475 research outputs found

    A Possible Bifurcation in Atmospheres of Strongly Irradiated Stars and Planets

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    We show that under certain circumstances the differences between the absorption mean and Planck mean opacities can lead to multiple solutions for an LTE atmospheric structure. Since the absorption and Planck mean opacities are not expected to differ significantly in the usual case of radiative equilibrium, non-irradiated atmospheres, the most interesting situations where the effect may play a role are strongly irradiated stars and planets, and also possibly structures where there is a significant deposition of mechanical energy, such as stellar chromospheres and accretion disks. We have presented an illustrative example of a strongly irradiated giant planet where the bifurcation effect is predicted to occur for a certain range of distances from the star.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Ap

    Noncommutative space-time models

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    The FRT quantum Euclidean spaces OqNO_q^N are formulated in terms of Cartesian generators. The quantum analogs of N-dimensional Cayley-Klein spaces are obtained by contractions and analytical continuations. Noncommutative constant curvature spaces are introduced as a spheres in the quantum Cayley-Klein spaces. For N=5 part of them are interpreted as the noncommutative analogs of (1+3) space-time models. As a result the quantum (anti) de Sitter, Newton, Galilei kinematics with the fundamental length and the fundamental time are suggested.Comment: 8 pages; talk given at XIV International Colloquium of Integrable Systems, Prague, June 16-18, 200

    Gauge theory on kappa-Minkowski revisited: the twist approach

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    Kappa-Minkowski space-time is an example of noncommutative space-time with potentially interesting phenomenology. However, the construction of field theories on this space is plagued with ambiguities. We propose to resolve certain ambiguities by clarifying the geometrical picture of gauge transformations on the kappa-Minkowski space-time in the twist approach. We construct the action for the noncommutative U(1) gauge fields in a geometric way, as an integral of a maximal form. The effective action with the first order corrections in the deformation parameter is obtained using the Seiberg-Witten map to relate noncommutative and commutative degrees of freedom.Comment: Based on talks given at QTS7 (Prague), BW2011 (Donji Milanovac), Corfu2011, BlagojevicFest (Divcibare

    The Near-Infrared and Optical Spectra of Methane Dwarfs and Brown Dwarfs

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    We identify the pressure--broadened red wings of the saturated potassium resonance lines at 7700 \AA as the source of anomalous absorption seen in the near-infrared spectra of Gliese 229B and, by extension, of methane dwarfs in general. This conclusion is supported by the recent work of Tsuji {\it et al.} 1999, though unlike them we find that dust need not be invoked to explain the spectra of methane dwarfs shortward of 1 micron. We find that a combination of enhanced alkali abundances due to rainout and a more realistic non-Lorentzian theory of resonant line shapes may be all that is needed to properly account for these spectra from 0.5 to 1.0 microns. The WFPC2 II measurement of Gliese 229B is also consistent with this theory. Furthermore, a combination of the blue wings of this K I resonance doublet, the red wings of the Na D lines at 5890 \AA, and, perhaps, the Li I line at 6708 \AA can explain in a natural way the observed WFPC2 RR band flux of Gliese 229B. Hence, we conclude that the neutral alkali metals play a central role in the near-infrared and optical spectra of methane dwarfs and that their lines have the potential to provide crucial diagnostics of brown dwarfs. We speculate on the systematics of the near-infrared and optical spectra of methane dwarfs, for a given mass and composition, that stems from the progressive burial with decreasing \teff of the alkali metal atoms to larger pressures and depths.Comment: Revised and accepted to Ap.J. volume 531, March 1, 2000, also available at http://jupiter.as.arizona.edu/~burrows/papers/BMS.p

    Twists in U(sl(3)) and their quantizations

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    The solution of the Drinfeld equation corresponding to the full set of different carrier subalgebras in sl(3) are explicitly constructed. The obtained Hopf structures are studied. It is demonstrated that the presented twist deformations can be considered as limits of the corresponding quantum analogues (q-twists) defined for the q-quantized algebras.Comment: 31 pages, Latex 2e, to be published in Journ. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    Atomic data and electron-impact broadening effect in DO white dwarf atmospheres: Si VI

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    Energy levels, electric dipole transition probabilities and oscillator strengths in five times ionized silicon have been calculated in intermediate coupling. The present calculations were carried out with the general purpose atomic-structure program SUPERSTRUCTURE. The relativistic corrections to the non-relativistic Hamiltonian are taken into account through the Breit-Pauli approximation. We have also introduced a semi-empirical correction (TEC) for the calculation of the energy-levels. These atomic data are used to provide semiclassical electron-, proton- and ionized helium- impact line widths and shifts for 15 Si VI muliplet. Calculated results have been used to consider the influence of Stark broadening for DO white dwarf atmospheric conditions.Comment: MNRAS, accepted, 14 page

    Drinfeld-Twisted Supersymmetry and Non-Anticommutative Superspace

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    We extend the analysis of hep-th/0408069 on a Lorentz invariant interpretation of noncommutative spacetime to field theories on non-anticommutative superspace with half the supersymmetries broken. By defining a Drinfeld-twisted Hopf superalgebra, it is shown that one can restore twisted supersymmetry and therefore obtain a twisted version of the chiral rings along with certain Ward-Takahashi identities. Moreover, we argue that the representation content of theories on the deformed superspace is identical to that of their undeformed cousins and comment on the consequences of our analysis concerning non-renormalization theorems.Comment: 1+17 pages; typos fixed, minor correction

    Voros product and the Pauli principle at low energies

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    Using the Voros star product, we investigate the status of the two particle correlation function to study the possible extent to which the previously proposed violation of the Pauli principle may impact at low energies. The results show interesting features which are not present in the computations made using the Moyal star product.Comment: 5 pages LateX, minor correction

    Twisted Grosse-Wulkenhaar ϕ4\phi^{\star 4} model: dynamical noncommutativity and Noether currents

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    This paper addresses the computation of Noether currrents for the renormalizable Grosse-Wulkenhaar (GW) ϕ4\phi^{\star 4} model subjected to a dynamical noncomutativity realized through a twisted Moyal product. The noncommutative (NC) energy-momentum tensor (EMT), angular momentum tensor (AMT) and the dilatation current (DC) are explicitly derived. The breaking of translation and rotation invariances has been avoided via a constraint equation

    q-Quaternions and q-deformed su(2) instantons

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    We construct (anti)instanton solutions of a would-be q-deformed su(2) Yang-Mills theory on the quantum Euclidean space R_q^4 [the SO_q(4)-covariant noncommutative space] by reinterpreting the function algebra on the latter as a q-quaternion bialgebra. Since the (anti)selfduality equations are covariant under the quantum group of deformed rotations, translations and scale change, by applying the latter we can generate new solutions from the one centered at the origin and with unit size. We also construct multi-instanton solutions. As they depend on noncommuting parameters playing the roles of `sizes' and `coordinates of the centers' of the instantons, this indicates that the moduli space of a complete theory will be a noncommutative manifold. Similarly, gauge transformations should be allowed to depend on additional noncommutative parameters.Comment: Latex file, 39 pages. Final version appeared in JM