190 research outputs found

    NIHAO XI: Formation of Ultra-Diffuse Galaxies by outflows

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    We address the origin of Ultra-Diffuse Galaxies (UDGs), which have stellar masses typical of dwarf galaxies but effective radii of Milky Way-sized objects. Their formation mechanism, and whether they are failed L⋆\rm L_{\star} galaxies or diffuse dwarfs, are challenging issues. Using zoom-in cosmological simulations from the NIHAO project, we show that UDG analogues form naturally in medium-mass haloes due to episodes of gas outflows associated with star formation. The simulated UDGs live in isolated haloes of masses 1010−11M⊙10^{10-11}\rm M_{\odot}, have stellar masses of 107−8.5M⊙10^{7-8.5}\rm M_{\odot}, effective radii larger than 1 kpc and dark matter cores. They show a broad range of colors, an average S\'ersic index of 0.83, a typical distribution of halo spin and concentration, and a non-negligible HI gas mass of 107−9M⊙10^{7-9}\rm M_{\odot}, which correlates with the extent of the galaxy. Gas availability is crucial to the internal processes that form UDGs: feedback driven gas outflows, and subsequent dark matter and stellar expansion, are the key to reproduce faint, yet unusually extended, galaxies. This scenario implies that UDGs represent a dwarf population of low surface brightness galaxies and should exist in the field. The largest isolated UDGs should contain more HI gas than less extended dwarfs of similar M⋆\rm M_{\star}.Comment: matches accepted version, MNRAS Letter 2016-10-1

    Metallicity profiles of Ultra Diffuse Galaxies in NIHAO simulations

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    Supernovae feedback driven expansion has proven to be a viable mechanism to explain the average properties of Ultra Diffuse Galaxies (UDGs) such as the sizes, colors, mass and internal kinematics. Here, we explore the origin of stellar metallicity gradients in feedback driven simulated UDGs from the NIHAO project and compare them with the observed distribution of metallicity gradients of both Local Group dwarfs as well as of the recently observed UDG DF44. Simulated UDGs display a large variety of metallicity profiles, showing flat to negative gradients, similarly to what is observed in LG dwarfs, while DF44 data suggest a flat to positive gradient. The variety of metallicity gradients in simulations is set by the interplay between the radius at which star formation occurs and the subsequent supernovae feedback driven stellar redistribution: rotation supported systems tend to have flat metallicity profiles while dispersion supported galaxies show negative and steep profiles. Our results suggest that UDGs are not peculiar in what regards their metallicity gradients, when compared to regular dwarfs. Desirably, a larger observational sample of UDGs' gradients shall be available in the future, in order to test our predictions.Comment: 13 pages, 6+3 figure

    Spectroscopic characterisation of the stellar content of ultra diffuse galaxies

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    Understanding the peculiar properties of Ultra Diffuse Galaxies (UDGs) via spectroscopic analysis is a challenging task requiring very deep observations and exquisite data reduction. In this work we perform one of the most complete characterisations of the stellar component of UDGs to date using deep optical spectroscopic data from OSIRIS at GTC. We measure radial and rotation velocities, star formation histories (SFH) and mean population parameters, such as ages and metallicities, for a sample of five UDG candidates in the Coma cluster. From the radial velocities, we confirm the Coma membership of these galaxies. We find that their rotation properties, if detected at all, are compatible with dwarf-like galaxies. The SFHs of the UDG are dominated by old (~ 7 Gyr), metal-poor ([M/H] ~ -1.1) and alpha-enhanced ([Mg/Fe] ~ 0.4) populations followed by a smooth or episodic decline which halted ~ 2 Gyr ago, possibly a sign of cluster-induced quenching. We find no obvious correlation between individual SFH shapes and any UDG morphological properties. The recovered stellar properties for UDGs are similar to those found for DDO44, a local UDG analogue resolved into stars. We conclude that the UDGs in our sample are extended dwarfs whose properties are likely the outcome of both internal processes, such as bursty SFHs and/or high-spin haloes, as well as environmental effects within the Coma cluster.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    A rumble in the dark: signatures of self-interacting dark matter in supermassive black hole dynamics and galaxy density profiles

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    We explore for the first time the effect of self-interacting dark matter (SIDM) on the dark matter (DM) and baryonic distribution in massive galaxies formed in hydrodynamical cosmological simulations, including explicit baryonic physics treatment. A novel implementation of supermassive black hole (SMBH) formation and evolution is used, as in Tremmel et al., allowing us to explicitly follow the SMBH dynamics at the centre of galaxies. A high SIDM constant cross-section is chosen, σ = 10 cm2gr−1, to amplify differences from CDM models. Milky Way-like galaxies form a shallower DM density profile in SIDM than they do in cold dark matter (CDM), with differences already at 20 kpc scales. This demonstrates that even for the most massive spirals, the effect of SIDM dominates over the adiabatic contraction due to baryons. Strikingly, the dynamics of SMBHs differs in the SIDM and reference CDM case. SMBHs in massive spirals have sunk to the centre of their host galaxy in both the SIDM and CDM run, while in less massive galaxies about 80 per cent of the SMBH population is off-centred in the SIDM case, as opposed to the CDM case in which ∼ 90 per cent of SMBHs have reached their host’s centre. SMBHs are found as far as ∼9 kpc away from the centre of their host SIDM galaxy. This difference is due to the increased dynamical friction time-scale caused by the lower DM density in SIDM galaxies compared to CDM, resulting in core stalling. This pilot work highlights the importance of simulating in a full hydrodynamical context different DM models combined to the SMBH physics to study their influence on galaxy formation

    Self-interacting dark matter and the delay of supermassive black hole growth

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    Using cosmological hydrodynamic simulations with physically motivated models of supermassive black hole (SMBH) formation and growth, we compare the assembly of Milky Way-mass (Mvir ≈ 7 × 1011 M⊙ at z = 0) galaxies in cold dark matter (CDM) and self-interacting dark matter (SIDM) models. Our SIDM model adopts a constant cross-section of 1 cm2 g−1. We find that SMBH formation is suppressed in the early Universe due to SIDM interactions. SMBH–SMBH mergers are also suppressed in SIDM as a consequence of the lower number of SMBHs formed. Lack of initial merger-driven SMBH growth in turn delays SMBH growth by billions of years in SIDM compared to CDM. Further, we find that this delayed growth suppresses SMBH accretion in the largest progenitors of the main SIDM galaxies during the first 5 Gyr of their evolution. Nonetheless, by z = 0.8 the CDM and SIDM SMBH masses differ only by around 0.2 dex, so that both remain compatible with the MBH–M* relation. We show that the reduced accretion causes the SIDM SMBHs to less aggressively regulate star formation in their host galaxies than their CDM counterparts, resulting in a factor of 3 or more stars being produced over the lifetime of the SIDM galaxies compared to the CDM galaxies. Our results highlight a new way in which SIDM can affect the growth and merger history of SMBHs and ultimately give rise to very different galaxy evolution compared to the classic CDM model
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