91 research outputs found

    (2/2/3)(2/2/3)-SAT problem and its applications in dominating set problems

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    The satisfiability problem is known to be NP\mathbf{NP}-complete in general and for many restricted cases. One way to restrict instances of kk-SAT is to limit the number of times a variable can be occurred. It was shown that for an instance of 4-SAT with the property that every variable appears in exactly 4 clauses (2 times negated and 2 times not negated), determining whether there is an assignment for variables such that every clause contains exactly two true variables and two false variables is NP\mathbf{NP}-complete. In this work, we show that deciding the satisfiability of 3-SAT with the property that every variable appears in exactly four clauses (two times negated and two times not negated), and each clause contains at least two distinct variables is NP \mathbf{NP} -complete. We call this problem (2/2/3)(2/2/3)-SAT. For an rr-regular graph G=(V,E)G = (V,E) with r3r\geq 3, it was asked in [Discrete Appl. Math., 160(15):2142--2146, 2012] to determine whether for a given independent set TT there is an independent dominating set DD that dominates TT such that TD= T \cap D =\varnothing ? As an application of (2/2/3)(2/2/3)-SAT problem we show that for every r3r\geq 3, this problem is NP \mathbf{NP} -complete. Among other results, we study the relationship between 1-perfect codes and the incidence coloring of graphs and as another application of our complexity results, we prove that for a given cubic graph GG deciding whether GG is 4-incidence colorable is NP \mathbf{NP} -complete

    Upper bounds for the 2-hued chromatic number of graphs in terms of the independence number

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    A 2-hued coloring of a graph GG (also known as conditional (k,2)(k, 2)-coloring and dynamic coloring) is a coloring such that for every vertex vV(G)v\in V(G) of degree at least 22, the neighbors of vv receive at least 22 colors. The smallest integer kk such that GG has a 2-hued coloring with k k colors, is called the {\it 2-hued chromatic number} of GG and denoted by χ2(G)\chi_2(G). In this paper, we will show that if GG is a regular graph, then χ2(G)χ(G)2log2(α(G))+O(1) \chi_{2}(G)- \chi(G) \leq 2 \log _{2}(\alpha(G)) +\mathcal{O}(1) and if GG is a graph and δ(G)2\delta(G)\geq 2, then χ2(G)χ(G)1+4Δ2δ1(1+log2Δ(G)2Δ(G)δ(G)(α(G))) \chi_{2}(G)- \chi(G) \leq 1+\lceil \sqrt[\delta -1]{4\Delta^{2}} \rceil ( 1+ \log _{\frac{2\Delta(G)}{2\Delta(G)-\delta(G)}} (\alpha(G)) ) and in general case if GG is a graph, then χ2(G)χ(G)2+min{α(G),α(G)+ω(G)2} \chi_{2}(G)- \chi(G) \leq 2+ \min \lbrace \alpha^{\prime}(G),\frac{\alpha(G)+\omega(G)}{2}\rbrace .Comment: Dynamic chromatic number; conditional (k, 2)-coloring; 2-hued chromatic number; 2-hued coloring; Independence number; Probabilistic metho

    The inapproximability for the (0,1)-additive number

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    An {\it additive labeling} of a graph GG is a function :V(G)N \ell :V(G) \rightarrow\mathbb{N}, such that for every two adjacent vertices v v and u u of G G , wv(w)wu(w) \sum_{w \sim v}\ell(w)\neq \sum_{w \sim u}\ell(w) (xy x \sim y means that x x is joined to yy). The {\it additive number} of G G , denoted by η(G)\eta(G), is the minimum number kk such that G G has a additive labeling :V(G)Nk \ell :V(G) \rightarrow \mathbb{N}_k. The {\it additive choosability} of a graph GG, denoted by η(G)\eta_{\ell}(G) , is the smallest number kk such that GG has an additive labeling for any assignment of lists of size kk to the vertices of GG, such that the label of each vertex belongs to its own list. Seamone (2012) \cite{a80} conjectured that for every graph GG, η(G)=η(G)\eta(G)= \eta_{\ell}(G). We give a negative answer to this conjecture and we show that for every kk there is a graph GG such that η(G)η(G)k \eta_{\ell}(G)- \eta(G) \geq k. A {\it (0,1)(0,1)-additive labeling} of a graph GG is a function :V(G){0,1} \ell :V(G) \rightarrow\{0,1\}, such that for every two adjacent vertices v v and u u of G G , wv(w)wu(w) \sum_{w \sim v}\ell(w)\neq \sum_{w \sim u}\ell(w) . A graph may lack any (0,1)(0,1)-additive labeling. We show that it is NP \mathbf{NP} -complete to decide whether a (0,1)(0,1)-additive labeling exists for some families of graphs such as perfect graphs and planar triangle-free graphs. For a graph GG with some (0,1)(0,1)-additive labelings, the (0,1)(0,1)-additive number of GG is defined as σ1(G)=minΓvV(G)(v) \sigma_{1} (G) = \min_{\ell \in \Gamma}\sum_{v\in V(G)}\ell(v) where Γ\Gamma is the set of (0,1)(0,1)-additive labelings of GG. We prove that given a planar graph that admits a (0,1)(0,1)-additive labeling, for all ε>0 \varepsilon >0 , approximating the (0,1)(0,1)-additive number within n1ε n^{1-\varepsilon} is NP \mathbf{NP} -hard.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Scienc

    Sigma Partitioning: Complexity and Random Graphs

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    A sigma partitioning\textit{sigma partitioning} of a graph GG is a partition of the vertices into sets P1,,PkP_1, \ldots, P_k such that for every two adjacent vertices uu and vv there is an index ii such that uu and vv have different numbers of neighbors in PiP_i. The  sigma number\textit{ sigma number} of a graph GG, denoted by σ(G)\sigma(G), is the minimum number kk such that G G has a sigma partitioning P1,,PkP_1, \ldots, P_k. Also, a  lucky labeling\textit{ lucky labeling} of a graph GG is a function :V(G)N \ell :V(G) \rightarrow \mathbb{N}, such that for every two adjacent vertices v v and u u of G G , wv(w)wu(w) \sum_{w \sim v}\ell(w)\neq \sum_{w \sim u}\ell(w) (xy x \sim y means that x x and yy are adjacent). The  lucky number\textit{ lucky number} of G G , denoted by η(G)\eta(G), is the minimum number kk such that G G has a lucky labeling :V(G)Nk \ell :V(G) \rightarrow \mathbb{N}_k. It was conjectured in [Inform. Process. Lett., 112(4):109--112, 2012] that it is NP \mathbf{NP} -complete to decide whether η(G)=2 \eta(G)=2 for a given 3-regular graph GG. In this work, we prove this conjecture. Among other results, we give an upper bound of five for the sigma number of a uniformly random graph

    Neural Approximate Dynamic Programming for the Ultra-fast Order Dispatching Problem

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    Same-Day Delivery (SDD) services aim to maximize the fulfillment of online orders while minimizing delivery delays but are beset by operational uncertainties such as those in order volumes and courier planning. Our work aims to enhance the operational efficiency of SDD by focusing on the ultra-fast Order Dispatching Problem (ODP), which involves matching and dispatching orders to couriers within a centralized warehouse setting, and completing the delivery within a strict timeline (e.g., within minutes). We introduce important extensions to ultra-fast ODP such as order batching and explicit courier assignments to provide a more realistic representation of dispatching operations and improve delivery efficiency. As a solution method, we primarily focus on NeurADP, a methodology that combines Approximate Dynamic Programming (ADP) and Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL), and our work constitutes the first application of NeurADP outside of the ride-pool matching problem. NeurADP is particularly suitable for ultra-fast ODP as it addresses complex one-to-many matching and routing intricacies through a neural network-based VFA that captures high-dimensional problem dynamics without requiring manual feature engineering as in generic ADP methods. We test our proposed approach using four distinct realistic datasets tailored for ODP and compare the performance of NeurADP against myopic and DRL baselines by also making use of non-trivial bounds to assess the quality of the policies. Our numerical results indicate that the inclusion of order batching and courier queues enhances the efficiency of delivery operations and that NeurADP significantly outperforms other methods. Detailed sensitivity analysis with important parameters confirms the robustness of NeurADP under different scenarios, including variations in courier numbers, spatial setup, vehicle capacity, and permitted delay time