70 research outputs found

    Herbage Yield, Quality and Nutrients Composition of Bajra Napier (BN) Hybrid Grass Varieties under Central Gujarat Condition

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    Among various perennial grasses, BN hybrid grass (Pennisetum glaucum x Pennisetum purpureum) is most popular in irrigated areas of India including Gujarat state due to several factors like wide spread agro-climatic adaptability, high yield potential, nutritional quality, low cost of cultivation, insect-pest-disease resistances, tolerance to grazing/damages by wild animals, vegetative propagation and high response towards manure, fertilizer and irrigations. In Central Gujarat region, farmers are mainly cultivating CO 3 and APBN 1 varieties, which have been supplied to them by agriculture institutes. These two popular varieties were considered as local checks (LC) in trial. Three very old varieties (IGFRI 6, PBN 233 and IGFRI 10) were also considered for trial due to their popularity at national level. Newly notified varieties of BN hybrid grass (CO 4, DHN 6 & BNH 10) were included in the trial as sufficient information’s on performance of these new varieties under Central Gujarat condition is not available. Hence, need was felt to compare the yield, quality and nutrient composition of old, local checks and new notified varieties of BN hybrid together in one experiment under Central Gujarat condition

    Morphological spectrum of gall bladder lesions and their correlation with cholelithiasis

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    Background: Gall stones are known to produce diversified histological changes in the gallbladder such as inflammation, metaplasia, hyperplasia, dysplasia and even precursor lesions of malignancy. The aim of our study was to correlate the various histological changes in the gallbladder with the different types of gallstones (cholesterol, pigmented and mixed).Methods: This prospective study was conducted in the department of Pathology, Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh from July 2014 to June 2015. The age, sex distribution and the incidence of different types of gallstones was studied. The histological changes in the gallbladders were examined and its correlation with the type of gallstones was evaluated.Results: In all 1371 specimens of gall bladder were received during this period. The mean age of the patients was 44 years (age range 13-86 years) with Male: Female ratio of 1: 8.3. Out of the total 1371 cholecystectomy specimens, 1259 (91.8 %) had calculi and 112 (8.2%) were acalculus. Of the 1259 cases of calculus disease, mixed stones were observed in 840 (66.7%) patients, cholesterol stones in 289 (22.9%) and pigmented stones in 130 (10.4%) patients. Overall 1291 (94%) cases had chronic cholecystitis followed by acute cholecystitis and chronic active cholecystitis in 2% each, dysplasia in 1.5% and carcinoma cases 0.5%.Conclusions: Routine cholecystectomy performed for a common condition like gallstone disease can result in detection of diverse and wide spectrum of histopathological lesions ranging from chronic cholecystitis to carcinoma

    Evaluation of AgNORs in gallbladder lesions

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    Background: Quantification of argyrophillic nucleolar organizer regions (AgNORs) is a good indicator of cellular proliferation activity and is useful diagnostic tool to estimate the malignant potential of lesions in gallbladder. The aim of the present study was to study the AgNORs and assess their correlation with various lesions of the gallbladder.Methods: This study was conducted in the department of pathology, Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India. One hundred specimens of gall bladder lesions (50 cases chronic cholecystitis,30 cases epithelial hyperplasia and 20 cases of carcinoma) were study subjects. AgNOR staining was done on three micron thin sections of paraffin embedded tissue, as per the method of Crocker and Smith with safranin counterstain. The number of AgNORs, stained as black dots was counted in one hundred adjacent cells in different lesions.Results: Mean AgNOR count in chronic cholecystitis, epithelial hyperplasia and carcinoma was 2.44±0.31, 3.88±0.39 and 7.90±0.76 respectively. AgNOR counts in various lesions gradually increased from chronic cholecystitis to carcinoma and the increase was statistically significant (p<0.05).Conclusions: Despite inter-laboratory variations and lack of standardization of counts for a particular lesion, AgNOR technique is easy to perform, economical and reliable indicator of malignant potential of the gall bladder lesions, hence can be used in resource poor set up as an adjunct to histopathology.

    Information needs assessment in digital environment

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    The information needs represent gaps in the current knowledge of the user. The professional can assess the information needs of clientele at two levels: first, by analyzing the characteristics of the community served; and second, by analyzing the needs of specific individuals when and where they seek information. Assessment of information need typically occurs through a communication process called interview of information user. The process of assessment of information need through interview can be divided in eight stages. These are determining the purpose, researching the topic, selecting interviewees, structuring the interview, conducting the interview, preparing the report, presenting the report and feedback & further refinement. These have been changed in digital era due to introduction of Internet, e-mail, online groups and blogs. Identifying information needs is a complex process as some of the respondents may think that it is a wastage of time as it is a somewhat time taking process and may attempt to test whether the information provider will provide the information or not. This paper takes up the change brought up due to introduction of digital means in all the eight steps mentioned in assessment of information need through interview

    Sporotrichosis in Sub-Himalayan India

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    Sporotrichosis is endemic in the Sub-Himalayan belt, which ranges from the northern to the north-eastern Indian subcontinent. Similar to many parts of the developing world, sporotrichosis is commonly recognized clinically in this region however consolidated epidemiological data is lacking. We report epidemiological, clinical and microbiological data from a hundred culture positive cases of sporotrichosis. Out of 305 clinically suspicious cases of sporotrichosis, a total of 100 isolates were identified as Sporothrix schenckii species complex (S. schenckii) on culture. Out of the culture proven cases 71% of the cases presented with lymphocutaneous type of lesions while 28% had fixed localized type and 1% had disseminated sporotrichosis. Presentation with lesions on hands was most frequently seen in 32% with arm (23%) and face (21%) in that sequence. The male to female ratio was 1∶1.27. Age ranged from 1 ½ years to 88 years. Mean age was 43.25 years. Disease was predominantly seen in the fourth to sixth decade of life with 58% cases between 31 and 60 years of age. Since the first report from the region there has been a steady rise in the number of cases of sporotrichosis. Seasonal trends reveal that most of the patients visited for consultation in the beginning of the year between March and April. This is the first study, from the most endemic region of the Sub-Himalayan belt, to delve into epidemiological and clinical details of such a large number of culture proven cases over a period of more than eighteen years which would help in the understanding of the local disease pattern of sporotrichosis

    Data Analytics for Dynamic Urban Operations: A Test-Based Study on Data Analytics Efficiency

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    This paper explores the field of data analytics for dynamic urban operations and provides a systematic analysis of the importance and possible implications of this field. Our investigation indicates significant data volumes in an urban setting that is data-rich: 500 GB are generated by traffic sensors, 300 GB by environmental monitors, 150 GB by mobile apps, and 75 GB by emergency calls. A variety of analytics techniques, each with a different processing time, are built upon these data sources. These techniques include descriptive, predictive, prescriptive, and diagnostic analytics. The outcomes, which include 90% accuracy, an average processing time of 40 minutes, 80% resource utilization, and 4.2 user satisfaction ratings, highlight the benefits of data analytics. According to the comparison study, diagnostic analytics has a score of 7.8, indicating room for development, while prescriptive analytics leads with an efficiency score of 8.4. As urban stakeholders and academics work to improve urban systems and solve urban issues, the results give a thorough understanding of the effectiveness and application of data analytics in the context of dynamic urban operations

    Application of “Travelling Salesman Problem” in Dynamic Programming for Efficient and Cost Effective Route Design for Distribution: Case of Chifles Distribution of ORFI Company, Ecuador

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    oai:ojs.pkp.sfu.ca:article/66Purpose: The present study is designed to optimize a route for the distribution of chifles of the ORFI Company in school bars within the Río Verde parish of the Santo Domingo City, Republic of Ecuador. Methodology: Time and distance data were collected regarding the route of the vendors, then distance matrices were developed between distribution points, and a graph was designed to find the best route using the Bellman-Hell-Karp algorithm. Results: The sector graph had 46 nodes and the optimal route was found by applying dynamic programming with the Held-Karp mathematical algorithm, the optimal route for the ORFI company chifles distribution is: 1-2-3-4-5-8-7-6-10-9-12-11-13-14-15-16-18-17-19-20-21-22-23-24-25-26-31-27-28-29-30-32-33-34-38-35-36-37-39-40-41-42-43-44-45-46-1, with 23089 meters of distance, optimizing in travel time 15% and travel distance 11%. Implications: The application of the findings is expected to reduce the cost and time of distribution expended by the OFRI Company. Similar approaches also can be applied by other companies operating in the city

    Application of “Travelling Salesman Problem” in Dynamic Programming for Efficient and Cost Effective Route Design for Distribution: Case of Chifles Distribution of ORFI Company, Ecuador

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    Purpose: The present study is designed to optimize a route for the distribution of chifles of the ORFI Company in school bars within the Río Verde parish of the Santo Domingo City, Republic of Ecuador. Methodology: Time and distance data were collected regarding the route of the vendors, then distance matrices were developed between distribution points, and a graph was designed to find the best route using the Bellman-Hell-Karp algorithm. Results: The sector graph had 46 nodes and the optimal route was found by applying dynamic programming with the Held-Karp mathematical algorithm, the optimal route for the ORFI company chifles distribution is: 1-2-3-4-5-8-7-6-10-9-12-11-13-14-15-16-18-17-19-20-21-22-23-24-25-26-31-27-28-29-30-32-33-34-38-35-36-37-39-40-41-42-43-44-45-46-1, with 23089 meters of distance, optimizing in travel time 15% and travel distance 11%. Implications: The application of the findings is expected to reduce the cost and time of distribution expended by the OFRI Company. Similar approaches also can be applied by other companies operating in the city