14 research outputs found

    'n Aanvullende formulier gefokus op die verhouding tussen Pasga en die nagmaal

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    A supplementary formulary focused on the relation between Passover and Holy Communion Can a supplementary formulary that especially focuses on the relation between Passover and Holy Communion enrich the celebration of Holy Communion? After an investigation into the course of events during Passover and the two moments Jesus links up with during the institution of Holy Communion, the researcher found that the following aspects can at least add to the meaning and experience of the celebration. During the eating of the bread (at Passover: the bread of sorrow), the participant is guided to think of and experience the sorrow of slavery to sin and to consciously surrender this guilt to Christ. The believer directly receives the assurance of the forgiveness of sins. During the drinking of the cup of thanksgiving the believer experiences the festive joy of redemption and reconciliation, and consequently feels a new beginning breaking through. This urges the believer to purify his/her life from the old sinful habits (the old yeast) as the result and consequence of the celebration of the Communion. The Communion should, due to its unique eschatological perspective (in contradiction to Passover) have the effect that the death of Christ is proclaimed in the daily life of the believer until He comes. An example of such a possible supplementary formulary is included.Kan ’n aanvullende formulier wat veral fokus op die verhouding tussen Pasga en die nagmaal deelname aan nagmaalsvierings ’n Aanvullende formulier gefokus op die verhouding tussen Pasga en die nagmaalsviering verryk? Nadat die verloop van die Pasga asook die twee momente waarby Jesus by die instelling van die nagmaal aangesluit het, nagegaan is, is bevind dat die volgende aspekte minstens die betekenis en belewing van die viering kan aanvul. By die eet van die brood (Pasga: die brood van smarte) dink en beleef die deelnemer aan die nagmaal die smart van die slawerny van die sonde en gee doelbewus hierdie skuld aan Christus af en ontvang regstreeks die versekering van vergewing van sonde. By die drink van die beker van danksegging beleef die gelowige dat die feesvreugde van verlossing en versoening, dus ’n nuwe begin, ’n deurbraak. Dit vra dat die lewe gesuiwer moet word van die ou sondige gewoontes (die ou suurdeeg) as die resultaat en uitwerking van die viering van die nagmaal. Die nagmaal moet, weens sy unieke eskatologiese perspektief (in teenstelling met die Pasga) die uitwerking hê dat die dood van Christus in die daaglikse lewe verkondig word totdat Hy kom. ’n Voorbeeld van so ’n moontlike aanvullende formulier word ingesluit.http://dx.doi.org/10.4102/ids.v45i1.

    Die bestuur van enkele leerlingverwante sake in 'n sekondĂŞre staatsondersteunde skool

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    Skripsie (MEd (Onderwysbestuur))--PU vir CHO, 1995The purpose of this research is to investigate the nature, contents and management implications of pupil-related matters in a secondary state aided school. A literary and empirical study were conducted in order to attain this goal. The literary study indicated some problematic pupil-related matters. Issues such as admission policy, control of pupils, pupil care, discrimination against pupils concerning the payment of compulsory school fees, extra-curricular involvement and racial relations were researched. An empirical study showed that the management function of the principal has been drastically altered. This changed management role of principals is an extremely demanding one. This empirical study further showed that considerable differences exist between English medium and Afrikaans medium schools. Finally, based on the research, certain recommendations were made to principals and governing bodies, who were provided with guidelines pertaining to the effective management of pupil-related matters in secondary state aided schools.Master

    Jesus se gesaghebbende prediking as onderbou van sy opdrag om te gaan doop

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    The authority of Jesus’ preaching and the baptism The question investigated in this article is what the relation is between the authority of the preaching of Jesus and the baptism that He instituted. The purpose is to reach practicetheoretical deductions regarding the effect what the authority of Jesus’ preaching might have on the baptism. Firstly, the focus is on the meaning of the authority of the preaching of Jesus, and consequently on the relation between the authority of Jesus’ preaching and the baptism based on Matthew 28:18-20. Lastly, the emphasis is on determining some practice-theoretical deductions of this for the baptism. Jesus’ preaching is founded in his unity with his Father, his mandate as Messenger and his self-testimony. Therefore, his preaching has absolute authority. His preaching works that which it proclaims, and demands faith from the listener. The fact that Jesus has sovereign power, gives Him the right to give the command to baptise. Baptism serves to reveal Christ’s divine glory. Through baptism Jesus sets his authority over the life of the baptised and the covenant parents, and as a result He can also demand unconditional obedience from them. His authority is enacted through preaching, because Jesus continues his authority in his preaching, even today.Jesus se gesaghebbende prediking as onderbou van sy opdrag om te gaan doop Die vraag wat in hierdie artikel ondersoek word, is die verband tussen die gesag van Jesus se prediking en die doop wat deur Hom ingestel is. Die doel is om tot praktyk-teoretiese gevolgtrekkings te kom oor die uitwerking wat die gesag van Jesus se prediking op die doop mag hê. Eers word op die betekenis van die gesag van Jesus se prediking gefokus en vervolgens op die verband tussen die gesag van Jesus se prediking en die doop aan die hand van Matteus 28:18-20. Laastens word enkele praktyk-teoretiese afleidings daaruit vasstel vir die doop. Omdat Jesus se prediking in sy eenheid met sy Vader, sy volmag as Gestuurde en sy selfgetuienis begrond word, het sy prediking volstrekte gesag. Sy prediking bewerk wat dit verkondig en eis van die hoorder geloof. Die feit dat Jesus alle mag het, gee aan Hom die reg om die opdrag tot doop te gee. Die doop dien om Jesus se koningsheerlikheid te openbaar. Deur die doop laat Jesus sy seggenskap oor die lewe van die gedoopte en die doopouers geld en kan Hy ook van hulle onvoorwaardelike gehoorsaamheid eis. Die gesag word deur die prediking uitgeoefen, omdat Jesus sy gesag tot vandag toe deur die prediking voortsit.http://dx.doi.org/10.4102/ids.v45i2&3.1

    Holy Communion and want of bread

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    In Africa one out of three people suffers from undernourishment or malnutrition. In this respect the topical question whether Holy Communion and acts of charity to those who suffer from hunger can be linked. Jesus not only endows Holy Communion with a personal dimension of faith, but also foregrounds this aspect in the care for those who suffer from hunger. New Testament material reveals that in the congregation of Jerusalem partaking of Holy Communion developed into mutual diaconal care. It is thus for this reason inter alia that Paul warns against misusing Holy Communion. This kind of misuse was evident because the rich partook of Christ’s meal of love without realising that they could only be part of this act of love by bestowing love themselves. In this article some practical guidelines to link the celebration of Holy Communion and the crisis of want of bread are discussed.nf2010http://explore.up.ac.za/record=b100134

    Liturgy, transformation and the African Renaissance

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    The African Renaissance concerns the moral, cultural and spiritual transformation of the African human being. Liturgy has a decisive impact on the vision, aspirations and hopes of the believer. Therefore, liturgy can have a significant influence on the African Renaissance if it adheres to fixed liturgical principles, the response of the believers is culturally bound and liturgy attains an indigenous character. As liturgy has the ability to restore human dignity and bring about reconciliation, believers can consequently gain confidence to co-operate in the healing process of the continent. Aspects of African culture displaying a close resemblance to the Bible should be developed, for example celebrating the presence of God, utilising the power of Scripture reading in liturgy, delivering sermons full of imagery, establishing an ubuntu of faith, using symbols inherent both in the Gospel and African culture, creating space for movement, communion and festivity, as well as developing songs, music and dances in a creative way.http://explore.up.ac.za/record=b152516

    Die atmosfeer in die erediens deur die loop van die geskiedenis

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    The worship service occupies a central position in the life of the believer and therefore the atmosphere in the worship service is vital. The variations through history are studied in this article. The viewpoints of the first four centuries, the Middle Ages, Reformation, post-Reformation and twentieth century came under discussion. Lessons from history are stated. The atmosphere in the worship service should be such that the worshipper meets God with the necessary awe and respect. The service must also create an atmosphere of love, warmth, friendliness, and joy. All present must be invited and made welcome by the service. The atmosphere must further encourage and create room for everybody to participate and use their specific gifts. It can therefore change from service to service and within a single service. Important instruments in the atmosphere are the liturgical space, symbols, rituals, physical movement, gestures, music, song and the senses.http://dx.doi.org/10.4102/ve.v28i1.97http://www.ve.org.za/index.php/VE/article/viewFile/97/7

    Meta-theoretical perspectives on the value of communication and brain function in the process of preaching

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    The intended object of this article is to undertake an investigation in connection with the importance of creative preaching from a meta-theoretical perspective on the value of communication and brain function. The important role and value of communication is discussed from the viewpoint of communication studies as well as psychology. It is ascertained that interactive communication is very suitable for preaching due to the dynamic interaction that takes place between the sender (God / preacher) and receiver (preacher / congregation) and thus facilitates dialogue between partners of conversation. Further, five basic elements of style, beneficial for the advancement of effective and creative communication, were identified, namely: clarity, interest, evocative language, energy and emotion. The ability to use the whole brain stimulates creativity and the application of the four phases of the process of creativity can successfully be applied in sermon preparation.http://explore.up.ac.za/record=b152516

    An integrated competency-based training model for theological training

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    This article examines the relationship between theological training and practical ministry with the purpose of addressing the fundamental problems that hinder theological training from becoming relevant. There exists a general concern about the way theological schools are preparing men and women for church ministry, with the church leadership feeling like graduates are not up to the task of ministering despite the theological training. The research has established that there is a relationship between theological training and practice of ministry and that practical ministry can only be improved through enhancing theological training. Ultimately the article establishes the need for a competent training programme modelled after the New Testament Discipleship Model approach. This model integrates knowledge, being and practical training. The article tries to outline a model of training (i.e. the Integrated Competency-Based Training Model) that will seek to address many of the inadequacies in the training of church ministers with the aim of making theological training translate into the practice of ministry.http://dx.doi.org/10.4102/hts.v67i2.103

    Perspectives from psychology and social sciences for the church's ministry to the adolescent. An investigation on the development of the adolescent

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    In this article meta-theoretical perspectives for youth ministry are obtained specifically from the fields of psychology and sociology. In the first place, the various psychological development phases of the adolescent are determined, as well as how they have to be accounted for in youth ministry. In the second place, the characteristics of the world in which the adolescent lives are indicated together with their influence on the adolescents.http://explore.up.ac.za/record=b152516