10 research outputs found

    Strategi Komunikasi Duta Hiv/aids dalam Kampanye Hiv/aids di Kalangan Transgender pada Ikatan Waria Malang

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    IWAMA merupakan perkumpulan khusus kalangan waria yang aktif dalam mengkampanyekan HIV/AIDS. Meski waria merupakan orang yang rentan terkena penyakit HIV/AIDS ini, tetapi organisasi ini memiliki seorang Duta HIV/AIDS yang bertugas tidak hanya mengkampanyekan program HIV/AIDS kepada audiens yang berasal dari kelompok mereka, melainkan juga semua kalangan masyarakat. Selain cara berkomunikasi yang unik dan pembawaan kaum transgender dalam berkomunikasi seputar program HIV/AIDS yang berbeda dengan masyarakat pada umumnya, duta HIV/AIDS IWAMA ini juga memiliki Strategi Komunikasi dalam kampanye HIV/AIDS. Hal ini dirasa cukup menarik, mengingat peneliti berharap dapat melihat pandangan transgender mengenai kampanye yang dilakukan Duta HIV/AIDS IWAMA dan seberapa besar efektifitas kampanye tersebut untuk kalangan waria tersendiri. Dan ini merupakan hal yang menjadi fokus dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif penelitian yang bermaksud untuk memahami fenomena tentang apa yang dialami oleh subjek penelitian misalnya perilaku, persepsi, motivasi, tindakan dan lain-lain. Sementara sumber data ialah berupa wawancara informan terkait dan studi buku serta referensi yang berkaitan dengan strategi komunikasi dalam kampanye HIV/AIDS. Teknik analisis data ialah dengan menggunakan model Miles dan Huberman berupa tahapan pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Kata Kunci : IWAMA, strategi, duta HIV/AIDS, kampanye HIV/AIDS, wari

    Pemanfaatan Lppl Belu TV sebagai Media Promosi dalam Pengembangan Wisata Daerah

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    : In the global life, tourism become the most prospective sector for Indonesia economic. Therefore, it must be developed also increased. By promoting the regional tourism and using the local mass medias. The function of local television is becoming the promotion media for local product. The function of local television is becoming the product promotion media also helping the regional tourism development. As the one of local television at Belu region, it applied the function as the promotion media by promoting the regional potencial at Belu region. In this research, the writer used qualitative descriptive method by collecting the data through interview and documentation. 1). In operating the function as the promotion media, LPPL Belu television did a program production form. It was Jelajah wisata program, Kreasi budaya program, Potret desa program and lintas Belu program. 2). The impact of the promotion is the local tourist grew up significantly every year, also the society around knew further about their tourism there. 3). The problem were the minimal human resources for each division or part, the minimal facilities and the operational cost. Key words: Local television, Promotion media,Tourism

    Pengaruh Media Sosial Terhadap Penyimpangan Perilaku Remaja (Cyberbullying)

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    The access to internet today is not merely to interact with other people, but also to socialize so the user will have a close relation with the real world. Facebook is one of social media which grows significantly nowdays. This research aimed to find out the effect of social media, facebook precisely to the misbehavior among teenagers. The focus of this research was the cyberbullying by teenagers which recently happens quite often. The method of this research is quantitative and involved students from High Schools and Vocational High Schools in Malang. The research showed a significant correlation between the using of facebook with the cyberbullying among teenagers in Malang. Keywords: Social Media, Cyberbullying, Facebook

    Pelaksanaan Program Beras untuk Keluarga Miskin (Raskin) dalam Upaya Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Miskin di Kota Batu

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    The more and more of poor communities in the urban area has changing lane of target direction when disscussing about poverty. Urban poverty potentially become a source of social economic and social politic problems which can be fatal for society in a bigger scale. A qualitative method is used in this reseach based on reality in the field where a data collected by involved directly in the programme implementation. The result of this research showed that 1) Implementation of Raskin Programme in Batu barely having no difficulties, however there is still a lack of fund in Raskin distribution so regional government aiding a help through their APBD 2) expected role of the community will be very helpful for stimulation process in where at the same time boost empowerment of those poor community, 3) empowering process that happen in Raskin programme is showing a very healthy progress to combat poverty and giving a good impact to elevate their welfare and food self family