17 research outputs found


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    The feeding and the shelter are considered basic needs of the man and one of the options to satisfy them is through the lambs which contribute to cover them with their meat, wool and skin. For the analysis of the yield a flock took itself from twenty females and a stallion one of Pelibuey race and was developed in conditions of semiestabulado and artificial prairie with oats and rye grass in the north of the State of Sonora.Several indicators were taken to carry out the determination of the yield taking in first instance the capital of work, point of balance, sensitivity analysis as well as the relation benefit-cost. In the case of first the amount of 109.650,44 like so was determined whereas the balance point obtains as of the second period of 270 days showing little sensitivity the changes of the sale price of the young since the ninety percent of them is realised like registry cattle and the rest to commercial prices and; the relation benefit-cost was of 1.98. These indicators show that the growing and operation of lambs under these conditions reveals an acceptable yield for the producers.Lambs, yield, capital of work, analysis, benefit-cost., Agribusiness,


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    Pecan production is one of the most important crops in our country. It not only has an economical capacity as a generator of foreign currency, but also for the social context in which it develops its production. Most of the pecan growers have small sized orchards, but at the same time, there are few pecan growers with large sized orchards that use modern technology. The objective of this study is to present a SWOT analysis of the pecan system and to describe the contexts in which it is produced and commercialized, as well as the main characteristics and problems that appear in pecan production, as well as the prediction of its future under current production and management conditions.WOTS-UP analysis, pecan system, production and commercialization., Agribusiness,


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    An analysis of the available information of years 2006 and 2007 at diverse sources in dependences, institutions and commercialization systems of cattle in Sonora was made. We analyzed international price fluctuation data of corn with base in information of stock-market of Chicago. From the previous information, data that allowed analyzing the present price behavior, weight and seasons were generated at which the yearling calves leave to the market through the year in the state of Sonora. Results show that this type of cattle is sold throughout the year, showing two picks at which the affluence is greater: in March and November. Depending on the condition of the animals, these classify like yearling calves number one (European type), one and a half (crossed) and two (Creole or zebu), with average monthly weights that fluctuate between 165 and 187 kilograms; average monthly price by kilogram of 22 to 28 pesos. Through these two years, animal weight as well as the sale price has had marked fluctuations, displaying declining tendencies in both cases. In this study, it was observed a noticeable and proportional inversely effect between these tendencies and the international prices of cereals and the bioenergetics.Sonora, yearling calves, export, prices, corn, petroleum., Agribusiness,


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    Almost in all vegetation types exists species that can cause toxicity to the cattle grazing. Poisonings cause very diverse problems in the cattle being able to affect the reproduction, weight gains, and even death. These problems cause economic losses in cattle industry that is necessary to quantify but very difficult to do so. Sonora has been diagnosed with overgrazed rangelands which is pronounced in deterioration that diminishes the desirable species and increases the undesirable ones, within these are the toxic plants. There have been identified 181 species that are toxic and within these there are 59 species that cattle consumes and cause problems. Based in this, the present study was planned with the purpose of trying to estimate the economic impact that toxic plants cause on cattle productivity in Sonora. Diverse sources of information were used for the elaboration of analysis and calculations that could come near to the quantification of the economic effects. The methodology described by Nielsen . (1990) was used for the estimation of these losses. The results show that a conservative estimation of the economic effect of these plants on the Sonoran rangelands can represent a loss of almost 90 million pesos annually

    Incidencia y costo de la Mastitis en un establo del Municipio de Santa Ana, Sonora

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    With the objective to know the mastitis cost for milk producer, was developed this study, with duration of a year in a milk farm of the North region of Sonora. The cost of the clinical and subclinical mastitis was estimated, taking into account the milk production, treatment costs and commercial milk value. The information was recorded monthly, the incidence of subclinical mastitis was obtained using California MastitisTest (CMT) and clinical mastitis incidence was obtained from farm health records. Was an incidence average of 18,3% of subclinical mastitis, whereas the incidence of the clinical form of mastitis was of 5,35%. The average monthly cost of each animal with mastitis was 185.40;altogetherthemastitishadacostof185.40; altogether the mastitis had a cost of 30.966,34 annually, corresponding 12.470,75(40,312.470,75 (40,3%) to subclinical mastitis and 18.459,59 (59,7%) to clinical mastitis. Diseases total cost represents a third part of annually obtained milk production in the milk farm


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    Dentro del sector agropecuario, la actividad ganadera es una de las principales donde existen 1.5 millones de unidades de producción con diferentes grados de tecnologías y que ocupan alrededor de 200 millones de hectáreas y aporta el 40 % del PIB de este sector El Estado de Sonora es el segundo en extensión en el país, exportó en 2009-2010 la cantidad de 281,785 cabezas de ganado con una superficie de 15.5 millones de hectáreas y el valor de la producción pecuaria fue de 11’396,951 miles de pesos. Dentro de esta área se lleva a cabo la cría y explotación de ganado de manera intensiva que ocupa grandes superficies de terreno predominando el mantenimiento de pie de cría y el repasto de becerros. Otro sistema de explotación son las praderas artificiales a base de rye-grass o zacate bermuda así como la engorda en corrales en donde se confina el ganado y a base de alimentación balanceada y preparada se obtienen ganancias diarias de peso por encima de 1.1 kg/cb/cía. Para el análisis de rentabilidad del lote de 100 becerros en la modalidad de repasto de becerros se utilizaron herramientas financieras como la determinación del capital de trabajo que fue por la cantidad de 508,650mientrasquelarelacioˊnbeneficiocostoquefuede1.12.Otraherramientafueelanaˊlisisdesensibilidadtomandocomoreferenciaelpesofinaldelperiodoycombinadoconelpreciodeventaporkilogramoenpiequefuede28.00porkg.Elpuntodeequilibriotambieˊnsedeterminoˊarrojandounresultadode194kgporbecerroenpie,esdecir,conestepesoelproductorrecuperasuscostosdeproduccioˊn,elfinancieroyobtieneunagananciafinal;paraelcaˊlculodelcostofinancierosetomoˊcomoreferencialatasadeintereˊsinterbancariadeequilibrioalacualseleagregoˊundiferencialde8puntosparaquedaren12.90Conestosresultadoobtenidos,elproductorpodraˊtomarladecisioˊndecontinuarconlamodalidadderepastodebecerrosyllevarlosalmercadodeexportacioˊnoconfinarlosenpraderaartificialocorraldeengorda.......Inthefarmingsector,thecattleactivityisoneofthemainoneswhere1,5millionunitsofproductionwithdifferentdegreesfromtechnologiesandthatitoccupiesaround200millionhectaresandcontributes40TheStateofSonoraisthesecondinextensioninthecountryandexportedin20092010theamountof281.785headsofcattlewithasurfaceof15,5millionhectaresandthevalueofthecattleproductionwasof11396,951thousandsofpesos.Withinthissurfaceitiscarriedouttheyoungandoperationofcattleofintensivewaythatoccupiesgreatlandsurfacesstandinguppredominatingthemaintenanceofcattleandincreaseofyearlingcalves.Anotherexploitationsystemistheartificialprairieswithryegrassorbermudafattensaswellasitincorralswherethecattleconfinesitselfandwithbalancedandpreparedfeedingdailygainsofweightover1.1areobtainedkg/day.Fortheanalysisofyieldofthelotof100yearlingcalvesinthemodalityofrepastoofyearlingcalvesfinancialtoolslikethedeterminationofthecapitalofworkthatwasbytheamountof 508,650 mientras que la relación beneficio-costo que fue de 1.12. Otra herramienta fue el análisis de sensibilidad tomando como referencia el peso final del periodo y combinado con el precio de venta por kilogramo en pie que fue de 28.00 por kg. El punto de equilibrio también se determinó arrojando un resultado de 194 kg por becerro en pie, es decir, con este peso el productor recupera sus costos de producción, el financiero y obtiene una ganancia final; para el cálculo del costo financiero se tomó como referencia la tasa de interés interbancaria de equilibrio a la cual se le agregó un diferencial de 8 puntos para quedar en 12.90 % anual. Con estos resultado obtenidos, el productor podrá tomar la decisión de continuar con la modalidad de repasto de becerros y llevarlos al mercado de exportación o confinarlos en pradera artificial o corral de engorda.......In the farming sector, the cattle activity is one of the main ones where 1,5 million units of production with different degrees from technologies and that it occupies around 200 million hectares and contributes 40% of the PIB of this sector. The State of Sonora is the second in extension in the country and exported in 2009-2010 the amount of 281.785 heads of cattle with a surface of 15,5 million hectares and the value of the cattle production was of 11'396,951 thousands of pesos. Within this surface it is carried out the young and operation of cattle of intensive way that occupies great land surfaces standing up predominating the maintenance of cattle and increase of yearling calves. Another exploitation system is the artificial prairies with rye-grass or bermuda fattens as well as it in corrals where the cattle confines itself and with balanced and prepared feeding daily gains of weight over 1.1 are obtained kg/day. For the analysis of yield of the lot of 100 yearling calves in the modality of repasto of yearling calves financial tools like the determination of the capital of work that was by the amount of 508,650, the relation benefit-cost that was of 1.12. Another tool was the sensitivity analysis taking as reference the final from period and combined weight with the sale price by kilogram still on that was of 28.00 by kg. The balance point also was determined throwing a result of 194 kg by yearling calf, that is to say, with this weight the producer recovers its production costs, the financier and obtains a final gain; for the calculation of the financial cost the interbank interest rate was taken like reference from balance to which a differential of 8 points was added to him to be in annual 12.90%. With these result obtained, the producer will be able to make the decision to continue with the modality of repasto of yearling calves and to take them to the export market or to confine them in artificial prairie or corral of gets fat


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    The major walnut producing area is located south of the United States and northern Mexico these two countries being the major world exporters to Mexico production is obtained in the months of October through December. Chihuahua occupies about 50% of national production and 60% of the area planted with walnut and Sonora ranks third in acreage. Until 2002 the total area of cultivation remained stable at 50,000 hectares, roughly between the years 2000 and 2004 the average productivity increased from 1.22 to 1.59 t / ha and from 2005 to 2008 under a 1.23. During the period from 2003 to 2010 there was an increase in planted area being one of the factors that encourage the expansion of cultivation is the international market, with about 70% of domestic production is exported mainly to the U.S. and the China last 5 years. The nut is growing the fastest growing fruit in Sonora, from 2009 to 2010, the production volume grew nut of 7,867 tons to 15,500 t., the production value soared from 271.3 million to 802.3 million pesos in pesos. In the current pecan walnut acreage in Sonora to 2009 occupied the Coast produces 76% and 78% of total production. We analyzed the profitability of walnut cultivation of the Coast information with reference to individual producers and official sources that have obtained working capital throughout the cycle was 53.021pesos,aworkingcapitalof 53.021 pesos, a working capital of 48.349, Benefit-Cost Ratio of 1.34, ie, for every dollar invested recover 0.34 pesos while the balance point was 1.48 t for the full payment of the investment as well as interest and 1.39 t only for the payment of direct costs. With these indicators, the cultivation of walnut for the Coast is a good investment opportunity for agribusiness


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    In almost all types of vegetation there are species that can cause toxicity to livestock that consumes. The poisoning caused problems in many different animals can affect reproduction, weight gain, and even death. These problems are causing economic losses in the livestock industry it is necessary to quantify but very difficult to achieve it. In Sonora, has been diagnosed rangeland of overgrazing, which manifests itself in a deterioration that diminishes the species desirable and undesirable increases, among these plants are toxic. We have identified 184 species that are toxic and within them there are 59 species that consume livestock and cause problems. For the foregoing are raised by this study, in order to try to estimate the economic impact that cause toxic plants on livestock productivity in Sonora. We used various sources of information for developing analysis and calculations that may come closer to quantifying the economic effects. We used the methodology described by Nielsen et al. (1990) for estimating these losses. The results show that a conservative estimate of the economic effect of these plants on sonorense livestock may represent a loss of around 90 million pesos a year


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    The wheat occupies an important place in the feeding of the humanity and is the third cereal demanded after the maize and the rice; Sonant occupies the first one in production of wheat at national level with approximately a 45% of the seeded surface. In order to analyze the yield of wheat seedtime the production costs were taken where it is the different consumptions that were used that they go from the terrain preparation, seed, fertilization, water, control of plagues, diseases and weeds, harvests and diverse between which the technical attendance is had, safe agriculturist, administration. The direct costs of the culture were 16.550towhichthefinancialcostof 16.550 to which the financial cost of 796 for a total of 17.346wasaddedtohimwhichcomparedwiththeobtainedincometakingasreferenceayieldaverageof6tonsbyhectaresandtoapriceof 17.346 was added to him which compared with the obtained income taking as reference a yield average of 6 tons by hectares and to a price of 3.400 by ton served to carry out the yield analysis. Financial tools were used to determine their yield like the capital of work, relation benefit-cost, point of balance and sensitivity analysis; with base to this it was obtained that the capital of work necessary to develop the culture was of $ 15,350; the relation benefit-cost was of 1,18 and the sensitivity analysis showed that the producer can have optimal scenes with good prices and yields and compared with very low prices and smaller yields. With these indicators it is observed that the producer can develop the wheat with little risk when obtaining acceptable income besides being a cereal that mainly occupies the first place in the surface seeded in Sonora, in the south of the state where the irrigation system is of gravity which benefits in its smaller production cost since this consumption approximately represents 22% of the total cost