3,590 research outputs found

    Trajectory Reconstruction Techniques for Evaluation of ATC Systems

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    This paper is focused on trajectory reconstruction techniques for evaluating ATC systems, using real data of recorded opportunity traffic. We analyze different alternatives for this problem, from traditional interpolation approaches based on curve fitting to our proposed schemes based on modeling regular motion patterns with optimal smoothers. The extraction of trajectory features such as motion type (or mode of flight), maneuvers profile, geometric parameters, etc., allows a more accurate computation of the curve and the detailed evaluation of the data processors used in the ATC centre. Different alternatives will be compared with some performance results obtained with simulated and real data sets

    Monitoring Muscle Stem Cell Cultures with Impedance Spectroscopy

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    The aim of this work is to present a new circuit for the real-time monitoring the processes of cellular growth and differentiation of skeletal myoblast cell cultures. An impedance spectroscopy Oscillation-Based technique is proposed for the test circuit, converting the biological system into a voltage oscillator, and avoiding the use of very high performance circuitry or equipment. This technique proved to be successful in the monitoring of cell cultures growth levels and could be useful for determining the degree of differentiation achieved, of practical implications in tissue engineering.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2013-46242-C3-1-

    Análisis de la resistencia a faiga de un cuadro de bicicleta de doble suspensión

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    El objetivo por tanto del presente proyecto consiste en realizar, con la ayuda de programas informáticos de carácter ingenieril, un modelado 3D del cuadro fisurado lo más fiel posible al modelo original y un posterior análisis de cargas estáticas y de fatiga mediante el método de elementos finitos, intentando determinar así si con el uso dado a la bicicleta serían lógicas las fisuras aparecidas en ésta.Ingeniería Técnica en Mecánic

    Sistemas de aprendizaje automático para reconocimiento de personas mediante gait

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    El trabajo que se va a presentar a lo largo del siguiente documento consistirá principalmente en poder comprobar si una base de datos dada puede ser analizada para distinguir a diferentes usuarios a través de mediciones de su pisada con un dispositivo móvil. Dicha base de datos estará compuesta por las aceleraciones en los tres ejes y el tiempo que transcurre entre una muestra y otra. Cada usuario tendrá un número determinado de pruebas realizadas en distintos escenarios. Para ello será necesario un preprocesamiento, tratamiento y adaptación de los datos a formatos específicos, lo cual llevará gran parte del desarrollo de la memoria para así después poder introducirlos en un programa de minería de datos llamado WEKA. Con este programa se pretende, a través de la elección de distintos clasificadores basados en algoritmos de machine learning, clasificar todas las instancias de la base de datos y obtener el porcentaje de acierto o correspondencia con cada usuario. Por último, cabe destacar la novedad de este trabajo, ya que trata acerca de un tema no muy estudiado en profundidad en la actualidad, lo cual deja muchas posibles opciones de estudios futuros.The following End-Of-Degree-Project that will be presented throughout this document will test whether a given database can be analyzed to distinguish different individuals through measurements of their gait with a mobile device. This database will be composed of the accelerations in the three axes and the time between one sample and another. Each user will have a certain number of tests carried out in different scenarios. This will require pre-processing, processing and adaptation of the data to specific formats, which will take much of the development of this document. Afterwards, all the data will be introduced into a data mining program which is called WEKA. Through the selection of different classifiers based on machine learning algorithms, the aim of this program is to classify all the instances of the database and obtain the percentage of success or correspondence with each user. Finally, it is worth mentioning the innovation of this work, since it deals with a subject that has not been studied in depth at present, which leaves many possible options for future studies.Ingeniería Electrónica Industrial y Automátic

    Brief Announcement: Node Sampling Using Centrifugal Random Walks.

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    We propose distributed algorithms for sampling networks based on a new class of random walks that we call Centrifugal Random Walks (CRW). A CRW is a random walk that starts at a source and always moves away from it. We propose CRW algorithms for connected networks with arbitrary probability distributions, and for grids and networks with regular concentric connectivity with distance based distributions. All CRW sampling algorithms select a node with the exact probability distribution, do not need warm-up, and end in a number of hops bounded by the network diameter

    Ausencia de la translocación 1/29 en bovinos Aberdeen Angus

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    Las translocaciones robertsonianas son las translocaciones más frecuentes en el ganado bovino. La primera translocación robertsoniana descripta en el Ganado bovino fue la 1/29. Al igual que otras fusiones céntricas esta alteración reduce la fertilidad de los animales portadores, ya que se originan gametas genéticamente desbalanceadas, provocando un aumento de la mortalidad embrionaria temprana. Se evaluó la incidencia de la translocación 1/29 en 89 bovinos Aberdeen Angus (38 hembras y 51 machos) pertenecientes a 4 establecimientos de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Se obtuvieron muestras de sangre heparinizadas, las que se cultivaron para su posterior análisis citogenético. El análisis citogenética reveló la ausencia de esta translocación en todos los animales estudiados. En el caso de los machos la morfología del cromosoma Y fue de tipo submetacéntrico. Los resultados obtenidos concuerdan con los reportados para razas carniceras británicas. Por otra parte, los animales estudiados no mostraron una disminución de la fertilidad, lo cual podría estar asociado con la ausencia de la translocación 1/29. Una ampliación de estos estudios sería necesaria para acceder a un mayor conocimiento del estado de esta alteración en esta raza.Robertsonian translocations are the most frequent chromosomal aberrations in cattle. The first robertsonian translocation described was the 1/29 translocation. Like other centric fusions, this abnormality reduces fertility as a consequence of genetic excess or deficiency in the germ cells, increasing early embryonic mortality. The incidence of 1/29 translocationin in 89 Aberdeen Angus cattle (38 dams and 51 sires) belonging to 4 farms of the Buenos Aires Province was analyzed, as well as the Y chromosome morphology. Heparinized blood samples were obtained and cultured for cytogenetic analysis. The results obtained showed the absence of the 1/29 translocation in all the animals studied. In all the bulls analyzed Y chromosome morphology was submetacentric. The results obtained in the present work are in concordance with previously results reported for the British beef breeds, like Aberdeen Angus. On the other hand the animals studied did not show fertility reduction, then this could be associated with the absence of the 1/29 translocation. Further studies are needed to assess the entire breed.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Microscopic dynamics of glycerol in its crystalline and glassy states

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    The dynamics of crystalline glycerol are studied by means of Raman spectroscopy and lattice dynamics calculations employing a semiflexible model to represent the low-lying molecular vibrations. The latter is validated against structural, thermodynamic, and spectroscopic data. The results serve to set an absolute frequency scale for glassy glycerol, which is also studied by Raman and incoherent inelastic-neutron scattering. Some implications of the present findings regarding ensuing discussions on glassy dynamics are finally commented on.Dirección General de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas PB92- 0114-C0

    Evidence for a supercooled plastic-crystal phase in solid ethanol

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    The existence of an orientationally disordered cubic phase of solid ethanol is revealed by x-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopic measurements. Such a phase, whose existence was postulated some time ago on the basis of specific-heat measurements, is produced by quenching below some 95 K a plastic crystal formed upon melting and subsequent annealing of the topologically disordered (glassy) solid. The relevance of the present findings for current discussions on glassy dynamics is analyzed in some detail.Dirección General de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas PB92-0114-C0

    Optical phonons, crystal-field transitions, and europium luminescence-excitation processes in Eu2BaCoO5: Experiment and theory

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    The Europium compound Eu2BaCoO5 has been studied by means of Raman and x-ray-absorption spectroscopies. The eigenfunctions and frequencies of the optical normal modes have been calculated from an adequate potential showing good accordance with the observed phonons. In addition to Raman-allowed normal modes, several infrared and luminescence bands are observed between 10 and 300 K. The temperature dependence of these processes has allowed us to determine the complex interrelation between these two kinds of elementary excitations. A broad luminescence band (at 2.3 eV) is tentatively attributed to electronic transitions between Co2+ 3d crystal-field levels in the gap of the material. The mixing of these quasiatomic levels with apical oxygen orbitals, along the very short Co-O(2) bonds in the chains, can be the reason for the simultaneous enhancement of the intensities of the luminescence band and of the apical oxygen infrared modes through a resonant electron-phonon coupling. From the dependence of the phonon frequencies and the analysis of the extended x-ray-absorption fine structure spectra with the temperature it can be concluded that on decreasing the temperature the a axis becomes shorter, while the other two axes remain nearly unchanged. The emission spectrum in the visible range has been observed and interpreted in the frame of the crystal-field theory. We have studied the dependence of the intensity of the electronic transitions between 4f levels of the europium ions with the temperature and the energy of the exciting light. From the behavior of the Eu3+ luminescence peaks it has been possible to determine the processes of excitation and emission, which are shown to involve lattice phonons. The crystal-field parameters of the Eu3+ ions have been calculated from the energies of the lower terms of the ionComisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología PB 92, 114- C04-04 y MAT93-79