96 research outputs found

    Lire l'hétérogénéité romanesque

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    Lire l’hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© romanesque, troisiĂšme volume de la collection « Approches interdisciplinaires de la lecture », rassemble les communications prĂ©sentĂ©es dans le cadre du sĂ©minaire AIL tenu Ă  Reims en 2007-2008. La catĂ©gorie de l’hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšne, comme celle de l’autre, objet du sĂ©minaire de l’an passĂ©, traverse toutes les disciplines. De la simple diffĂ©rence d’élĂ©ments composant un tout selon une unification que certains qualifieront de dialectique, Ă  la dissemblance plus accusĂ©e mettant en pĂ©ril la belle unitĂ© du tout ainsi formĂ©, se laisse dĂ©jĂ  entrevoir l’ambivalence de l’hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ©. La premiĂšre partie de ce volume s’attache Ă  en Ă©tudier les effets dans le cadre spĂ©cial de « L’expĂ©rience de lecture romanesque ». La seconde, « Lire la peinture par le roman ou le roman par la peinture ? », s’intĂ©resse aux problĂšmes posĂ©s par l’association entre Ă©criture romanesque et expression picturale. ComplĂ©mentaritĂ© ? CoprĂ©sence dĂ©rangeante ? Deux formes encore de l'hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ©


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    The influence of tannins present in arid zone forages from North Africa: Aristida plumosa, Danthonia forskahlii, Astragalus gombiformis, Genista saharae, two date palm fractions (leaves and racemes), and vetch-oat hay taken as control on in vitro gas production and in vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD) was evaluated. Chemical analysis revealed the low nutritional quality of these forages. They were high in NDF, ADF and lignin (679.5, 455.7 and 86 g/kg DM, respectively) and low in nitrogen (< 12 g/kg DM) except for Astragalus that had 20 g N/kg DM. Phenolic compounds (total phenols, total tannins and total condensed tannins) were 61.8, 49.1 and 36.2 g/kg DM for palm leaves followed by Astragalus, racemes, Genista, Aristida and Danthonia. Gas production ranged between 55.2 and 152.6 mL/g DM whereas IVOMD ranged between 21 and 56.5%. Addition of PEG resulted in an overall increase in both gas production (20.2%) and IVOMD (30.7%), with the exception of Danthonia and Aristida. The largest increment for gas production was recorded for Aristida (low tannins content). However, the higher increase in IVOMD was noted for racemes, Astragalus and palm leaves (high tannins content). The variable responses among forages studied suggest that factors other than phenolic compounds also affect in vitro fermentation

    Milk and plasma proteomes from cows facing diet-induced milk fat depression are related to immunity, lipid metabolism and inflammation

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    Milk proteins are a source of bioactive molecules for calves and humans that may also reflect the physiology and metabolism of dairy cows. Dietary lipid supplements are classically used to modulate the lipid content and composition of bovine milk, with potential impacts on the nutrient’s homeostasis and the systemic inflammation of cows that remains to be more explored. This study aimed at identifying discriminant proteins and their associated pathways in twelve Holstein cows (87 ± 7 days in milk), multiparous and non-pregnant, fed for 28 d a diet either, supplemented with 5% DM intake of corn oil and with 50% additional starch from wheat in the concentrate (COS, n = 6) chosen to induce a milk fat depression, or with 3% DM intake of hydrogenated palm oil (HPO, n = 6) known to increase milk fat content. Intake, milk yield and milk composition were measured. On d 27 of the experimental periods, milk and blood samples were collected and label-free quantitative proteomics was performed on proteins extracted from plasma, milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) and skimmed milk (SM). The proteomes from COS and HPO samples were composed of 98, 158 and 70 unique proteins, respectively, in plasma, MFGM and SM. Of these, the combination of a univariate and a multivariate partial least square discriminant analyses reveals that 15 proteins in plasma, 24 in MFGM and 14 in SM signed the differences between COS and HPO diets. The 15 plasma proteins were related to the immune system, acute-phase response, regulation of lipid transport and insulin sensitivity. The 24 MFGM proteins were related to the lipid biosynthetic process and secretion. The 14 SM proteins were linked mainly to immune response, inflammation and lipid transport. This study proposes discriminant milk and plasma proteomes, depending on diet-induced divergence in milk fat secretion, that are related to nutrient homeostasis, inflammation, immunity and lipid metabolism. The present results also suggest a higher state of inflammation with the COS diet
