11 research outputs found

    Perang dan Percintaan dalam Sajak-Sajak Clarence Michael James Dennis

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    Abstract This research focuses on analyzing Clarence Michael James Dennis's character and works that illustrate the atmosphere of natural beauty and romance in Australia when during and after the war. In this paper also explained that the development of literary works in the UK affect the development of literary works in Australia. The works sampled in this study are the works of C.J Dennis made before World War 1, until after World War 1 was completed. The values of humanity, the atmosphere of war, and romance became the cirikhas of C. Dennis's poems. The study concludes that C. J Dennis is a world writer thanks to his synchronized work and is relevant to the issues that can be absorbed by the world community, as well as explaining how the first world war from the standpoint of the army world.---Penelitian ini berfokus pada analisis tokoh dan karya Clarence Michael James Dennis yang menggambarkan suasana keindahan alam dan percintaan di Australia ketika saat dan setelah perang. Pada paper ini juga dijelaskan bahwa perkembangan karya sastra di Inggris mempengaruhi perkembangan karya sastra di Australia. Karya-karya yang dijadikan sample pada penelitian ini adalah karya-karya C.J Dennis yang dibuat sebelum perang dunia 1, hingga setelah perang dunia 1 selesai. Nilai-nilai kemanusiaan, suasana perang, dan percintaan menjadi cirikhas dari sajak-sajak C.J Dennis. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa C.J Dennis merupakan sastrawan dunia berkat karya-karyanya yang sinkron dan relevan dengan isu yang dapat diserap oleh masyarakat dunia, serta menjelaskan tentang bagaimana perang dunia pertama dari sudut pandang dunia tentara.DOI : 10.15408/bat.v24i1.700

    The Analysis Of Blake Gaines As A Female Hero In San Andreas (2015) Film

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    This study focuses on the character analysis of the main female character?Blake Gaines?and the female hero characteristics that main female character has in San Andreas (2015) film. This research aims to understand how Blake as the main female character described and how Blake as female hero depicted in San Andreas film. Qualitative method and feminist film critics are used in this study. It is found that the character Blake Gaines is depicted as a female hero with friendly, trustworthy, smart, brave, and dominant characteristics in this film. However, the film cannot entirely escape from the stereotypical characteristic of a woman. The woman?s dependency over man is still reflected from Blake as a main female character. This film also confirms that it is difficult for women to be entirely independent, no matter how strong she is, she is still a woman who needs a man

    Mata Membaca Kata Bersama : Kumpulan Esai tentang buku, membaca, dan keberaksaran

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    Buku ini mewujudkan keinginan untuk terus berdiskusi tentang membaca dan keberaksaraan sebuah fenomena kehidupan yang tidak sengaja menarik untuk dijalani, tetapi juga menggoda untuk terus dipahami159 hlm.; 21 c

    Mata Membaca Kata Bersama : Kumpulan Esai tentang buku, membaca, dan keberaksaran

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    Buku ini mewujudkan keinginan untuk terus berdiskusi tentang membaca dan keberaksaraan sebuah fenomena kehidupan yang tidak sengaja menarik untuk dijalani, tetapi juga menggoda untuk terus dipahami159 hlm.; 21 c

    The analysis of blake gaines as a female hero in san andreas (2015) film

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    x, 39 hlm,; ilus,; 25 cm

    The analysis of blake gaines as a female hero in san andreas (2015) film

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    x, 39 hlm,; ilus,; 25 cm