753 research outputs found

    Disparities in COVID-19 Rates Among Various Demographics and Lack of Racial Representation in Medical Texts

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    The 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, which originated in Wuhan, China in December of 2019, has impacted nations all over the globe. Given the health disparities which existed within the United States prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, this pandemic continued to pose a significant challenge to the health of the public. The aims of this research study were twofold: (1) to analyze the incidence rates of COVID-19 among different racial and ethnic groups within the United States and (2) to describe the occurrence of diversity within medical texts. Overall, the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated health disparities within the United States. Understanding the magnitude of these disparities and the potential impact of medical education in reducing them is critical in improving the health of the general population. This study sought to achieve two research aims related to the complex intersectionality between race and disease outcomes. The data presented in this study shows that there is a statistically significant difference between incidence rates of COVID-19 and various racial and ethnic groups within the United States (Research Aim 1). While no statistical analyses were able to be conducted for research Aim 2, the preliminary data shows a stark difference in word choice used to represent dark-skinned population versus light-skinned populations. Frankly, these data show an overall disappointing inadequacy in the representation of diverse populations expected from an increasingly diverse nation

    Faculty Recital: Emily DiAngelo, oboe

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    Junior Recital: Emily DiAngelo, oboe and English horn

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    Qatar: Diabetes

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    The State of Qatar is a developed nation that is located in the Middle East and borders the Persian Gulf and Saudi Arabia. The nation is a constitutional monarchy and is currently led by Amir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani. The 2,300,000+ people of Qatar face many major challenges. Although it is one of the wealthiest nations in the Middle East, Qatar faces issues of human trafficking, migrants willing to work in poor conditions, and Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). The most critical issue that plagues this county is diabetes, both I and II. Diabetes is a disease that is caused by the body’s inability to regulate its blood glucose levels because of low insulin production in the body. After an examination of many journal articles conducted by researchers looking into diabetes, it is found that diabetes can be prevented. It was found that demographic lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise are the main contributors to diabetes. Although the majority of the risk factors are things that can be controlled, there is also a link between diabetes in genetics. Those who have a family with a history of diabetes are advised to take more precautions. The country has taken many strives to help lower the number of people battling diabetes, but more work has to be done

    Respect Differences? Challenging the Common Guidelines in Social Justice Education

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    In social justice education, it is common to establish guidelines for classroom discussions. We examine the limits of these guidelines in achieving the goals of social justice education, arguing that they are not adequately responsive to power relations. Rather than creating a supportive space for dialogue, these guidelines can actually interfere with achieving social justice education goals. We also describe our efforts to engage alternative strategies for responding to power in the social justice classroom

    Fragilidade branca

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    Os brancos da América do Norte vivem em um ambiente social que os protege e isola do estresse relacionado às questões raciais. Este ambiente isolado de proteção racial cria expectativas brancas de conforto racial ao mesmo tempo em que diminui a capacidade de lidar com o estresse racial, levando ao que eu chamo de “Fragilidade Branca”. A Fragilidade Branca é um estado em que até mesmo uma quantidade mínima de estresse racial se torna intolerável, desencadeando uma série de movimentos defensivos. Esses movimentos incluem a expressão de emoções como raiva, medo e culpa, e comportamentos como discussão, silêncio e abandono da situação criadora de estresse. Esses comportamentos, por sua vez, funcionam para restabelecer o equilíbrio racial branco. Este artigo explica a dinâmica da Fragilidade Branca

    Characterization of Glioblastoma Stem Cells

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    An Evening of Woodwind Quintets

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