21 research outputs found

    Ethical approval for national studies in Ireland: an illustration of current challenges.

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    BACKGROUND: Ethical approval of research projects is, appropriately, an essential prerequisite in health settings. AIMS: This paper outlines difficulties encountered with procedures for gaining ethical approval for two multicentre surveys in Ireland. METHODS: The experiences of two national surveys were documented. RESULTS: Delays in processing ethics applications led to substantial delays in both surveys. Research ethics committees (RECs) assessed applications in an idiosyncratic manner. CONCLUSION: In Ireland, there is currently no accepted mechanism for single location ethical approval for multicentre studies. Instead, they require separate approval from all participating centres. The challenges of this system of application to multiple committees are outlined in this paper, and possible solutions presented

    The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale depression subscale, but not the Beck Depression Inventory-Fast Scale, identifies patients with acute coronary syndrome at elevated risk of 1-year mortality.

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to investigate the use of short-form depression scales in assessing 1-year mortality risk in a national sample of patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS). METHODS: Patients with ACS (N=598) completed either the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale depression subscale (HADS-D) or the Beck Depression Inventory-Fast Scale (BDI-FS). Their mortality status was assessed at 1 year. RESULTS: Cox proportional hazards modeling showed that patients depressed at baseline (combining HADS-D and BDI-FS depressed cases) were more likely to die within 1 year [hazard ratio (HR)=2.8, 95% CI=1.4-5.7, P=.005], even when controlling for major medical and demographic variables (HR=4.1, 95% CI=1.6-10.3, P=.003). Scoring above the threshold on the HADS-D predicted mortality (HR=4.2, 95% CI=1.8-10.0, P=.001), but scoring above the threshold on the BDI-FS did not (HR=1.8, 95% CI=0.6-5.6, P=.291). CONCLUSION: The HADS-D predicted increased risk of 1-year mortality in patients with ACS

    Increase in observed mental health difficulties one year after acute coronary syndrome: general practitioner survey.

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    BACKGROUND: General practitioners (GPs) are often the first to assess mental health difficulties after acute coronary syndrome (ACS). AIMS: To determine whether GPs observed an increase in mental health difficulties one-year post-hospitalisation for ACS. METHODS: Postal survey. RESULTS: GPs rated patients (n = 442) as having probable (GP assessed 10%) or definite (formally assessed 7%) mental health difficulties pre-hospitalisation. Post-hospitalisation the prevalence of probable cases increased significantly to 19% (OR = 4.3, 95% CI 2.1-10.2, P \u3c 0.001). In multivariate analysis, only smoking at index hospitalisation was associated with being assessed as a new case of probable/formal mental health difficulties (RR = 2.1, 95% CI 1.3-3.4, P = 0.003). Forty-seven percent of cases were prescribed some medication for this problem. CONCLUSIONS: GPs recorded a significant increase in mental health difficulties in ACS patients 12 months after hospitalisation, with smoking used as an indicator of new cases

    Gender differences in the presentation and management of acute coronary syndromes: a national sample of 1365 admissions

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    Background Gender differences in presentation and management of acute coronary syndromes (ACS) are well established internationally. This study investigated differences in a national Irish sample. Design Cross-sectional survey. Methods All centres (n= 39) admitting cardiac patients to intensive/coronary care provided information on 25 consecutive acute myocardial infarction patients and other ACS patients admitted concurrently (n= 1365 episodes). Patient data was analyzed in terms of those with prior ACS/revascularization, and those without. Results Men with prior established ACS/revascularization were twice as likely to have received revascularization procedures (coronary artery bypass graft or percutaneous coronary intervention) prior to admission when controlling for age, total cholesterol and insurance status [odds ratio (OR) 1.97, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.18–3.29, P = 0.011]. No gender differences were seen in acute-phase reperfusion (OR 0.96, 95% CI 0.76–1.24, P \u3e0.05) or antiplatelet therapy (OR 0.99, 95% CI 0.69–1.41, P \u3e 0.05). For patients with prior ACS/revascularization, men were twice as likely to receive statins on discharge after adjustment for age and total cholesterol (OR 1.94, 95% CI 1.02–3.71, P= 0.045). Conclusions Women were treated differently to men. Fewer women with a positive history of ACS received revascularization prior to current admission and fewer women were prescribed lipid-lowering medications on discharge. Acute phase hospital treatment was not gender determined. These findings have implications for secondary prevention in Ireland

    CCU 2003 National Survey of the Presentation and Management of Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) and other Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS) in Irish Hospitals

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    Background Ireland has one of the highest rates of mortality from cardiovascular disease in Europe. Time to medical treatment is crucial in the management of Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS). The aim of the present study was to provide an overview of the current patterns of presentation and management of ACS in Ireland. Treatment of both acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and other ACS patients was assessed. Findings were compared to a previous national survey conducted in 1994. The prevalence of depression post-ACS event was also assessed

    Implementing social health insurance in Ireland: Report of a meeting and workshop held in Dublin, on December 6th 2010

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    We considered two basic questions, 'Is it possible to implement Social Health Insurance in Ireland?', and 'How can this be done?'. Can Social Health Insurance be implemented in Ireland? Our answer is a very definite yes. Furthermore, there would be many opportunities, while working towards this end, to improve the performance of our health care system. How can it be implemented? This process will need to be actively managed. There are many difficulties in the Irish health services, but also many opportunities. The greatest strengths are the talented, well-trained and very committed staff. Getting and keeping the support of these staff, for the necessary changes in service delivery, will be critical. Ireland has the capacity to make these changes, but without high quality management, a detailed focussed plan for change, and political support, little will happen. Each step in the change needs to be planned to maintain services, improve service delivery, improve service accountability, and improve service governance. Each sector of the service will need someone to lead the change, and mind that service during the change. Primary care remains under-developed. The HSE plan to develop primary care teams (PCT) has not succeeded. There are several established PCTs which work well. In other areas there are informal arrangements for collaboration, which work well. Overall, there are many useful lessons to learn from the experience so far. Future developments will need to place general practice at the centre of primary care. The mechanisms for doing this will vary from place to place, but need to be developed urgently. Acute hospitals face a crisis of governance. Maurice Hayes' (1) recent report on Tallaght hospital gives an idea of the scale of the changes needed. Tallaght is, we believe, not atypical, and is reputed to be by no means the worst governed hospital in the system. This, alone, should provide a pressing motive for change. Redesigning Irish hospitals to a new mission of supporting primary care, of supporting care in the community where possible can, and must, be done. Long-term care for older people is also a challenge. We advise moving to an integrated needs based system with smooth transitions between different degrees of support at home, and different degrees of support in specialized housing facilities including nursing homes. A similar model should apply to other forms of long-term care, for example for people with a substantial disability. Information systems and management processes both need a major overhaul. The health service remains strikingly under-managed, and fixing this will need a substantial culture change within the services. Wide use of standardized formal project management processes will be vital. There is a separate plan being developed to improve health service IT systems, and implementing this needs to be a high priority. We have not considered other key sectors, for example mental health, disability services, and social services. This does not mean that these are unimportant, merely that we had limited time, and a great deal to cover

    Length of stay and associated costs of obesity related hospital admissions in Ireland

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    BACKGROUND: Obesity is the cause of other chronic diseases, psychological problems, obesity shortens the lifespan and puts strain on health systems. The risk associated with childhood obesity in particular, which will accelerate the development of adult morbidity and mortality, has been identified as an emerging public health problem. METHODS: To estimate the length of stay and associated hospital costs for obesity related illnesses a cost of illness study was set up. All discharges from all acute hospitals in the Republic of Ireland from 1997 to 2004 with a principal or secondary diagnostic code for obesity for all children from 6 to 18 years of age and for adults were collected.A discharge frequency was calculated by dividing obesity related discharges by the total number of diagnoses (principal and secondary) for each year. The hospital costs related to obesity was calculated based on the total number of days care. RESULTS: The discharge frequency of obesity related conditions increased from 1.14 in 1997 to 1.49 in 2004 for adults and from 0.81 to 1.37 for children. The relative length of stay (number of days in care for obesity related conditions per 1000 days of hospital care given) increased from 1.47 in 1997 to 4.16 in 2004 for children and from 3.68 in 1997 to 6.74 in 2004 for adults.Based on the 2001 figures for cost per inpatient bed day, the annual hospital cost was calculated to be 4.4 Euromillion in 1997, increasing to 13.3 Euromillion in 2004. At a 20% variable hospital cost the cost ranges from 0.9 Euromillion in 1997 to 2.7 Euromillion in 2004; a 200% increase. CONCLUSION: The annual increase in the proportion of hospital discharges related to obesity is alarming. This increase is related to a significant increase in economic costs. This paper emphasises the need for action at an early stage of life. Health promotion and primary prevention of obesity should be high on the political agenda

    Nine-year comparison of presentation and management of acute coronary syndromes in Ireland: a national cross-sectional survey

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    BACKGROUND: Shorter time to treatment is associated with lower mortality in acute coronary syndromes (ACS). A previous (1994) survey showed substantial delays for acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in Ireland. The present study compared current practice with 1994 and surveyed acute coronary syndromes as a more complete contemporary evaluation of critical cardiac care than assessing AMI alone. METHODS: Following ethics committee approval, all centres (N = 39) admitting acute cardiac patients to intensive/coronary care unit provided information on 1365 episodes. A cross-sectional survey design was employed. RESULTS: Since 1994, median hospital arrival to thrombolysis time was reduced by 41% (76 to 45 minutes). Thrombolysis was delivered more often in the emergency department in 2003 (48% vs 2%). Thrombolysis when delivered in the emergency department was achieved faster than thrombolysis delivered in intensive/coronary care (35 mins v 60 mins; z = 5.62, p < .0001). Suspected AMI patients who did not subsequently receive thrombolysis took longer to present to hospital (5 h vs 2 h 34 mins; z = 7.33, p < .0001) and had longer transfer times to the intensive/coronary care unit following arrival (2 h 17 mins vs 1 h 10 mins; z = 8.92, p < .0001). Fewer confirmed AMI cases received thrombolysis in 2003 (43% vs 58%). There was an increase in confirmed cases of AMI from 1994 (70% to 87%). CONCLUSIONS: Substantial improvements in time to thrombolysis have occurred since 1994, probably relating to treatment provision in emergency departments. Patient delay pre-hospital is still the principal impediment to effective treatment of ACS. A recent change of definition of AMI may have precluded an exact comparison between 1994 and 2003 data