752 research outputs found

    Secondary electron emission yield in the limit of low electron energy

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    Secondary electron emission (SEE) from solids plays an important role in many areas of science and technology.1 In recent years, there has been renewed interest in the experimental and theoretical studies of SEE. A recent study proposed that the reflectivity of very low energy electrons from solid surface approaches unity in the limit of zero electron energy2,3,4, If this was indeed the case, this effect would have profound implications on the formation of electron clouds in particle accelerators,2-4 plasma measurements with electrostatic Langmuir probes, and operation of Hall plasma thrusters for spacecraft propulsion5,6. It appears that, the proposed high electron reflectivity at low electron energies contradicts to numerous previous experimental studies of the secondary electron emission7. The goal of this note is to discuss possible causes of these contradictions.Comment: 3 pages, contribution to the Joint INFN-CERN-EuCARD-AccNet Workshop on Electron-Cloud Effects: ECLOUD'12; 5-9 Jun 2012, La Biodola, Isola d'Elba, Ital

    Chemical potential of quasi-equilibrium magnon gas driven by pure spin current

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    We show experimentally that the spin current generated by the spin Hall effect drives the magnon gas in a ferromagnet into a quasi-equilibrium state that can be described by the Bose-Einstein statistics. The magnon population function is characterized either by an increased effective chemical potential or by a reduced effective temperature, depending on the spin current polarization. In the former case, the chemical potential can closely approach, at large driving currents, the lowest-energy magnon state, indicating the possibility of spin current-driven Bose-Einstein condensation

    On the Hopf algebras generated by the Yang-Baxter R-matrices

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    We reformulate the method recently proposed for constructing quasitriangular Hopf algebras of the quantum-double type from the R-matrices obeying the Yang-Baxter equations. Underlying algebraic structures of the method are elucidated and an illustration of its facilities is given. The latter produces an example of a new quasitriangular Hopf algebra. The corresponding universal R-matrix is presented as a formal power series.Comment: 10 page

    Positronium oscillations to Mirror World revisited

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    We present a calculation of the branching ratio of orthopositronium decay into an invisible mode, which is done in the context of Mirror World models, where ordinary positronium can disappear from our world due to oscillation into its mirror twin. In this revision we clarify some formulas and approximations used previously, correct them at some places, add new effects relevant for a feasible experiment and finally perform a combined analysis. We include into consideration various effects due to external magnetic and electric fields, collisions with cavity walls and scattering off gas atoms in the cavity. Oscillations of the Rydberg positroniums are also considered. To perform a numerical estimates in a realistic case we wrote computer code, which can be adopted in any experimental setup. Its work is illustrated with an example of a planned positronium experiment within the AEgIS project.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures, typos corrected, references added, published versio

    Differential Calculus on qq-Deformed Light-Cone

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    We propose the ``short'' version of q-deformed differential calculus on the light-cone using twistor representation. The commutation relations between coordinates and momenta are obtained. The quasi-classical limit introduced gives an exact shape of the off-shell shifting.Comment: 11 pages, Standard LaTeX 2.0

    Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons under incoherent pumping

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    Bose-Einstein condensation in a gas of magnons pumped by an incoherent pumping source is experimentally studied at room temperature. We demonstrate that the condensation can be achieved in a gas of bosons under conditions of incoherent pumping. Moreover, we show the critical transition point is almost independent of the frequency spectrum of the pumping source and is solely determined by the density of magnons. The electromagnetic power radiated by the magnon condensate was found to scale quadratically with the pumping power, which is in accordance with the theory of Bose-Einstein condensation in magnon gases

    On the interaction between gravity forces and dispersive brine fronts in micro-heterogeneous porous media

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    The concepts of homogenization theory are employed to derive a macro-scale brine transport equation for micro-heterogeneous porous medium of layered structure under assumptions of validity of classical Darcy's law and Fick's law at the local scale. Derived macro-scale model is analogous to the so-called phase field equations. The obtained results are verified with direct numerical experiment. © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved