4 research outputs found

    Changes in the ultrasound pattern of the lower limbs in folk dancers from northern Chile. Criteria for designing an injury prevention plan

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    Background: dance, like any sport, causes a large number of injuries closely related to the motor gesture. However, dancers sometimes lack appropriate diagnoses and programs designed to prevent damage caused in the different dance modalities. Objective: to identify predisposing factors and injuries in dancers of the Integration Folklore Ensemble of the Tarapac谩 University, as well as to offer criteria to develop a program for their prevention.Methods: a non-experimental, quantitative and cross-sectional study was carried out in 19 dancers from the Integration Folklore Ensemble of the Tarapac谩 University, who were sonographically evaluated in order to identify changes in the ultrasound pattern of the lower limbs. The findings allowed considering different criteria for the development of an injury prevention plan.Results: alterations were found in the normal echogenicity pattern at the level of the lateral meniscus, misalignment of the extension mechanism and distension of the joint capsule of the first toe, among others. Among the criteria considered for the elaboration of a prophylactic plan are: heating, stretching, adequate use of protection and the application of physical means such as cryotherapy, heat, acupuncture, thalassotherapy, among others, with an emphasis on the lower limbs, as they are the anatomical areas most used in these dancers.Conclusions: the dancers had a high incidence of injuries and predisposing factors, the most frequent being at the knee level.</p

    Motivaci贸n contextual desde la autodeterminaci贸n en las clases de Educaci贸n F铆sica.

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    The objective proposed in the present study was to determine the type of motivation, from the perspective of selfdetermination, in high school students, towards the Physical Education class of the Antonio Varas de la Barra High School in Arica, Chile, and its relationship between level of studies and sex. 717 students from 1st to 4th grade participated. The instrument used was the Scale of the Perceived Locus of Causality in Physical Education (Spanish adaptation). Among the results, medium-high results (5.09 and 5.22) were found for the dimensions of Intrinsic Motivation and Identified Regulation, respectively; while the Introjected Regulation and External Regulation dimensions presented average values, 4.49 for Introjected Regulation and 4.72 for External Regulation. For its part, non-motivation reached a medium-low value (3.70). Generically, men appeared higher values than women, in all dimensions, except non-motivation, however, these differences were not statistically significant. It was concluded that Intrinsic Motivation, Identified Regulation characterize the studied population, non-motivation showed low results, so that high school students, especially men of higher levels, are motivated by the P.E. Class. (English) [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]El objetivo propuesto en el presente estudio fue determinar el tipo de motivaci贸n, desde la perspectiva de la autodeterminaci贸n, en estudiantes de ense帽anza media, hacia la clase de Educaci贸n F铆sica del Liceo Antonio Varas de la Barra en Arica, Chile, y su relaci贸n entre nivel de estudios y sexo. Participaron 717 estudiantes de 1ro a 4to medio. El instrumento utilizado fue la Escala del Locus Percibido de Causalidad en Educaci贸n F铆sica (adaptaci贸n espa帽ola). Entre los resultados se hallaron resultados medios-altos (5.09 y 5.22) para las dimensiones de Motivaci贸n Intr铆nseca y Regulaci贸n Identificada, respectivamente; mientras que las dimensiones Regulaci贸n Introyectada y Regulaci贸n Externa presentaron valores medios, 4.49 para la Regulaci贸n Introyectada y 4.72 para la Regulaci贸n Externa. Por su parte, la no motivaci贸n alcanz贸 un valor mediobajo (3.70). Gen茅ricamente, los varones aparentaron valores m谩s alto que las damas, en todas las dimensiones, excepto en no motivaci贸n, sin embargo, estas diferencias no resultaron ser significativas estad铆sticamente. Se arrib贸 a la conclusi贸n de que la Motivaci贸n Intr铆nseca, la Regulaci贸n Identificada caracterizan a la poblaci贸n estudiada, la no motivaci贸n mostr贸 resultados bajos, por lo que los alumnos de ense帽anza media, sobre todo, los hombres de niveles superiores, se hallan motivados por la clase de Educaci贸n F铆sica

    Implante percut谩neo de c茅lulas mononucleares de sangre perif茅rica movilizadas con factor estimulante de colonias granuloc铆ticas, en la osteoartrosis de rodilla. Primer caso comunicado en Cuba Percutaneous implantation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells mobilized with granulocyte colony stimulating factor in osteoarthritis of the knee. First case reported in Cuba

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    La enfermedad articular degenerativa, tambi茅n conocida como osteoartrosis, afecta al 10 % de los adultos mayores de 60 a帽os de edad. Se caracteriza principalmente por dolor de la articulaci贸n afectada, crepitaci贸n, rigidez matinal y limitaci贸n progresiva de los movimientos de esa articulaci贸n. Todo esto conduce a un desgaste parcial o completo del cart铆lago articular. El tratamiento de la osteoartrosis de la rodilla constituye un gran desaf铆o. Los avances recientes en el uso de la medicina regenerativa sugieren que las c茅lulas madre adultas pudieran representar una alternativa promisoria en el tratamiento de esta enfermedad. En una paciente femenina de 61 a帽os de edad con osteoartrosis de la rodilla, se realiz贸 el implante percut谩neo de c茅lulas mononucleares aut贸logas movilizadas a la sangre perif茅rica mediante el factor estimulante de colonias granuloc铆ticas, y se logr贸 una r谩pida mejor铆a cl铆nica y radiol贸gica. Este resultado sugiere que el proceder empleado es un m茅todo factible, simple, seguro y menos costoso, para el tratamiento de las lesiones degenerativas articulares.<br>The degenerative joint disease, also known as osteoarthrosis affects to 10% of elderlies aged 60. It is mainly characterized by pain in the involved joint, crepitation, morning stiff and a progressive limitation of movement of that joint leading to a partial or total wear of articular cartilage. The treatment of the knee osteoarthrosis is a great challenge. The recent advances in use of regenerative medicine suggest that adult stem cells could represent a promisor alternative in the treatment of this entity. In a female patient aged 61 presenting with knee osteoarthrosis authors placed a percutaneous implant of autologous mononuclear cells mobilized to peripheral blood by granulocyte colony-stimulating factor achieving a fast clinical and radiological improvement. This result suggests that the procedure used is a feasible, simple, safe and less expensive method for treatment of articular degenerative lesions