8 research outputs found

    In vivo biocompatibility and fracture healing of hydroxyapatite-hexagonal boron nitridechitosan- collagen biocomposite coating in rats

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    The biocompatibility of orthopaedic implants and their effects on fracture healing have key roles for success. In this study, it was aimed to investigate the effects of a novel biocomposite consisting of hydroxyapatite (HA), hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN), chitosan (Cs), and type 1 collagen (Ct1) on biocompatibility and fracture healing in rats. A total of 60 adult male Wistar rats weighing 300–500 g were used in the study. The rats were randomly divided into 2 groups named A (uncoated/control) and B (biocomposite coated). Biocomposite (HA/h-BN/Cs/Ct1) coated and uncoated stainless-steel implants were used as intramedullary pins. Groups A and B were divided into subgroups of A1 and B1 (15th day), A2 and B2 (30th day), A3 and B3 (45th day) according to the date of euthanasia. Clinical, radiographic, haematological, biochemical, and histopathological findings were evaluated by pairwise comparisons. The findings were consistent and similar. No statistically significant difference was found for a finding disturbing the biocompatibility. Histopathological examinations showed that coating biomaterials did not resorb over the course of 15, 30, and 45 days. It is thus revealed that the content is biocompatible. However, it has been concluded that it is necessary to increase the physical strength of the coating surface against sterilization and surgical procedures. As a result, based on the interpretations of the clinical, radiographic, haematological, biochemical, and histopathological findings, the biocompatibility of HA/h-BN/Cs/Ct1 biocomposite materials has been revealed

    Kedi ve köpeklerde göz ve göz kapağı hastalıklarının prevalansı: 201 olguda retrospektif çalışma (2015-2019)

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    Bu çalışmada, 2015-2019 yılları arasında Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Veteriner SağlıkUygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi Hastanesi (HMKÜ-VSUAM) Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı Kliniği’nedeğişik oftalmolojik problemler ile getirilen kedi ve köpeklerdeki göz ve göz kapağı hastalıklarınınprevalansı incelendi. Değişik yaş, ırk ve cinsiyetteki toplam 201 hasta (137 köpek ve 64 kedi)çalışma materyalini oluşturdu. Mevcut çalışmada bu kapsamda karşılaşılan farklı 30 hastalıkarasında en çok görülen beş hastalık sırasıyla konjuktivitis %17.91, glandula niktitans prolapsusu%11.94, kornea hasarı %9.45, keratitis %8.96 ve entropiyon %5.97 olarak kaydedildi. Kedi veköpeklerde göz ve göz kapağı hastalıklarının cinsiyete göre dağılımı erkek hayvanlarda %64.18 vedişilerde %35.82 olarak belirlendi. Konjuktivitis olgularına köpeklerde %65.71 daha fazla rastlandığıtespit edildi. Anatomik yerleşim alanına göre ise oftalmolojik problemlerin %29.85’ine konjuktivada,%25.87’sine korneada, %14.43’üne göz kapağında, %11.44’üne ise göz kürenin tamamında,%18.41’ine ise gözün diğer bölümlerinde rastlanmıştır. Bu çalışma sonucunda Hatay bölgesindekikedi ve köpeklerde karşılaşılan göz ve göz kapağı hastalıklarının prevalansı ortaya konularakveteriner hekim ve araştırmacılar için önemli bilgiler sunulmuştur.In this study, the prevalence of eye and eyelid diseases in cats and dogs brought to the Department of Surgery, Hatay Mustafa Kemal University Veterinary Health Application and Research Center Hospital (HMKU-VSUAM) with various eye problems between 2015-2019 was investigated. A total of 201 patients (137 dogs and 64 cats) of different ages, breeds, and sexes were included in the study. In our study, within this scope, the five most common diseases were conjunctivitis 17.91%, third eyelid gland prolapse 11.94%, corneal damage 9.45%, keratitis 8.96% and entropion 5.97%, respectively. The distribution of eye and eyelid diseases according to gender in cats and dogs was determined in male animals 64.18% and females 35.82%. It was found that conjunctivitis cases were more common in dogs 65.71%. According to the anatomical localization, 29.85% of eye problems were in the conjunctiva, 25.87% in the cornea, 14.43% in the eyelid, 11.44% in the whole eyeball, 18.41% in other parts of the eye. As a result of this study, the prevalence of eye and eyelid diseases in cats and dogs in Hatay region has been presented and important information has been shared for veterinarians and researchers

    Determination of dynamic thiol-disulfide levels in dairy cattle with foot disease

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    oot diseases are among the top three causes of economic loss in dairy cattle. Recent studies show that oxidative stress plays a critical role in the pathogenesis of foot diseases. There is no study determining the dynamic thioldisulfide levels in dairy cattle with foot disease. This study aimed to determine dynamic thiol-disulfide levels in foot diseased and healthy dairy cattle. Demographic information about the animals, and clinical findings of foot diseases and lameness were presented. In the Foot Disease Group, native thiol (P<0.01), total thiol (P<0.05), disulfide (P<0.01), disulfide/native thiol (P<0.01) and disulfide/total thiol (P<0.01) results were found to be significantly higher than in the Control Group. Native thiol/total thiol (P<0.01) was found to be significantly higher in the Control Group than in the Foot Disease Group. As a result, statistically significant increases in thiol-disulfide levels were determined in foot diseased dairy cattle. It was shown that the thiol-disulfide balance was impaired. This study is the first to determine thiol-disulfide levels and thus changes in thiol-disulfide homeostasis in healthy and foot diseased dairy cattle. With further studies, oxidative stress changes that occur as a result of foot diseases can be better understood and the use of antioxidants as a part of treatment evaluated

    In vivo biocompatibility and fracture healing of hydroxyapatite-hexagonal boron nitridechitosan-collagen biocomposite coating in rats

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    The biocompatibility of orthopaedic implants and their effects on fracture healing have key roles for success. In this study, it was aimed to investigate the effects of a novel biocomposite consisting of hydroxyapatite (HA), hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN), chitosan (Cs), and type 1 collagen (Ct1) on biocompatibility and fracture healing in rats. A total of 60 adult male Wistar rats weighing 300–500 g were used in the study. The rats were randomly divided into 2 groups named A (uncoated/control) and B (biocomposite coated). Biocomposite (HA/h-BN/Cs/Ct1) coated and uncoated stainless-steel implants were used as intramedullary pins. Groups A and B were divided into subgroups of A1 and B1 (15th day), A2 and B2 (30th day), A3 and B3 (45th day) according to the date of euthanasia. Clinical, radiographic, haematological, biochemical, and histopathological findings were evaluated by pairwise comparisons. The findings were consistent and similar. No statistically significant difference was found for a finding disturbing the biocompatibility. Histopathological examinations showed that coating biomaterials did not resorb over the course of 15, 30, and 45 days. It is thus revealed that the content is biocompatible. However, it has been concluded that it is necessary to increase the physical strength of the coating surface against sterilization and surgical procedures. As a result, based on the interpretations of the clinical, radiographic, haematological, biochemical, and histopathological findings, the biocompatibility of HA/h-BN/Cs/Ct1 biocomposite materials has been revealed

    Evaluation of Morgan’s pocket technique in the treatment of nictitans gland prolapse in dogs

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    : Nictitans gland prolapse (NGP), also known as third eyelid gland prolapse or cherry eye disease, is an important eye problem that should be treated as soon as possible in dogs. Although many surgical methods have been described, there is no consensus on the most effective technique. In this study, it was aimed to evaluate the characteristics of cases and clinical outcomes of Morgan’s pocket technique in the treatment of dogs with NGP. In this context, the characteristics of the cases were examined in 25 dogs diagnosed (29 eyes) with NGP. Clinical results, recurrence, and complications were evaluated in 17 dogs (20 eyes) who underwent surgical treatment with Morgan’s pocket technique. The most common breeds were Terrier (28%) with 7 cases and Cane corso (20%) with 5 cases. Most of the patients were male (56%) by sex and less than 1 year (66%) by age. The disease was diagnosed in the acute stage in 9 cases (36%) and in the chronic stage of 16 cases (64%). The success rate of 17 patients (20 eyes) without recurrence was 94.12% (16 cases). The recurrence rate was 5.88% and the complication rate was 5.88%. In conclusion, it is advantageous to use Morgan’s pocket technique in NGP cases in dogs because of its easy applicability and high success rate. Due to the low recurrence and complication rates, its reliability is high

    Evaluation of the cases seen in surgery clinic of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Mustafa Kemal University, 1293 cases (2009-2013)

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    Bu retrospektif çalışmada, 2009-2013 yılları arasında Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi (MKÜ) Veteriner Fakültesi Cerrahi Kliniğine getirilen olguların genel değerlendirilmesi yapıldı. Beş yılda toplam 1293 olgunun; %56.45 pet hayvanları, %28.53 çiftlik hayvanları, %11.28 kanatlı hayvanlar, %3.71 egzotik hayvanlar oluşturmuştur. Hasta potansiyelini en fazla pet hayvanlarının oluşturduğu ve yıllara göre artış gösterdiği, çiftlik hayvanlarının ikinci sırada olduğu, sonrasında yabani ve egzotik hayvan hasta potansiyelinin de önemli olduğu gözlenmiştir. Hastaların 738’ine (%57.08) medikal ve 555’ine (%42.92) operatif sağaltım uygulamaları gerçekleştirilmiştir. Hastaların %0.46’sı müdahale edilemeden veya müdahale esnasında ölmüş ve %1.93’ü ötenazi/kesime sevk edilmiştir. Kliniğimizde en sık karşılaşılan hastalıklar ise; pet hayvanlarında genel cerrahi hastalıklar (%42.60), çiftlik hayvanlarında genel cerrahi hastalıklar (%28.18), yabani kanatlı hayvanlarda ortopedik hastalıklar (%87.17), evcil kanatlı hayvanlarda genel cerrahi hastalıklar (%50.00), egzotik hayvanlarda ortopedik hastalıklar (%70.83) olarak tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak; tüm hayvan gruplarında en sık karşılaşılan sorunlar arasında ortopedik hastalıklar ile yumuşak doku hastalıkları olduğu, göz hastalıklarının da yaklaşık %10 gibi önemli bir orana sahip olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca; hastaların çoğunluğunun uzmanlık gerektiren ve pratisyen hekimlerin gönderdiği zor olgulardan oluştuğu dikkate alındığında; MKÜ Veteriner Fakültesi Cerrahi Kliniği bölge hayvancılığı ve yaban hayatı sorunlarının çözümüne önemli katkılar sunmaktadır.In this study, the patients in Surgery Clinic at Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Mustafa Kemal University (MKU) between 2009 and 2013 were evaluated. In five years, the patients were of 56.45% pet animals, 28.53% farm animals, 11.28% birds, 3.71% exotic animals in the total 1293 cases. It was seen that; Pet animals were at most among the cases and tend to have a potential to increase. Secondly, farm animals, then wild and exotic animals have important patient potential. Treatment options were performed medically to 738 (57.08%) of the events and operatively in 555 (42.92%). 0.46% of the patients died before/during treatment and 1.93% of patients were dispatched to slaughter/euthenasia. The most common diseases in our clinic were determined as; general surgical diseases in pet animals (42.60%), in farm animals (28.18%) general surgical diseases, in wild birds orthopedic illness (87.17%), in domesticated birds general surgical diseases (50.00%), and orthopedic illness in exotic animals (70.83%). As a result; the most frequently seen diseases were determined as orthopedic and general surgical diseases in all animal species. The eye diseases was found important as well with about 10% rate. Also; majority of patients were difficult diseases requiring expertise. So, Department of Surgery, MKU Faculty of Veterinary Medicine has provided an important contribution in solving of Hatay region’s livestock and wildlife problems

    General evaluation of orthopedic patients that presented to department of surgery Faculty of VeterinaryMmedicine Mustafa Kemal University : 564 cases (2009-2014)

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    Bu retrospektif çalışmada; 2009-2014 yılları arasında Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Cerrahi Kliniği'ne getirilen ortopedi olgularının genel değerlendirmesi amaçlanmıştır. Kliniğimize çeşitli ortopedik şikayetler ile getirilen toplam 564 hasta; yıllara, tür gruplarına, sağaltım yöntemi ve tanı gruplarına göre sayı ve yüzde oran yönlerinden değerlendirildi. Altı yıllık süreçte kliniğimize getirilen ortopedik olgu sayısının her yıl bir önceki yıla oranla arttığı görüldü. Ortopedik vakalar hayvan türüne göre sınıflandırıldığında, en fazla oran; %46,45 ile köpek, sonrasında %22,34 ile sığır ve %15,25 ile kanatlı türlerinde görüldü. Tanı grubuna göre sınıflandırıldığında, en fazla oranları %66,43 ile kırık, %14,26 ile artritis ve %7,65 ile luksasyon oluşturdu. Uygulanan tedavi yöntemleri sınıflandırıldığında; operatif yaklaşım %47,70, bandaj %28,55, medikal sağaltım ve kafes istirahati %19,50 oranında uygulandı. Olguların %4,26'sında hayvan sahibinin tedaviyi reddetmesi, ötenazi veya kesime sevk ile sonuçlandı. Sonuç olarak; kliniğimize gelen ortopedi olgularında belirgin yıllık artış gözlendi. Hatay'ın sosyal yapısından dolayı pet hayvanları en fazla hasta potansiyeline ve ekonomik yapısından dolayı ikinci sırada çiftlik hayvanları önemli potansiyele sahiptir. Hatay'ın ekolojik konumu ile Caretta caretta deniz kaplumbağası gibi soyu tükenme tehlikesindeki bazı egzotik türler de potansiyel içindedirIn this retrospective study; general evaluation of orthopedic patients that admitted to Mustafa Kemal University, Veterinary Faculty, Surgery Clinics between 2009-2014. A total of 564 cases with various orthopedic problems were evaluated annually according to animal species, group of diagnosis, treatment method in terms of the number and percentage. Within six year period, the annual increase at number of the orthopedic patients was observed. When the cases are classified according to animal species; it was 46.45% dog, 22.34% cattle and 15.25% poultry. According to the group of diagnosis; fracture patients was 66.43%, arthritis 14.26% and luxation 7.65%. In terms of treatment methods that applied; operative approach was most with 47.70%, secondly bandage applications was 28.55% and then medical treatment/cage rest was 19.50%. In 4,26% of patients, treatment were denied by owners and concluded in a referral to euthanasia or slaughter. As a result, it was observed important annual increase in orthopedic cases. Because of the social structure of Hatay province, pet animals were found to be at most potential orthopedic patient group. Secondly, due to economic circumstances, it has significant potential of livestock. Because of the ecological position, some exotic species that at risk of extinction such as Loggerhead sea turtle were found in potentia

    Treatment of fracture of the rostral mandible with acrylic external fixation in a dog

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    Bu olgu sunumunda, rostral mandibula kırığında akrilik eksternal fiksatör tekniğinin klinik değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıGtır. Olguyu 1 yaGlı, 25 kg ağırlığında, erkek, melez ırk bir köpek oluGturdu. Klinik muayenede sağ mandibulada deformasyon, aGırı ağrı ve ağızda salivasyon görüldü. Radyografik muayenede sağ mandibulanın rostralinde unilateral kırık belirlendi. Cerrahi iGlemler ksilazin-ketamin anestezisiyle gerçekleGtirildi. Kırık fiksasyonu fragmentlerin redüksiyonundan sonra transmandibular 6 adet steinmann pin yerleGtirilerek eksternal fiksator ile sağlandı. Steinmann pinlerin dıGarıda kalan uçlarına plastik bir boru yerleGtirildi ve boru içine metilmetakrilat monemerinden hazırlanan akrilik enjekte edildi. Plastik borunun içindeki akrilik üç beG dakika sonra sertleGerek tam bir rijit fiksasyon sağlandı. Çene hareketleri ve maloklüzyon olup olmadığı kontrol edildi. Operasyondan sonraki radyografiler kırık fiksasyonunun düzgün bir Gekilde sağlandığını gösterdi. Operasyondan 2 ay sonra eksternal fiksatör uzaklaGtırıldı. Postoperatif herhangi bir komplikasyona rastlanmadı.In this case report, clinical evaluation of acrylic external fixator technique in rostral mandibular fracture was aimed. The case material consisted of a 1 year old, 25 kg, male, hybrid breed dog. Clinical examination revealed the deformation in the right mandible, excessive pain, and salivation in the mouth. Radiographic examination revealed a unilateral fracture in the rostral of the right mandible. Surgical procedures were performed with xylazine-ketamine anesthesia. After the reduction of the fracture fragments, the fixation of the fragments were ensured by inserting six transmandibular steinmann pins with the external fixator. A plastic tube was placed over the outer tips of steinmann pins and the acrylic that prepared from methyl methacrylate monomer was injected into the tube. After three to five minutes, the acrylic in the plastic tube hardened and a complete rigid fixation was achieved. It was checked whether there were jaw movements and malocclusion. Postoperative radiographs showed that fracture fixation was achieved properly. The external fixator was removed after two months postoperatively. No postoperative complications were observed