58 research outputs found

    Analisis Peranan Tim Pemantauan dan Pengendalian Inflasi Daerah (Tpid) terhadap Pengendalian Inflasi di Provinsi Sumatera Utara

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the role of Regional Inflation Monitoring and Regional Controlling Inflation Team (TPID) toward Inflation Restraint (Case Study: North Sumatra Province). This study uses time series data, ie the data is monthly inflation (mounth to mounth) and measured using the Consumer Price Index (CPI) of North Sumatra Province period January 2002 - December 2013. The processing and analysis of data using linier regression model with dummy independent variable and Univariate Autoregressive (AR) time series model using Eviews program. In addition, in analyzing the rate of inflation persistence North Sumatra province conducted a study of sources of inflation persistence and the term back to its natural value. This study found that Regional Inflation Monitoring and Regional Controlling Inflation Team (TPID) have an impact to control the inflation North Sumatra Province. Commodity groups with the highest rate of inflation persistence is the housing, water, electricity, gas and fuel and commodity groups groceries. The study also found that the length of time required by expenditure group to return to its natural value of 3.3 days to 16.15 days

    Kontigensi Perilaku Birokrasi Pemda: Reviu Hasil Penelitian Disertasi Almarhum Dr. Kadjatmiko, M.Soc.Sc.

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    Each organization, include the organization of kabupaten and kota governments in Indonesia unavoidably needs bureaucracy. The behaviour of bureaucracy is not independent, but attributable to and affected by other factors. The result of the research is the behaviour of the bureaucracy of governments in kabupatens and kotas was marked with the strengthening of the characteristics of professional bureaucratic behaviour in the form of being open, adaptive and appreciative; form of activities that are based on formal and informal relation; nature of common activities bound by shared vision and mission of providing public services, etc. The existing local government's leadership, organizational structure and learning organization are perceived as the main driver in building trust among colleagues that leads to organizational change. Therefore, these factors does have significant effect on bureaucracy

    Pelaksanaan Pembinaan Kesehatan Lingkungan di Sekolah Dasar Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Bandar Khalipah Kecamatan Percut Sei Tuan Kabupaten Deli Serdang Tahun 2013

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    School Health Efforts (UKS) is an effort to supervise and develop healthylifestyle habits that are integrated through of health education, health services, andsupervising of environmental health. The UKS program is one of the programdevelopment of primary health care which is targeted at elementary school student,because in such age group is very vulnerable to health problems. The elementary schoolis an institution that is well organized to educate, and improve the quality of humanresources, whether physical, mental, moral, and intellectual. Supervising ofenvironmental health which aims to improve the quality of healthy life and the healthstatus of student as well as to create a healthy environment to enable growth andoptimal student development.This research aims to identify the implementationt of the supervising ofenvironmental health (planning, training and surpervision) at primary schools locatedat working area of Primary Health Care Bandar Khalipah Percut Sei Tuan DeliSerdang District.The research method used is descriptive study. The population in this research iselementary school, and the source of information are the UKS teachers and officers ofthe primary health care. The object of the research is primary school. Data wereanalysed using univariate analysis.The Result of this study showed that 63.0% the primary school has a goodprogram planning UKS, the primary school got training by 66.7% and 70.4% theprimary school have good supervising. 53.8% did not reach the health achievementtarget.It is recommended to give capacity building in planning and training as well asalways maintaining good cooperation across program and between public or privatesectors for the improvement of the UKS program in the future

    Hubungan Karakteristik dan Lingkungan Fisik Rumah dengan Keluhan Kesehatan Mata Pengrajin Ulos di Kelurahan Kebun Sayur Kecamatan Siantar Timur Kotamadya Pematangsiantar Tahun 2012

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    Relationship of characteristics and physical environment of houses with the eye complaints of those ulos craftsmen at Kelurahan Kebun Sayur Kecamatan Siantar Timur Kotamadya Pematangsiantar in 2012. Eye complaint is caused by using the sense of vision during working that usually accompanied by a uncomfortable vision. The purpose of this study to determine the relationship of characteristics and physical environment of houses with the eye complaints of those ulos craftsmen at Kelurahan Kebun Sayur Kecamatan Siantar Timur Kotamadya Pematangsiantar in 2012. The method used in this study was an analytic survey with cross sectional design. The sample was total from all populations. The result of research showed that 68,2% of respondents in age was not susceptible, 54,5% had myopia, 72,7% was layout tool work, 65,9% was to see objects 25-30 cm, 59,1% was working long time > 8 hours/day, 61,4% had working period > 3 years, 86,4% workspace lighting was not eligible, 72,7% workspace ventilation was not eligible, and 79,5% its workspace temperature was eligible. The result of statistics test with Chi-square obtained that age and distance to see object had no significant association with the complaint of eyes while the refractive eye abnormalities, working long time, and working period had significant association. The result of statistics test with Fisher Exact was obtained that the layout tool work and room temperature had no significant association with the eyes complaint while lighting and space ventilation have a significant association with the complaint of eyes. For the craftsmen who live in Kelurahan Kebun Sayur should keep residential health environment especially on lighting and space ventilation to weave ulos

    Hubungan Keberadaan Jentik Aedes Aegypti dan Pelaksanaan 3m Plus dengan Kejadian Penyakit Dbd di Lingkungan XVIII Kelurahan Binjai Kota Medan Tahun 2012

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    The relation of Aedes aegypti larva existence and 3M Plus implementation with DHF disease in Area XVIII Binjai District Medan. Medan is one of DHF endemic area and the most endemic subdistrict is Medan Denai Subdistrict. The most effective way to eradicate DHF disease is with eradicating mosquito nest or PSN DBD, so that is important to know the Aedes aegypti larva existence and effectiveness of 3M Plus implementation.This research aims to know the relation of Aedes aegypti larva existence and 3M Plus implementation with DHF disease. The research location is in Area XVIII Binjai District Medan Denai Subdistrict. This research samples are 100 housewive, that is taken by purposive sampling technique. This research is analytic survey with cross sectional design study using Exact Fisher test.Results showed that the House Index value is 5%, Container Index is 4%. 3M Plus implementation that includes to good category 78% and bad 22% . The relation of Aedes aegypti larva existence with DHF disease has p=0,002. The relation of 3M Plus implementation with DHF disease has p=0,047. From the results, it can be known that there is relation of Aedes aegypti larva existence and 3M Plus implementation with DHF disease in Area XVIII Binjai District. It is suggested to Medan Health Department and Desa Binjai Health Service Center to socialize to do eradicating Aedes aegypti mosquito nest or PSN DBD regularly to decrease the number of DHF disease in Binjai District especially in Area XVIII

    The Effect of Vanadyl Sulphate and Chromium (III) Chloride Combination on Kidney Function of Diabetic Mice

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    The objective of this study was to identify the effect of two heavy metals, vanadyl sulphate and chromium (III) chloride on creatinine level of hyperglycemic mice induced by dexamethasone 11mg/kg. The experimental animals were grouped into five groups comprised of 5 white mice. Group I was used as control group, only received standard feeding and food supplement. Group II-V were induced with dexamethasone 11mg/kg to increase the blood glucose level. Group III was also given chromium (III) chloride 5.2 ug/20g. Group IV was also given vanadyl sulphate at the dose of 0.78 mg/20g. Group V received combination of vanadyl sulphate 0.39 mg/20g and chromium (III) chloride 2.6 ug/20g. The level of blood creatininewas determined by enzymatic method conducted for 42 days and observations were taken at day 7, 21 and 42. This study concluded that administration of vanadyl sulphate and chromium (III) chloride combination significantly reduced blood creatinine level of white mice (p<0,05)
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