736 research outputs found

    Le arrhae sponsaliciae in diritto romano e comparato

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    The subject of this thesis is a study of the historical-legal evolution of the institution of the at arrhae sponsaliciae in Europe law derived from a perspective of the link between the principles of matrimonial freedom and of "pacta sunt servanda". After historical- philological research of the word arra/arrha the Babylonian institutions of tirhatum and of Jewish mohar are examined, where the antecedent of the Roman arrhae sponsaliciae can be identified. Research into the origin of the arrhae sponsaliciae of Roman law follows, with a compareson of endogenous and exogenous theories relative to the exegesis of data sources. The key point of the research has been the Late Ancient age, through the study of the arrhae sponsaliciae in the imperial constitutions, in Christian sources and in the papyrus in order to identify the connections concerning the subject between Roman law and Christianity. Byzantine law has played an important part and has been studied in order to support with documentary evidence of the evolution, as an existing law, of Justinian Code in an increasingly close relation with future canon law, until the arrival of the unifying work by Leone the Philosopher. Legal European ensuing tradition, originated from the fusion betw;een Roman, Jewish and Christian civilizations, is proposed right through to our times in order "to see how finished, since Roman law, in the Justinian format, generously offered itself to the exploitation by Jurists all over Europe. The comparative analysis of the current legislation offers the starting- point, in the light, of the results of the historical-legal research, developed to formulate numerous considerations and to understand the prospects de jure condendo. Among these emerge the oscillation of the marriage promise between social reality and legal importance; the trend of modern law to limit as much as possible the effects of the marriage promise to safeguard the principle of freedom in marriage; the criticism of the consequent total sacrifice of the principle of reliance on the altar of freedom in marriage rendering useless any agreements made by consenting adults with full mental capacity to create legitimate expectations in the other party; the historical failure of models of contractual and extracontractual responsibility in describing the sanctions applicable to the breaking off of an engagement. In response to the above we suggest the identification, shared by the modern doctrine, of an ex lege responsibility for those who interrupt unilaterally, without just cause , a marriage promise, precluding furter sanctions to those envisaged by law, by private citizens in the case of broken engagements, with the result of safeguarding at the same time the two principles applied in the main defence of the same promise, those of "pacta sunt servanda" and of freedom in marriage

    Arquitectura para la inclusión: taller protegido de producción laboral

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    La arquitectura inclusiva a través del diseño, trata de generar accesibilidad en todo tipo de espacios. Mediante el diseño universal este tipo de arquitectura trata de poner en constante contacto la habitabilidad con el planeamiento de los espacios. De esa forma la discapacidad se convierte en una razón de ser de la arquitectura y coloca a la persona (con discapacidad o no) en el centro de importancia a la hora de diseñar. Inclusivo y para todos, en eso piensa el diseño universal. Baños adaptados, puertas interiores espaciosas, rampas para discapacitados, etc. Todo diseño que se adecue para el uso de las personas es bienvenido para esta corriente. La funcionalidad y el diseño en un estado de equilibrio casi perfecto logran inclusión para aquellos que la arquitectura parecía haber olvidado. La elección del tema surge de la idea de responder a una problemática actual en la ciudad de Benito Juárez, donde existe un Taller Protegido, pero sin los recursos para tener un lugar propio y con capacidad para la cantidad necesaria para que puedan concurrir la totalidad de la gente habilitada para el taller, donde hoy solo tienen espacio para 25 personas, un 15% aproximadamente del total.Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism

    Satisfacción del cliente del servicio de licencias de conducir de la Municipalidad de La Plata

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    La presente investigación basada en la necesidad de evaluar la conducta del sector público en general y de los municipios en particular en su rol de prestador de servicios públicos con vistas al mejoramiento social, cultural y en defensa de sus habitantes y como forma de dar respuesta a los requerimientos a través de la oportuna atención del estado. Se llevo adelante una investigación diagnóstica dentro del marco del proyecto del MBA y la Municipalidad de La Plata cuyo título es "competitividad empresarial y su impacto regional". La investigación fue de tipo exploratoria y de naturaleza cuantitativa sobre una muestra que consideró el universo de los habitantes de La Plata en condiciones de usar el servicio. Se utilizo un instrumento resumido de escala múltiple con un cuestionario de preguntas estandarizadas llamado escala SERVQUAL. Se lleva a cabo un análisis univariado y se analizan los resultados en forma global. El resultado global muestra usuarios algo insatisfechos con la calidad del servicio. En una repartición publica de estas características monopólicas el usuario vuelve porque no tiene alternativas. El desafío es transformar los usuarios en clientes y que vuelvan por la calidad y confiabilidad del servicio. Objetivos de la tesis: 1) Evaluar el nivel de satisfacción de los clientes del Servicio de Licencias de Conducir de la Municipalidad de la Plata y la importancia de la atención al público para realizar el trámite. 2) Identificar si la calidad del servicio que se presta en la Dirección Operativa de licencias de conducir cumple con las expectativas de los usuarios.Facultad de Ciencias Económica

    Satisfacción del cliente del servicio de licencias de conducir de la Municipalidad de La Plata

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    La presente investigación basada en la necesidad de evaluar la conducta del sector público en general y de los municipios en particular en su rol de prestador de servicios públicos con vistas al mejoramiento social, cultural y en defensa de sus habitantes y como forma de dar respuesta a los requerimientos a través de la oportuna atención del estado. Se llevo adelante una investigación diagnóstica dentro del marco del proyecto del MBA y la Municipalidad de La Plata cuyo título es "competitividad empresarial y su impacto regional". La investigación fue de tipo exploratoria y de naturaleza cuantitativa sobre una muestra que consideró el universo de los habitantes de La Plata en condiciones de usar el servicio. Se utilizo un instrumento resumido de escala múltiple con un cuestionario de preguntas estandarizadas llamado escala SERVQUAL. Se lleva a cabo un análisis univariado y se analizan los resultados en forma global. El resultado global muestra usuarios algo insatisfechos con la calidad del servicio. En una repartición publica de estas características monopólicas el usuario vuelve porque no tiene alternativas. El desafío es transformar los usuarios en clientes y que vuelvan por la calidad y confiabilidad del servicio. Objetivos de la tesis: 1) Evaluar el nivel de satisfacción de los clientes del Servicio de Licencias de Conducir de la Municipalidad de la Plata y la importancia de la atención al público para realizar el trámite. 2) Identificar si la calidad del servicio que se presta en la Dirección Operativa de licencias de conducir cumple con las expectativas de los usuarios.Facultad de Ciencias Económica

    Mechanistic Studies of Interface Formation Between AA3003 and AA4045 Alloys During Fusion™ Casting

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    Fusion™ casting is a unique Direct Chill (DC) continuous casting process whereby two different alloys can be cast simultaneously, producing a laminated aluminum ingot. Empirically derived operating ranges exist for Fusion™ casting of specific alloy combinations. When followed, the resulting ingots are of high quality. Despite this, oxide entrainment at the core-clad interface as well as inconsistent clad alloy thickness have reduced product yields. The objective of this thesis was to study the interface formation process in Fusion™ casting, with special emphasis on determining the mechanisms at play. A more fundamental understanding of the process can potentially lead to improvements in Fusion™ ingot yields and the ability to cast other alloy combinations which are currently not used to make Fusion™ ingots. Both experimental and mathematical modelling methodologies were employed to examine the Fusion™ casting of AA3003-core/AA4045-clad ingots. Tests were conducted using an analog/immersion test system designed and built at the University of Waterloo. The immersion tests provided a means to examine wetting and bonding between dissimilar aluminum alloys under closely controlled conditions. Results from these analog/immersion tests showed that the AA3003 sample oxide was permeable and good wetting occurred with the AA4045 melt provided an adequately inert atmosphere is maintained in the furnace during sample immersion into the melt. Also, the addition of small amounts of Mg to the AA4045 melt was shown to further facilitate the wetting and interface formation process. In parallel, lab-scale Fusion™ casting plant trials were conducted at the Novelis Global Research and Technology Centre in Kingston, Ontario. Simulations of these experiments were performed to determine the steady-state conditions during Fusion™ casting. Other observations and measurements made during the Fusion™ casting experiments included: oxide motion measurements, AA3003 surface characterization, metallography of as-cast interfaces, and mechanical testing of as-cast interfaces. It was found that during the lab-scale Fusion™ casting trials, AA4045-clad successfully wets and creates a metallurgical and mechanically sound interface with the AA3003-core shell . Wetting of the interface is facilitated by the oxide motion on the AA4045 sump and the AA3003 sump, providing clean contact between the AA4045 liquid sump and the AA3003 solid shell. Although oxides are present on the AA3003 shell surface, they do not appear to be an intrinsic barrier to wetting and bond formation. It is postulated that wetting and bond formation is a result of discrete penetration of AA4045 liquid at AA3003 oxide defect sites followed by dissolution of the underlying solid AA3003 by liquid AA4045 and subsequent bridging between discrete penetration sites. While remelting of the AA3003 surface was not necessary to obtain a sound Fusion™ cast interface spot exudation on the AA3003 chill cast surface during reheating and partial remelting of the shell did improve the wetting and bonding process as it provided macroscopic oxide defects along the chill cast surface due to local deformation and fracture of the oxide that facilitated penetration of the AA4045 liquid through the oxide and into the underlying AA3003 solid shell. Based on the results of this study, it is recommended that further improvements in FusionTM casting yield and interface quality can be made by 1) reducing mold heat extraction and cooling at the sides of the ingot, 2) using a wiper blade in the AA4045 melt close to the AA3003 interface to reduce AA4045 oxide incursion into the interface, 3) providing an inert gas shield at the AA3003/AA4045 melt interface and 4) adding small amounts of Mg to the AA4045 melt

    KAP1 is a Novel Substrate for the Arginine Methyltransferase PRMT5

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    KRAB-associated protein 1 (KAP1), the transcriptional corepressor of Kruppel-associated box zinc finger proteins (KRAB-ZFPs), is subjected to multiple post-translational modifications that are involved in fine-tuning of the multiple biological functions of KAP1. In previous papers, we analyzed the KAP1-dependent molecular mechanism of transcriptional repression mediated by ZNF224, a member of the KRAB-ZFP family, and identified the protein arginine methyltransferase PRMT5 as a component of the ZNF224 repression complex. We demonstrated that PRMT5-mediated histone arginine methylation is required to elicit ZNF224 transcriptional repression. In this study, we show that KAP1 interacts with PRMT5 and is a novel substrate for PRMT5 methylation. Also, we present evidence that the methylation of KAP1 arginine residues regulate the KAP1-ZNF224 interaction, thus suggesting that this KAP1 post-translational modification could actively contribute to the regulation of ZNF224-mediated repression

    The pilot and evaluation of a postnatal support Group for Iraqi Women in the year following the birth of their baby

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    The current study involved conducting a pilot test of a culturally sensitive support group program developed to assist Iraqi women in the year following the birth of their baby (CSSG-B) in Perth, Western Australia. The aim of this study was to evaluate the social validity of the program. It was hypothesized that women involved in the program would find the program to be socially valid and culturally appropriate, and will also report lower levels of depressive symptomatology and higher levels of social support, following the group intervention. Participants were 12 Iraqi Arabic speaking women, who had a child less than 12 months of age. The program was based on Iraqi women's explanatory models (Kleinman, 1978; Di Ciano et al., 2010) of the birth and motherhood experience. Social validity ratings were obtained during the implementation of the program in order to assess the level of acceptability of the intervention. A one-group pre-test-post-test design was used to determine if depressive symptoms had decreased during the course of the intervention and social support had increased. Results indicated that Iraqi Arabic speaking women found the support group intervention acceptable and relevant and there was a significant decrease in scores on the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) from pre-test to post-test. These results that the culturally sensitive group intervention was culturally acceptable and was associated with decreased levels of depressive symptomatology

    Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of aryloxy thiophosphoramidate triesters of anticancer nucleoside analogues

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    Aryloxy phosphoroamidate triesters, known as ProTides, are a class of prodrugs developed to enhance the physicochemical and pharmacological properties of therapeutic nucleosides. This approach has been extensively investigated in the antiviral and anticancer areas leading to three prodrugs on the market and several others in clinical stage. In this article we have prepared the Pdouble bondS analogues of three ProTides that have reached the clinic as anticancer agents. These novel Pdouble bondS ProTides were tested for their capacity in enzymatic activation and for their cytotoxic properties against a panel of solid and liquid tumor cell lines. As expected, the replacement of the Pdouble bondO with a Pdouble bondS bond led to increased metabolic stability albeit concomitant to a decrease in potency. Surprisingly, the intermediate formed after the first activation step of a thiophosphoramidate with carboxypeptidase Y is not the expected Pdouble bondS aminoacyl product but the corresponding Pdouble bondO aminoacyl compound