312 research outputs found

    Fast readout of a single Cooper-pair box using its quantum capacitance

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    We have fabricated a single Cooper-pair box (SCB) together with an on-chip lumped element resonator. By utilizing the quantum capacitance of the SCB, its state can be read out by detecting the phase of a radio-frequency (rf) signal reflected off the resonator. The resonator was optimized for fast readout. By studying quasiparticle tunneling events in the SCB, we have characterized the performance of the readout and found that we can perform a single shot parity measurement in approximately 50 ns. This is an order of magnitude faster than previously reported measurements.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Two-dimensional arrays of low capacitance tunnel junctions: general properties, phase transitions and Hall effect

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    We describe transport properties of two-dimensional arrays of low capacitance tunnel junctions, such as the current voltage characteristic and its dependence on external magnetic field and temperature. We discuss several experiments in which the small capacitance of the junctions plays an important role. In arrays where the junctions have a relatively large charging energy, (i.e. when they have a low capacitance) and a high normal state resistance, the low bias resistance increases with decreasing temperature and eventually at very low temperature the array becomes insulating even though the electrodes in the array are superconducting. This transition to the insulating state can be described by thermal activation. In an intermediate region where the junction resistance is of the order of the quantum resistance and the charging energy is of the order of the Josephson coupling energy, the arrays can be tuned between a superconducting and an insulating state with a magnetic field. We describe measurements of this magnetic-field-tuned superconductor insulator transition, and we show that the resistance data can be scaled over several orders of magnitude. Four arrays follow the same universal function. At the transition the transverse (Hall) resistance is found to be very small in comparison with the longitudinal resistance. However, for magnetic field values larger than the critical value.we observe a substantial Hall resistance. The Hall resistance of these arrays oscillates with the applied magnetic field. features in the magnetic field dependence of the Hall resistance can qualitatively be correlated to features in the derivative of the longitudinal resistance, similar to what is found in the quantum Hall effect.Comment: 29 pages, 16 eps figures, uses aipproc.sty and epsfig.sty, contribution to Euroschool on "Superconductivity in Networks and Mesoscopic Systems", held in Siena, Italy (8-20 september 1997

    Nonclassical microwave radiation from the dynamical Casimir effect

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    We investigate quantum correlations in microwave radiation produced by the dynamical Casimir effect in a superconducting waveguide terminated and modulated by a superconducting quantum interference device. We apply nonclassicality tests and evaluate the entanglement for the predicted field states. For realistic circuit parameters, including thermal background noise, the results indicate that the produced radiation can be strictly nonclassical and can have a measurable amount of intermode entanglement. If measured experimentally, these nonclassicalilty indicators could give further evidence of the quantum nature of the dynamical Casimir radiation in these circuits.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Photon generation in an electromagnetic cavity with a time-dependent boundary

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    We report the observation of photon generation in a microwave cavity with a time-dependent boundary condition. Our system is a microfabricated quarter-wave coplanar waveguide cavity. The electrical length of the cavity is varied using the tunable inductance of a superconducting quantum interference device. It is measured in the quantum regime, where the temperature is significantly less than the resonance frequency (~ 5 GHz). When the length is modulated at approximately twice the static resonance frequency, spontaneous oscillations of the cavity field are observed. Time-resolved measurements of the dynamical state of the cavity show multiple stable states. The behavior is well described by theory. Connections to the dynamical Casimir effect are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 3 Figure

    The Single-Photon Router

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    We have embedded an artificial atom, a superconducting "transmon" qubit, in an open transmission line and investigated the strong scattering of incident microwave photons (6\sim6 GHz). When an input coherent state, with an average photon number N1N\ll1 is on resonance with the artificial atom, we observe extinction of up to 90% in the forward propagating field. We use two-tone spectroscopy to study scattering from excited states and we observe electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT). We then use EIT to make a single-photon router, where we can control to what output port an incoming signal is delivered. The maximum on-off ratio is around 90% with a rise and fall time on the order of nanoseconds, consistent with theoretical expectations. The router can easily be extended to have multiple output ports and it can be viewed as a rudimentary quantum node, an important step towards building quantum information networks.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Scattering of coherent states on a single artificial atom

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    In this work we theoretically analyze a circuit QED design where propagating quantum microwaves interact with a single artificial atom, a single Cooper pair box. In particular, we derive a master equation in the so-called transmon regime, including coherent drives. Inspired by recent experiments, we then apply the master equation to describe the dynamics in both a two-level and a three-level approximation of the atom. In the two-level case, we also discuss how to measure photon antibunching in the reflected field and how it is affected by finite temperature and finite detection bandwidth.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    Characterization of a multimode coplanar waveguide parametric amplifier

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    We characterize a novel Josephson parametric amplifier based on a flux-tunable quarter-wavelength resonator. The fundamental resonance frequency is ~1GHz, but we use higher modes of the resonator for our measurements. An on-chip tuning line allows for magnetic flux pumping of the amplifier. We investigate and compare degenerate parametric amplification, involving a single mode, and nondegenerate parametric amplification, using a pair of modes. We show that we reach quantum-limited noise performance in both cases, and we show that the added noise can be less than 0.5 added photons in the case of low gain

    The pumpistor: a linearized model of a flux-pumped SQUID for use as a negative-resistance parametric amplifier

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    We describe a circuit model for a flux-driven SQUID. This is useful for developing insight into how these devices perform as active elements in parametric amplifiers. The key concept is that frequency mixing in a flux-pumped SQUID allows for the appearance of an effective negative resistance. In the three-wave, degenerate case treated here, a negative resistance appears only over a certain range of allowed input signal phase. This model readily lends itself to testable predictions of more complicated circuits.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure