273 research outputs found

    Early clinical predictors and correlates of long-term morbidity in bipolar disorder

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    OBJECTIVES: Identifying factors predictive of long-term morbidity should improve clinical planning limiting disability and mortality associated with bipolar disorder (BD). METHODS: We analyzed factors associated with total, depressive and mania-related long-term morbidity and their ratio D/M, as %-time ill between a first-lifetime major affective episode and last follow-up of 207 BD subjects. Bivariate comparisons were followed by multivariable linear regression modeling. RESULTS: Total % of months ill during follow-up was greater in 96 BD-II (40.2%) than 111 BD-I subjects (28.4%; P=0.001). Time in depression averaged 26.1% in BD-II and 14.3% in BD-I, whereas mania-related morbidity was similar in both, averaging 13.9%. Their ratio D/M was 3.7-fold greater in BD-II than BD-I (5.74 vs. 1.96; P<0.0001). Predictive factors independently associated with total %-time ill were: [a] BD-II diagnosis, [b] longer prodrome from antecedents to first affective episode, and [c] any psychiatric comorbidity. Associated with %-time depressed were: [a] BD-II diagnosis, [b] any antecedent psychiatric syndrome, [c] psychiatric comorbidity, and [d] agitated/psychotic depressive first affective episode. Associated with %-time in mania-like illness were: [a] fewer years ill and [b] (hypo)manic first affective episode. The long-term D/M morbidity ratio was associated with: [a] anxious temperament, [b] depressive first episode, and [c] BD-II diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS: Long-term depressive greatly exceeded mania-like morbidity in BD patients. BD-II subjects spent 42% more time ill overall, with a 3.7-times greater D/M morbidity ratio, than BD-I. More time depressed was predicted by agitated/psychotic initial depressive episodes, psychiatric comorbidity, and BD-II diagnosis. Longer prodrome and any antecedent psychiatric syndrome were respectively associated with total and depressive morbidity

    a performance based management system for cost prediction suitable for school building stock

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    The national existing school heritage is wide and varies significantly (e.g. morphology, age, construction, capacity, etc.) and many initiatives are ongoing to improve its safety, energy and functional situation. In a case study research the Municipality of Seregno has been adopted as sample municipality to analyze data collection and processing procedures with the aim to highlight the critical points and to develop and configure a management system able to bridge them. The research starts from the analysis of the energy performance of the school buildings pointing out the main needs and weaknesses. The following step is the tracking of the management procedures and data organization introduced to define a structure of the information able to support the new management system. Thus, a description and application of KPI helps to provide clear and data driven strategies for the improvement of the management system enabling a cost reduction. Finally, a proposed new energy management system, to be implemented within the Municipality procedures, defines a database, crucial to collect all the information about different properties and the energy audit procedures to gather and analyze the heating costs. The system is tested and discussed and furthermore allows to provide an energy predictive model for energy costs suitable for the Municipality to support a reliable resources plan

    Integrated Design and Modelling-based Smart School Concept to Renovate the Existing School Building Sector

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    The schools lacking energy performance promotes deep buildings refurbishments, considering also LCC evaluation to define the cost-optimality criteria in building renovation. Moreover, available funding programs are not frequently appropriate to deal with energy law compliance because of the safety and accessibility issues are currently leading topics to be accomplished before. The governance indicates the school as the favoured centre of local community improvement and activities and the school building is advocated to encourage social interaction, clusters’ cooperation and space sharing, as a civic centre. These growing needs ask for new methodologies to approach the renovation of the school buildings considering on the one hand the energy demand and on the other hand the management of the spaces flexibility and of the whole asset during the entire life span. The method described here and applied to a case study is based on BIM to BEM procedures; it aims to demonstrate how to define a building database to store all the data able to endorse the management of maintenance strategies and energy developments, together with cost analysis for energy retrofitting

    The Koukopoulos mixed depression rating scale (KMDRS) and the assessment of mixed symptoms during the perinatal period

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    Background: Mixed symptoms in depression may underlie bipolar diathesis rather than unipolarity. Uncovering mixed depression (MxD) is crucial for appropriate management, especially in the perinatal period, as it may affect treatment planning and impact future child development. We used a scale specific for identifying MxD and tested its validity in pregnant and postpartum women with depression. Methods: Women developing a major depressive episode (MDE) during their perinatal period extending from pregnancy to one year postpartum from November-2012 through June-2019 were assessed with BPRS-18, EPDS, CGI-S, GAF, HAM-A, HAM-D, Koukopoulos' Mixed Depression Rating Scale (KMDRS), TEMPS, and YMRS. They were classified, based on KMDRS criteria, as with mixed (MxD) or without (nonMxD) mixed symptoms. We conducted ROC analysis and performed factor analysis of the KMDRS. Results: Of 45 included, MxD (N = 19) were biased towards diagnosis of bipolar disorder and nonMxD (N = 26) towards major depressive disorder. Other sociodemographic variables did not differ significantly between MxD and nonMxD. MxD scored higher on total YMRS, BPRS, and KMDRS, and on KMDRS-6 Subjective Feelings of Irritability and KMDRS-12 Suicidal Impulsiveness items. The KMDRS correlated in the entire sample, in MxD and nonMxD, with the YMRS and the BPRS, while correlating with the HAM-D in nonMxD only. The KMDRS showed acceptable AUC distribution, with a 68% sensitivity and 58% specificity. Best-fit was three-factor-structure, explaining 54.66% of cumulative variance. Limitations: Small sample and cross-sectional design. Conclusions: The KMDRS is fit for investigating MxD along with the YMRS and the BPRS in perinatal women with a MDE

    Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders in Women Undergoing Medically Assisted Reproduction

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    Background: Women taking advantage of medically assisted reproduction (MAR) techniques may differ from spontaneously conceiving women (nonMAR) in risk of depression and/or anxiety. We aimed to investigate possible differences between MAR and nonMAR through the use of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale in a sample of Italian-speaking women at their third trimester of pregnancy. Methods: We administered the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) to two groups of pregnant women, MAR and nonMAR, at the third trimester of pregnancy (T0), one month after delivery (T1), and three months after delivery (T2) from February 2013 to December 2019. EPDS total scores cutoffs were ≥9 for risk of depression, 9–11 mild depression, ≥12 major depression, and the EPDS-3A cluster ≥4 was a proxy for anxiety. Results: Included were 1303 nonMAR women and 92 MAR, an expected disproportion. NonMAR and MAR women did not differ on depression or anxiety at any assessment timepoint. MAR women were older than nonMAR, consumed more alcohol and medical drugs, and displayed more complications during pregnancy. Scoring over the threshold on depression risk was associated with foreign nationality, unemployment, psychiatric history of the patient, family or partner, psychiatric problems in past pregnancies, hyperemesis, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and stressful life events in the last year at baseline, and, for some of them, at other timepoints. In contrast, MAR past or current was associated with having suprathreshold depression at the first-month postpartum follow-up. Conclusions: Taken together, our data show that women opting for MAR do not differ from spontaneously conceiving women regarding psychiatric outcomes but do differ on some sociodemographic and clinical variables

    Histologic analysis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis by morphometric and fractal analysis

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    : Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a chronic, progressive fibrotic lung disorder, ultimately leading to respiratory failure and death. Despite great research advances in understanding the mechanisms underlying the disease, its diagnosis, and its treatment, IPF still remains idiopathic without known biological or histological markers able to predict disease progression or response to treatment. The histologic hallmark of IPF is usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP), with its intricate architectural distortion and temporal inhomogeneity. We hypothesize that normal lung alveolar architecture can be compared to fractals, such as the Pythagoras tree with its fractal dimension (Df), and every pathological insult, distorting the normal lung structure, could result in Df variations. In this study, we aimed to assess the UIP histologic fractal dimension in relationship to other morphometric parameters in newly diagnosed IPF patients and its possible role in the prognostic stratification of the disease. Clinical data and lung tissue specimens were obtained from twelve patients with IPF, twelve patients with non-specific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP), and age-matched "healthy" control lung tissue from patients undergoing lung surgery for other causes. Histology and histomorphometry were performed to evaluate Df and lacunarity measures, using the box counting method on the FracLac ImageJ plugin. The results showed that Df was significantly higher in IPF patients compared to controls and fibrotic NSIP patients, indicating greater architectural distortion in IPF. Additionally, high Df values were associated with higher fibroblastic foci density and worse prognostic outcomes in IPF, suggesting that Df may serve as a potential novel prognostic marker for IPF. The scalability of Df measurements was demonstrated through repeated measurements on smaller portions from the same surgical biopsies, which were selected to mimic a cryobiopsy. Our study provides further evidence to support the use of fractal morphometry as a tool for quantifying and determining lung tissue remodeling in IPF, and we demonstrated a significant correlation between histological and radiological Df in UIP pattern, as well as a significant association between Df and FF density. Furthermore, our study demonstrates the scalability and self-similarity of Df measurements across different biopsy types, including surgical and smaller specimens

    Hypophagia induced by salmon calcitonin, but not by amylin, is partially driven by malaise and is mediated by CGRP neurons

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    Objective: The behavioral mechanisms and the neuronal pathways mediated by amylin and its long-acting analog sCT (salmon calcitonin) are not fully understood and it is unclear to what extent sCT and amylin engage overlapping or distinct neuronal subpopulations to reduce food intake. We here hypothesize that amylin and sCT recruit different neuronal population to mediate their anorectic effects. Methods: Viral approaches were used to inhibit calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) lateral parabrachial nucleus (LPBN) neurons and assess their role in amylin's and sCT's ability to decrease food intake in mice. In addition, to test the involvement of LPBN CGRP neuropeptidergic signaling in the mediation of amylin and sCT's effects, a LPBN site-specific knockdown was performed in rats. To deeper investigate whether the greater anorectic effect of sCT compared to amylin is due do the recruitment of additional neuronal pathways related to malaise multiple and distinct animal models tested whether amylin and sCT induce conditioned avoidance, nausea, emesis, and conditioned affective taste aversion. Results: Our results indicate that permanent or transient inhibition of CGRP neurons in LPBN blunts sCT-, but not amylin-induced anorexia and neuronal activation. Importantly, sCT but not amylin induces behaviors indicative of malaise including conditioned affective aversion, nausea, emesis, and conditioned avoidance; the latter mediated by CGRPLPBN neurons. Conclusions: Together, the present study highlights that although amylin and sCT comparably decrease food intake, sCT is distinctive from amylin in the activation of anorectic neuronal pathways associated with malaise

    How to Improve the Quality of Life of Patients with Prostate Cancer Treated with Hormone Therapy?

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    Prostate cancer (PC) is a hormone-sensitive tumor. Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) is the cornerstone of systemic therapy for patients with intermediate or high-risk localized, recurrent, and metastatic prostate cancer. Although generally well tolerated, ADT can lead to short- and long-term adverse events that can worsen the quality of life of patients with PC. In the last decade, the introduction of novel generation androgen receptor pathway inhibitors (ARPI) has resulted in an improvement in the prognosis of patients with metastatic PC when used in combination with ADT. The use of ARPI in increasingly early stages of the disease determines a longer exposure of patients to these treatments. Although ARPIs are normally well-tolerated drugs, they generally cause an increase in toxicity compared to ADT alone, being able to worsen some adverse events already induced by ADT or leading to the development of specific side effects. Although there are no specific treatments for all the adverse events induced by hormonal therapies, it is essential to know the possible toxicities induced by the different treatments and to start procedures to prevent and/or recognize and consequently treat them early in order to not compromise the quality of life of the patients with PC. The aim of this review is to describe the adverse events induced by hormonal therapies. We will first describe the side effects induced by both ADT and ARPI and then the specific adverse events of the different ARPIs. Furthermore, we will try to highlight the possible therapeutic options to prevent or mitigate the toxicity induced by hormone therapies in order to improve the quality of life of the patients with PC

    Surgical complications following sentinel lymph node biopsy guided by γ‐probe and methylene blue in 113 tumour‐bearing dogs

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    Sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) is an accepted veterinary surgical procedure given the impact of early detection of nodal metastases on staging of several canine malignancies. This study aims at reporting the incidence and risk factors for surgical complications of SLNB in tumour-bearing dogs. A total of 113 client-owned dogs that underwent tumour excision and SLNB guided by γ-probing and blue dye were retrospectively enrolled. Recorded variables included: signalment, location and number of extirpated lymphocenters and nodes, time for SLNB, histopathological status of excised nodes. Incidence of SLNB complications was calculated. They were classified as minor and major based on severity and required treatment, and as short-term (0–30 days) and long-term (31–90 days). Univariate analysis with generalized linear model with binomial error estimated the association between variables and incidence of SLNB complications. Significance was set at 5%. Median overall time for SLNB was 25 min. Surgeons excised one node in 38% of dogs and multiple nodes in 62% of cases, belonging to one (62%) or multiple (38%) lymphocenters. Metastases were detected in 45% of nodes. No intraoperative complications occurred. The overall incidence of postoperative complications of SLNB was 21,24%, the majority of which (91.67%) were minor. Only increasing dogs' weight was associated with an increased incidence of SLNB complications (p = .00976). Sentinel lymphadenectomy was associated with a relatively low incidence of complications, most of which were self-limiting. The low morbidity and previously reported impact on staging of SLNB justify its implementation to collect data for prognostic studies