921 research outputs found

    A general tool for consistency results related to I1

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    In this paper we provide a general tool to prove the consistency of I1(λ)I1(\lambda) with various combinatorial properties at λ\lambda typical at settings with 2λ>λ+2^\lambda>\lambda^+, that does not need a profound knowledge of the forcing notions involved. Examples of such properties are the first failure of GCH, a very good scale and the negation of the approachability property, or the tree property at λ+\lambda^+ and λ++\lambda^{++}

    A partially non-proper ordinal beyond L(V \u3bb+1)

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    In his recent work, Woodin has defined new axioms stronger than I0 (the existence of an elementary embedding from to itself), that involve elementary embeddings between slightly larger models. There is a natural correspondence between I0 and Determinacy, but to extend this correspondence in the new framework we must insist that these elementary embeddings are proper. Previous results validated the definition, showing that there exist elementary embeddings that are not proper, but it was still open whether properness was determined by the structure of the underlying model or not. This paper proves that this is not the case, defining a model that generates both proper and non-proper elementary embeddings, and compare this new model to the older ones

    Mathematics of the Bose Gas in the Thomas-Fermi Regime

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    In this Thesis we discuss the Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) in the Thomas-Fermi limit for a many-body system, both in the stationary and in the dynamical framework. In particular, we prove that if the pair interaction is of the form gNN3beta1(Nbetax) g_N N^{3beta-1}(N^beta x) , with gN g_N growing as N N goes to infinity and beta beta smaller than 1/3 there is BEC in the ground state of a system in a box. We also prove that in a trapped system, if there is BEC in the initial datum, BEC is preserved, at least for beta beta smaller than 1/6

    Shallow Slow Slip Events Documented With Hematite Themochronometry and Structural Analysis in an Exhumed Fault Zone in Mecca Hills, CA

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    Transient slow slip events are observed in the shallow portion of faults and are an important part of the earthquake cycle, but the influence of mineralogy on the mechanics of slow slip is poorly constrained. Outcrop to nanoscale structures and mineral textures observed in faults exhumed to the surface record evidence of varying slip rates in the past and may inform ongoing fault slip mechanisms. Hematite, an iron oxide mineral that precipitates in shallow faults, exhibits textures potentially diagnostic of slip rate and is amenable to (U-Th)/He thermochronometry. We report field and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations of structures and textures with hematite (U-Th)/He dates from minor fault surfaces in the exhumed damage zone of the Painted Canyon fault zone (PCF) in Mecca Hills, CA, adjacent and parallel to the southern San Andreas fault, to evaluate the rock record of slow slip events. Hematite slip surfaces from the PCF are ubiquitous and occur in association with chlorite-rich gneiss or clay-rich gouge. SEM reveals multiple hematite morphologies including high-aspect ratio plates with rounded or serrated grain boundaries, as well as stubby and euhedral, hexagonal plates. The absence of recrystallization textures likely precludes high temperatures generated along faults due to frictional heating during earthquakes. Hematite-filled injection veins formed during fluid overpressure events and interlayered hematite, calcite, and phyllosilicate and reworked clasts of hematite imply multiple periods of precipitation and deformation. S-C fabrics, folds, and shape preferred orientation in hematite plates suggest ongoing slip at subseismic slip rates. New hematite (U-Th)/He dates (n=37) expand a previously published apatite and hematite (U-Th)/He thermochronometry dataset and document fluid flow and hematite mineralization events during PCF exhumation from ~2.2 to 0.8 Ma and between ~0.8 to 0.5 Ma. Together, these observations support repeated episodes of hematite precipitation and subsequent deformation during slow slip events. Presentation Time: Wednesday, 2-3 p.m. Zoom link: https://usu-edu.zoom.us/j/87892002075?pwd=Ym1Tcy9NOVhaaGZWczZWY1JCL3owUT0

    LD-Algebras beyond i0

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    The algebra of embeddings at the I3 level has been deeply analyzed, but nothing is known algebra-wise for embeddings above I3. In this article, we introduce an operation for embeddings at the level of I0 and above, and prove that they generate an LD-algebra that can be quite different from the one implied by I3

    Generic I0 at \u2135\u3c9

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    In this paper we introduce a generic large cardinal akin to I0, together with the consequences of \u2135\u3c9being s uch ageneric large cardinal. In this case \u2135\u3c9is J\ub4onsson, and in a choiceless inner model many properties hold that arein contrast with pcf theory in ZFC

    Investigation of Factors Influencing var Gene Expression in Plasmodium falciparum Parasites from Acute and Chronic Infections

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    Im Jahre 2015 gab es weltweit 214 Millionen neue Malariafälle und 438.000 Todesfälle durch Malaria. Der einzellige Parasit Plasmodium falciparum (P. falciparum) verursacht die schwerste Form der Malaria und ist verantwortlich für die Mehrheit der auftretenden Todesfälle. Durch die Expression des Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte membrane proteins 1 (PfEMP1) auf der Oberfläche von infizierten Erythrozyten können diese an Endothelrezeptoren des Wirts adhärieren, was zu den Symptomen der Malaria führt. PfEMP1 wird von der Familie der hypervariablen var-Gene kodiert. Jeder Parasit besitzt etwa 60 verschiedene var-Gene, von denen jeweils nur eins pro Parasit exprimiert wird. Ein ständiger Wechsel des aktiv transkribierten var-Lokus führt zur Antigenvariation, die es dem Parasit ermöglicht, der Immunantwort des Wirtes zu entgehen. Im ersten Projekt dieser Dissertation konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Moskito- und Humanpassage bei malaria-naiven Individuen die var-Gen Transkription grundlegend verändert. Die in vitro var-Gen Transkription wird maßgeblich durch die Replikationsdauer von P. falciparum im Wirt beeinflusst. Je länger eine Parasitenpopulation der Rezeptorselektion im Wirt ausgesetzt ist, umso mehr verschiebt sich die var-Gen Transkription zugunsten von wenigen, sehr stark transkribierten var-Genen. Des weiteren wurde herausgefunden, dass die var-Gen Transkription in Abwesenheit eines Selektionsdrucks scheinbar vor allem durch ein festgelegtes genetisches Programm definiert wird. Die Daten aus dem zweiten Projekt dieser Dissertation weisen darauf hin, dass PfEMP1 nicht allein für das variable Oberflächensignal von Parasiten in chronischen Infektionen verantwortlich ist, sondern andere variable Oberflächenproteine, wie z.B. die STEVOR und RIFIN Proteinfamilien, am variablen Obeflächensignal beteiligt sind. Zudem scheint die Rezeptorselektion in naiven Wirten und die Antikörperantwort in semi-immunen Wirten die var-Gen Expression zu beeinflussen. Im dritten Projekt dieser Dissertation konnte in zwei von 10 Feldisolaten aus verschiedenen afrikanischen Regionen ein var-Gen gefunden werden, welches ebenfalls konserviert ist. Die Feldisolate wiesen ansonsten eine hohe Diversität in den nichtkodierenden Regionen auf. Dies weist auf eine Selektion gegen die Diversität dieses spezifischen var-Genes hin. In zukünftigen Untersuchungen mit kontrollierten Malariainfektionen (controlled human malaria infections (CHMI)) von malaria-naiven und semi-immunen Individuen könnte der Einfluss der Selektionsdrücke des Wirtes auf die var-Gen-Expression und die Rolle der anderen variable Oberflächenprotein bei der Antigenvariation untersucht werden

    I0 and rank-into-rank axioms

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    This is a survey about I0 and rank-into-rank axioms, with some previously unpublished proofs