32,988 research outputs found

    Simple scheme for two-qubit Grover search in cavity QED

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    Following the proposal by F. Yamaguchi et al.[Phys. Rev. A 66, 010302 (R) (2002)], we present an alternative way to implement the two-qubit Grover search algorithm in cavity QED. Compared with F. Yamaguchi et al.'s proposal, with a strong resonant classical field added, our method is insensitive to both the cavity decay and thermal field, and doesn't require that the cavity remain in the vacuum state throughout the procedure. Moreover, the qubit definitions are the same for both atoms, which makes the experiment easier. The strictly numerical simulation shows that our proposal is good enough to demonstrate a two-qubit Grover's search with high fidelity.Comment: manuscript 10 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Nebular Spectra of SN 1998bw Revisited: Detailed Study by One and Two Dimensional Models

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    Refined one- and two-dimensional models for the nebular spectra of the hyper-energetic Type Ic supernova (SN) 1998bw, associated with the gamma-ray burst GRB980425, from 125 to 376 days after B-band maximum are presented. One dimensional, spherically symmetric spectrum synthesis calculations show that reproducing features in the observed spectra, i.e., the sharply peaked [OI] 6300\AA doublet and MgI] 4570\AA emission, and the broad [FeII] blend around 5200\AA, requires the existence of a high-density O-rich core expanding at low velocities (\lsim 8,000 km s−1^{-1}) and of Fe-rich material moving faster than the O-rich material. Synthetic spectra at late phases from aspherical (bipolar) explosion models are also computed with a two-dimensional spectrum synthesis code. The above features are naturally explained by the aspherical model if the explosion is viewed from a direction close to the axis of symmetry (∼30o\sim 30^{\rm o}), since the aspherical model yields a high-density O-rich region confined along the equatorial axis. By examining a large parameter space (in energy and mass), our best model gives following physical quantities: the kinetic energy E51≡EK/1051E_{51} \equiv E_{\rm K}/10^{51} ergs \gsim 8 - 12 and the main-sequence mass of the progenitor star M_{\rm ms} \gsim 30 - 35 \Msun. The temporal spectral evolution of SN 1998bw also indicates mixing among Fe-, O-, and C-rich regions, and highly clumpy structure.Comment: 38 pages, 22 figures. ApJ, 640 (01 April 2006 issue), in pres

    Period halving of Persistent Currents in Mesoscopic Mobius ladders

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    We investigate the period halving of persistent currents(PCs) of non-interacting electrons in isolated mesoscopic M\"{o}bius ladders without disorder, pierced by Aharonov-Bhom flux. The mechanisms of the period halving effect depend on the parity of the number of electrons as well as on the interchain hopping. Although the data of PCs in mesoscopic systems are sample-specific, some simple rules are found in the canonical ensemble average, such as all the odd harmonics of the PCs disappear, and the signals of even harmonics are non-negative. {PACS number(s): 73.23.Ra, 73.23.-b, 68.65.-k}Comment: 6 Pages with 3 EPS figure

    Superluminal propagation of an optical pulse in a Doppler broadened three-state, single channel active Raman gain medium

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    Using a single channel active Raman gain medium we show a (220±20)(220\pm 20)ns advance time for an optical pulse of τFWHM=15.4μ\tau_{FWHM}=15.4 \mus propagating through a 10 cm medium, a lead time that is comparable to what was reported previously. In addition, we have verified experimentally all the features associated with this single channel Raman gain system. Our results show that the reported gain-assisted superluminal propagation should not be attributed to the interference between the two frequencies of the pump field.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Heralded Entanglement between Atomic Ensembles: Preparation, Decoherence, and Scaling

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    Heralded entanglement between collective excitations in two atomic ensembles is probabilistically generated, stored, and converted to single photon fields. By way of the concurrence, quantitative characterizations are reported for the scaling behavior of entanglement with excitation probability and for the temporal dynamics of various correlations resulting in the decay of entanglement. A lower bound of the concurrence for the collective atomic state of 0.9\pm 0.3 is inferred. The decay of entanglement as a function of storage time is also observed, and related to the local dynamics.Comment: 4 page

    Generation of N-qubit W state with rf-SQUID qubits by adiabatic passage

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    A simple scheme is presented to generate n-qubit W state with rf-superconducting quantum interference devices (rf-SQUIDs) in cavity QED through adiabatic passage. Because of the achievable strong coupling for rf-SQUID qubits embedded in cavity QED, we can get the desired state with high success probability. Furthermore, the scheme is insensitive to position inaccuracy of the rf-SQUIDs. The numerical simulation shows that, by using present experimental techniques, we can achieve our scheme with very high success probability, and the fidelity could be eventually unity with the help of dissipation.Comment: to appear in Phys. Rev.

    A massive star origin for an unusual helium-rich supernova in an elliptical galaxy

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    The unusual helium-rich (type Ib) supernova SN 2005E is distinguished from any supernova hitherto observed by its faint and rapidly fading light curve, prominent calcium lines in late-phase spectra and lack of any mark of recent star formation near the supernova location. These properties are claimed to be explained by a helium detonation in a thin surface layer of an accreting white dwarf (Perets et al. 2010). Here we report on observations of SN 2005cz appeared in an elliptical galaxy, whose observed properties resemble those of SN 2005E in that it is helium-rich and unusually faint, fades rapidly, shows much weaker oxygen emission lines than those of calcium in the well-evolved spectrum. We argue that these properties are best explained by a core-collapse supernova at the low-mass end (8−12M⊙8-12 M_{\odot}) of the range of massive stars that explode (Smartt 2009). Such a low mass progenitor had lost its hydrogen-rich envelope through binary interaction, having very thin oxygen-rich and silicon-rich layers above the collapsing core, thus ejecting a very small amount of radioactive 56^{56}Ni and oxygen. Although the host galaxy NGC 4589 is an elliptical, some studies have revealed evidence of recent star-formation activity (Zhang et al. 2008), consistent with the core-collapse scenario.Comment: Accepted by Nature (24 March 2010), 32 pages including Supplementary Informatio

    Jacobi-Predictor-Corrector Approach for the Fractional Ordinary Differential Equations

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    We present a novel numerical method, called {\tt Jacobi-predictor-corrector approach}, for the numerical solution of fractional ordinary differential equations based on the polynomial interpolation and the Gauss-Lobatto quadrature w.r.t. the Jacobi-weight function ω(s)=(1−s)α−1(1+s)0\omega(s)=(1-s)^{\alpha-1}(1+s)^0. This method has the computational cost O(N) and the convergent order ININ, where NN and ININ are, respectively, the total computational steps and the number of used interpolating points. The detailed error analysis is performed, and the extensive numerical experiments confirm the theoretical results and show the robustness of this method.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figure

    Alternative scheme for two-qubit conditional phase gate by adiabatic passage under dissipation

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    We check a recent proposal [H. Goto and K. Ichimura Phys. Rev. A 70, 012305 (2004)] for controlled phase gate through adiabatic passage under the influence of spontaneous emission and the cavity decay. We show a modification of above proposal could be used to generate the necessary conditional phase gates in the two-qubit Grover search. Conditioned on no photon leakage either from the atomic excited state or from the cavity mode during the gating period, we numerically analyze the success probability and the fidelity of the two-qubit conditional phase gate by adiabatic passage. The comparison made between our proposed gating scheme and a previous one shows that Goto and Ichimura's scheme is an alternative and feasible way in the optical cavity regime for two-qubit gates and could be generalised in principle to multi-qubit gates.Comment: to appear in J. Phys.

    Spectrum Analysis of the Type Ib Supernova 1999dn: Probable Identifications of C II and H-alpha

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    Low resolution spectra of SN 1999dn at early times are presented and compared with synthetic spectra generated with the parameterized supernova synthetic-spectrum code SYNOW. We find that the spectra of SN 1999dn strongly resemble those of SN 1997X and SN 1984L, and hence we classify it as a Type Ib event. Line-identifications are established through spectrum synthesis. Strong evidence of both H-alpha and C II 6580 is found. We infer that H-alpha appears first, before the time of maximum brightness, and then is blended with and finally overwhelmed by the C II line after maximum; this favors a thin high-velocity hydrogen skin in this Type Ib supernova.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap
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