3 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Sumberdaya Wilayah Untuk Meningkatkan Ekonomi Desa Narimbang

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    Utilization of natural resources in daily life for the welfare of mankind is not accompanied by the management and reuse of natural resources that have been wasted such as the presence of plastic waste, the presence of organic waste and others. Vertical garden is included in the form of indirect recycling of plastic bottle waste problem which means the use of used plastic bottles as the main component in the manufacturing of vertical garden. There are two activities carried out by the creation of vertical garden and activities Narimbang Youth Camp (NYC). A series of activities conducted in the form of socialization about garbage, family medicinal plants, how to create vertical garden and plant crops. Narimbang Youth Camp (NYC) is a socialization program about the importance of having an entrepreneurial spirit, creative thinking, and knowledge of digital marketing. Key words: Digital, natural resources, organic tras

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat melalui Program Desa Tangguh Bencana (DESTANA) Sebagai Upaya Mitigasi Banjir Rob di Kabupaten Cirebon

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    The coastal area is the border area between land and sea. Coastal areas have an important role in maintaining that seawater does not enter the mainland. Poor coastal conditions will disturb the stability of the environment around the coast. Natural disasters such as tidal floods are the focus of attention for coastal communities, especially in Cirebon District. The purpose of this community service program is to reduce the risk of tidal flooding through disaster mitigation efforts. The dedication was carried out in July 2019 with the method of socialization and brainstorming. Socialization and brainstorming were attended by villagers. The results show that the community is very enthusiastic about this program, this is evidenced by the formation of working groups (LWGs) who are fully responsible for all pre-disaster activities, during disasters and after disasters. The program that has been carried out by LWG is participating in socialization related to DESTANA and making disaster mitigation maps and following coastal cleanup activities. Keywords: tidal flooding, disaster mitigation, empowermen

    Pemanfaatan Lahan Pekarangan untuk Memenuhi Kebutuhan Keluarga di Desa Cintalaksana, Kecamatan Tegalwaru, Kabupaten Karawang

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    Cintalaksana Village is a village located in Tegalwaru District, Karawang Regency, West Java Province. This village has a land condition that fluctuates (terraces) and the average high rainfall is 2,600 mm-4,500 mm per year. This makes it possible to develop the agriculture, livestock and tourism sectors. The Sustainable Family Yard Program (PKL) aims at the residents of Cintalaksana Village to be able to utilize their home yards by planting TOGA, ornamental plants, fruit plants, and vegetable crops as well as the residents' houses which are used as a pilot to provide benefits to surrounding residents. The Sustainable Family Home Program (PKL) begins with licensing for village officials to carry out activities that involve residents and use vacant land owned by the head of RT 01, the village head, and the Lotus Posyandu 1. After the permit is completed, continue to clean up the empty land that has been overgrown with weeds using weeds using hoe. After that the making of beds in the land to sow kale and spinach seeds. For seedbed chillies use a polybag filled with a mixture of soil planting media and manure. After all the seeds are sown, watering is done until the soil becomes moist. Making verticulture using old bottles which are then planted with Alternanthera brasiliana and Portulaca ornamental plants. The implementation of the Sustainable Family Home Program (PKL) program in Cintalaksana Village went well. Residents began to realize the importance of utilizing vacant land around the house to become a sustainable yard. The yard can be planted with various types of plants so that it can meet food needs as well as the family economy. Keywords: Cintalaksana Village, family medicinal plants, yards&nbsp