120 room layouts.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Generalizing Goal-Conditioned Reinforcement Learning with Variational Causal Reasoning

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    As a pivotal component to attaining generalizable solutions in human intelligence, reasoning provides great potential for reinforcement learning (RL) agents' generalization towards varied goals by summarizing part-to-whole arguments and discovering cause-and-effect relations. However, how to discover and represent causalities remains a huge gap that hinders the development of causal RL. In this paper, we augment Goal-Conditioned RL (GCRL) with Causal Graph (CG), a structure built upon the relation between objects and events. We novelly formulate the GCRL problem into variational likelihood maximization with CG as latent variables. To optimize the derived objective, we propose a framework with theoretical performance guarantees that alternates between two steps: using interventional data to estimate the posterior of CG; using CG to learn generalizable models and interpretable policies. Due to the lack of public benchmarks that verify generalization capability under reasoning, we design nine tasks and then empirically show the effectiveness of the proposed method against five baselines on these tasks. Further theoretical analysis shows that our performance improvement is attributed to the virtuous cycle of causal discovery, transition modeling, and policy training, which aligns with the experimental evidence in extensive ablation studies.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figures, under revie

    Seeing is not Believing: Robust Reinforcement Learning against Spurious Correlation

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    Robustness has been extensively studied in reinforcement learning (RL) to handle various forms of uncertainty such as random perturbations, rare events, and malicious attacks. In this work, we consider one critical type of robustness against spurious correlation, where different portions of the state do not have correlations induced by unobserved confounders. These spurious correlations are ubiquitous in real-world tasks, for instance, a self-driving car usually observes heavy traffic in the daytime and light traffic at night due to unobservable human activity. A model that learns such useless or even harmful correlation could catastrophically fail when the confounder in the test case deviates from the training one. Although motivated, enabling robustness against spurious correlation poses significant challenges since the uncertainty set, shaped by the unobserved confounder and causal structure, is difficult to characterize and identify. Existing robust algorithms that assume simple and unstructured uncertainty sets are therefore inadequate to address this challenge. To solve this issue, we propose Robust State-Confounded Markov Decision Processes (RSC-MDPs) and theoretically demonstrate its superiority in avoiding learning spurious correlations compared with other robust RL counterparts. We also design an empirical algorithm to learn the robust optimal policy for RSC-MDPs, which outperforms all baselines in eight realistic self-driving and manipulation tasks.Comment: Accepted to NeurIPS 202

    Semantically Controllable Generation of Physical Scenes with Explicit Knowledge

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    Deep Generative Models (DGMs) are known for their superior capability in generating realistic data. Extending purely data-driven approaches, recent specialized DGMs may satisfy additional controllable requirements such as embedding a traffic sign in a driving scene, by manipulating patterns \textit{implicitly} in the neuron or feature level. In this paper, we introduce a novel method to incorporate domain knowledge \textit{explicitly} in the generation process to achieve semantically controllable scene generation. We categorize our knowledge into two types to be consistent with the composition of natural scenes, where the first type represents the property of objects and the second type represents the relationship among objects. We then propose a tree-structured generative model to learn complex scene representation, whose nodes and edges are naturally corresponding to the two types of knowledge respectively. Knowledge can be explicitly integrated to enable semantically controllable scene generation by imposing semantic rules on properties of nodes and edges in the tree structure. We construct a synthetic example to illustrate the controllability and explainability of our method in a clean setting. We further extend the synthetic example to realistic autonomous vehicle driving environments and conduct extensive experiments to show that our method efficiently identifies adversarial traffic scenes against different state-of-the-art 3D point cloud segmentation models satisfying the traffic rules specified as the explicit knowledge.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures. Under revie
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