Die atmosfeer in die erediens deur die loop van die geskiedenis


The worship service occupies a central position in the life of the believer and therefore the atmosphere in the worship service is vital. The variations through history are studied in this article. The viewpoints of the first four centuries, the Middle Ages, Reformation, post-Reformation and twentieth century came under discussion. Lessons from history are stated. The atmosphere in the worship service should be such that the worshipper meets God with the necessary awe and respect. The service must also create an atmosphere of love, warmth, friendliness, and joy. All present must be invited and made welcome by the service. The atmosphere must further encourage and create room for everybody to participate and use their specific gifts. It can therefore change from service to service and within a single service. Important instruments in the atmosphere are the liturgical space, symbols, rituals, physical movement, gestures, music, song and the senses.http://dx.doi.org/10.4102/ve.v28i1.97http://www.ve.org.za/index.php/VE/article/viewFile/97/7

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