4 research outputs found

    Penggunaan Teknik Evaluasi Non Tes pada Pembelajaran IPS Kelas VI di SDN Selapajang Jaya2

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    This study aims to determine the implementation of non-test evaluation in social studies learning at SDN Selapajang Jaya 2. The method used is a qualitative method (qualitative description) with the aim of describing, analyzing phenomena, events, and social studies learning evaluation activities carried out by teachers to grade 6 students SDN Selapajang Jaya 2. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews with teachers, interviews with school principals, documentation, field notes, and triangulation. Triangulation is a technique of collecting data by combining several existing data combining techniques and data sources. The results showed that in general the quality of social studies learning at SDN Selapajang Jaya 2 had a good process. Likewise, the learning output has also obtained good results. However, in the implementation of social studies learning there are also things that need to be addressed in order to improve the learning program

    Menganalisis Tematik Kelas II Sekolah Dasar Semester I

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    The purpose of this study to describe (1) the characteristics of thematic lesson planning, (2) the characteristics of the implementation of thematic learning, and (3) the characteristics of evaluation thematic learning in MI Yanida. This study is a qualitative research with ethnographic research design. The study was conducted in MI Yanida. The technique of collecting data using interviews, documentation, and observation. Analysis of the data using three stages: data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Researchers found three findings. (1) Characteristics planning thematic learning include: mapping the themes closest attention to the environment with students from the easiest to the difficult, from the simple to the complex. (2) Characteristics of learning implementation thematic include: The initial activity is done to encourage students to profess more motivated to learn and explore the experience, the presentation of instructional materials using project methods, materials used are worksheets prepared by teachers, and the closing conclude the core of learning delivered, Learning implementation schedule that is less constrained division according to themes to be studied. (3) Characteristics of thematic learning evaluation using the results of performance, attitude, and knowledge

    Teori Brunner pada Konsep Bangun Datar Sekolah Dasar

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    Bruner's learning theory is through a discovery learning model (Discovery learning) is a teaching model developed based on a cognitive view of learning and constructivation where the contents of Bruner's theory is a student-centered learning approach with (1) an active stage; learning using concrete objects or real situations, (1) the iconic stage; presented in the form of visual images or images and (3) symbolic stages; write symbols related to symmetry of flat shapes, which are organized in such a way as to make students play an active role in learning. Students learn through active involvement with concepts and principles, and the teacher encourages students to gain experience by carrying out activities that enable them to discover concepts and principles for themselves. In the use of the Brunner theory in the learning of flat figure can be said to be successful because it helps students to understand and recognize the parts of flat figure and flat figure material, Based on these results, it means that the application of Bruner's theory can improve student learning outcomes in elementary school flat figure learning

    Analisis Peran Guru dalam Pengelolaan Kelas pada Pembelajaran Tematik Kelas V di SDN Karanganyar 3 Kota Tangerang

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    This study aims to find out and describe the main activities and strategies carried out by a teacher to minimize problems in classroom management in class V thematic learning at SDN Karanganyar 3 Tangerang City. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods, namely methods that involve researchers directly to observe the object being studied. The results of the research obtained by the researcher are the main activities in SDN Karanganyar 3 Tangerang City, the lack of a teacher in organizing students in the classroom and the lack of material supporting the material that is very little. in this case, the teacher must be able to make agreements with students in managing the class and students cannot understand the material because of the lack of supporting materials from thematic guidebooks at school. This means that the teacher must always be alert in handling the class properly and make the learning atmosphere in the class interesting so that students do not get bored in learning